0015 What are your strengths? _1

Xiao Chen certainly knew what was on Xia Bing's mind.

"What? Is it that hard to accept? As far as I know, such things are quite common in Huaxia, aren't they?"

Xiao Chen didn't mind discussing this topic with his sister-in-law.

But Xia Bing seemed somewhat uncomfortable.

"You're not wrong, it's just that I hadn't expected it!"

Xia Bing said in a somewhat flustered manner.

Xiao Chen suddenly squinted his eyes and chuckled, "What hadn't you expected? Do you think that because you've never had a boyfriend, you assume your sister would be as conservative as you?"

"That's more or less the idea, our Xia family has very strict family teachings, and such matters are not allowed at home!"

Xia Bing said earnestly!

"Oh? No wonder your sister ran away from home then!"

Xiao Chen curled his lip!

Xia Bing was somewhat displeased with Xiao Chen's remark, but she quickly realized something was amiss and exclaimed in surprise, "How do you know I've never had a boyfriend?"

Xiao Chen had casually made a comment that Xia Bing didn't pay much attention to at first, but now that she thought about it, she instantly realized that Xiao Chen's words clearly suggested she didn't understand those matters!

How did this guy know?

The previous issues could have been told to him by her sister, but they hadn't been in contact for so long, so it simply wasn't possible for him to know she had never had a boyfriend!

"It's obvious!"

Xiao Chen tilted his head as he scrutinized Xia Bing, "You've probably never even held a man's hand, right?"

Xia Bing was at a loss for words!

Indeed, she had been arranged to work at the company during her best years, and once there, she had absolutely no personal time—her life was basically eating, sleeping, and working, turning her completely into a machine!

To be called someone in love, she couldn't even imagine what that felt like!

"I, I don't like men!"

Xia Bing made up a lame excuse!

And Xiao Chen didn't expose her, instead leaning back casually in his chair, "A woman always needs to rely on a man!"

"No need, I've been living well on my own these past years!"

Perhaps it was something Xiao Chen said that hit a nerve, so Xia Bing was becoming even colder towards him!

Another reason was that she always felt it was somewhat unnatural to discuss such topics with her brother-in-law!

"And I still don't know how to address you?"

All of a sudden, Xia Bing asked Xiao Chen with a particularly formal and polite attitude.

Xiao Chen didn't mind and simply replied, "Xiao Chen!"

"Alright, Mr. Xiao Chen, I understand your intention for coming here, and I am grateful for your taking care of my sister. I hope you will always be by her side and prevent her from getting hurt!"

Xia Bing bowed to Xiao Chen as if to entrust this task to him.

"Don't worry, even if you didn't say anything, I wouldn't let her be wronged!" Xiao Chen's mouth curved upwards, "One should cherish their own woman! If you don't treat your woman well, you can't blame others for treating her well! Mr. Wang next door said that!"

"As for me, I particularly dislike it when others are too kind to my woman; I tend to be domineering and get jealous easily!"

Xiao Chen's way of speaking obviously made Xia Bing uncomfortable, as most of the men she had encountered were gentle and well-spoken, never speaking with such blunt coarseness!

Therefore, Xia Bing couldn't quite understand how her sister, who was such a proper lady, could fall for such a man!

And even give herself to him!

"Alright, with your word, I can rest assured!"

Xia Bing did not have a high regard for Xiao Chen, and would have kicked him out long ago if he weren't Xia Qing's man!

And now, Xia Bing had reached her limit of endurance!

"If there's nothing else, I won't keep you here any longer!"

This was clearly an order for Xiao Chen to leave!

But Xiao Chen showed no sign of leaving; instead, he sat there confidently!

"Who said I have nothing else?"

Xia Bing frowned, beginning to find this man somewhat clingy. Still, out of consideration for Xia Qing, she didn't make a scene, "So, what else do you have?"

Xiao Chen completely ignored Xia Bing's attitude and smiled slightly, "It's like this, your brother-in-law just returned to the country and doesn't have a job yet…"

Saying this, Xiao Chen looked around, "I see this place seems pretty large; I'm not sure if you're short on staff? It wouldn't hurt for your brother-in-law to hold some small position here for now, after all, idling around isn't the right path!"

Xiao Chen's words thoroughly disappointed Xia Bing!

So, he came here to mooch off us!

Relying on the fact that he is my sister's boyfriend, he actually dares to take advantage of the Xia Family!

In the end, isn't it the Xia Family's wealth he's after?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao, but our company has enough staff and isn't looking to hire, so I suggest you seek opportunities elsewhere!"

Xia Bing said coldly!

Xiao Chen looked disappointed, "Really? Little auntie, your brother-in-law has returned from abroad and isn't someone unfamiliar with the world. For such a large company, finding a position for one person shouldn't be too hard, right?"

"Besides, we're family, there must be some way to work things out!"

By now, Xia Bing had grown to thoroughly despise this man!

In her view, the guy before her had become the epitome of a scumbag!

He definitely used some special means to win over my sister!

Given my sister's conservative nature, even if she didn't like this man, she would have resigned herself to the situation!

And then this scumbag would use my sister's connections to scam benefits from the Xia Family!

Thinking this way, everything seemed to make sense!

"Sorry! Our company is very strict with hiring! If Mr. Xiao is truly sincere about working at our company, he can go through the normal channels and interview! If he passes, we would be very pleased to welcome someone with Mr. Xiao's talents!"

When Xia Bing said "talents," she deliberately emphasized the word, her tone full of mockery!

However, Xiao Chen didn't seem to care!

"Good! So, little auntie, what do you think I would be suitable for in your company?"

Xiao Chen, seemingly oblivious to Xia Bing's displeased expression, continued to climb the family tree!

"That would depend on where Mr. Xiao's strengths lie!"

Xia Bing said coldly, hardly eager to waste more words on this scumbag!

Yet, after she said this, Xiao Chen subconsciously looked down…

This action made Xia Bing's pretty face turn crimson in an instant!


Xia Bing couldn't help but spit out in disgust!