Brain full of fungi!_1

Xiao Chen's old face turned red!

Truth be told, his just now action was purely instinctive; he didn't really intend to act like a hooligan in front of his sister-in-law!

However, being scolded as a hooligan was indeed somewhat embarrassing.

But just at that moment, a series of urgent knocks sounded from outside the door!

Xia Bing frowned and said in a displeased tone, "Come in!"

The person who entered this time was the same secretary, Pan Linlin, from before, but now the round-faced beauty wore an expression of nervousness and panic!

"Mr. Xia! Something terrible has happened!"

"What's with all the panic? Have some decorum!"

Xia Bing was already in a bad mood, and seeing Pan Linlin behaving in such a way only added to her irritation!

"That, that Hongfeng Security Company..."

Pan Linlin struggled to get her words out. She was just a fresh college graduate and had an instinctive fear of Zhang Hongfeng and his gang; she had already decided that if Zhang Hongfeng continued making trouble, she might have to resign!

Although it would be hard to give up her job, who knew what those thugs might do to harm her!

"Hongfeng Security?"

Xia Bing's body also trembled visibly, and her face turned slightly pale, "Are you saying they've come to make trouble again?"

"Not exactly!"

Pan Linlin bit her lip, "But, their Mr. Zhang has brought a lot of people this time!"


Xia Bing's eyes began to flicker!

In terms of scale, Shengxia Group's size was countless times larger than that of Hongfeng Security Company!

But that didn't mean Xia Bing wasn't afraid of Zhang Hongfeng!

Porcelain and broken tiles, Xia Bing had no need to stoop to such a person's level!

Moreover, the other party was completely unreasonable and didn't follow logic, just doing petty actions behind one's back to disgust you!

Facing such a person, Xia Bing truly felt utterly helpless!

So now, hearing that Zhang Hongfeng had brought people to the company to cause trouble again, she really felt overcome with a sense of helplessness!

"Did you call the police?"

Xia Bing suddenly asked, her tone severe!

"We did!" Pan Linlin said, a bit wronged, "But they don't seem to be afraid of us calling the police. After we called the police yesterday, a few of them were arrested, right? But this morning, the area below our company was splashed with paint! If we anger them this time..."

Pan Linlin didn't dare to continue speaking!

Of course, Xia Bing knew too well that the police couldn't arrest everyone from Zhang Hongfeng's company; as long as they didn't thoroughly round them up, the thugs would seek revenge against her!

By then, the company might face an even greater crisis!

But at the same time, she couldn't just do nothing!

This conflicted state of mind was a source of great distress for Xia Bing!

"Have the security department stop them at all costs; we cannot let them come to the office area and cause a scene!"

Xia Bing ordered coldly!

But Pan Linlin immediately shook her head, "They've already come up; when the security department saw them, they didn't dare to confront them at all, those men are more cowardly than each other!"

Xia Bing sighed painfully. At this moment, she truly felt helpless!

"To deal with such people, retreating blindly will only encourage their arrogance!"

Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes, "Today your brother-in-law will teach you a lesson! The way to deal with a bully is to punish them severely, beat them until they know pain, know fear, and realize that provoking you will lead to their own destruction. Then, they will start to fear you!"

"Once fear is instilled, such a shadow is very hard to erase!"

Xia Bing was momentarily stunned, although she agreed with what Xiao Chen said, she didn't have the ability to make others feel pain!

The security guards in the company's security department were all just idling for their salary, Xia Bing knew well that they were not competent, to rely on them?

Unless Xia Bing's head was broken!

So, it wasn't like Xia Bing could also go find a bunch of people like Zhang Hongfeng to confront him, right?

You should know that it's easy to invite trouble but hard to send it away, who knows if the "reinforcements" Xia Bing finds would be even more troublesome than Zhang Hongfeng!

Plus, Xia Bing's impression of Xiao Chen was already not good, so after hearing him say this, she was not even slightly grateful but even more resistant!

"Talking big, do you have a way to make them hurt?"

Xia Bing had now pegged Xiao Chen as an idle, free-loading, lazy man who lived off a woman!

Anyone could talk big like that, yet usually, those who did talk, didn't have the guts and strength to follow through!

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen just confidently smiled and said, "Of course! Your brother-in-law, I never say things I can't do!"

With that said, Xiao Chen stood up, turned his head toward Pan Linlin, "Little beauty, go call Zhang Hongfeng in."

Pan Linlin froze on the spot!

Let them in?

Isn't that like inviting the wolf into the house?

Has this man gone mad?

But that's also true, from the moment he came to find Xia Bing, claiming to be her brother-in-law, Pan Linlin felt this man was somewhat crazy!

Pan Linlin turned her gaze toward Xia Bing, seeking her opinion!

Of course, Xia Bing would not believe Xiao Chen had that ability!

All of a sudden, Xia Bing burst out in anger, her face covered in frost, "Mr. Xiao! Given that you are my sister's boyfriend, I've been extremely patient with you! But this matters to Shengxia Company's reputation and development, if you keep creating chaos here! Don't blame me for not giving my sister face!"

Xia Bing had completely exploded, having held back for so long, she was very satisfied with her patience!

However, after she finished speaking, Xiao Chen also let out a cold laugh.

"Such an ungrateful girl!"

Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes, "You're counting on Xia Qing's face, but do you think I'm not doing this for her sake too?"

"You're my woman's sister; I'm calling you 'little auntie' to give you face! I came here today because I promised your sister I'd try my best to help you! Otherwise, what makes you think you have the right to shout at me!"

"The matter with Zhang Hongfeng, I can solve for you. That's all I have to say, believe it or leave it! Begrudgingly helping someone who's crying and begging, I can't do that kind of thing!"

Xiao Chen huffed, "To put it unpleasantly, if you weren't my woman's sister, even if that group screwed you over, what the hell does it have to do with me?"

Xiao Chen's words struck Xia Bing as extremely vulgar, and although Xiao Chen appeared assertive, she remained convinced that he was not a decent person and would not easily change her mind!

"I've seen a lot like you! Big talkers who think they can do anything! Aiming for the sky with their hearts, but as fragile as paper with their lives! Just a moment ago, you were using my sister to get a position here, and now suddenly you're putting on this righteous act! Let me tell you, I, Xia Bing, am not that stupid. My sister might be blind, but I'm not!"

With clenched fists, Xia Bing screeched at Xiao Chen!

Once again, Xiao Chen let out a cold laugh.

"Quite pretty indeed, too bad... your head is filled with nothing but fungi!"

Xia Bing was completely stunned; never in her life had someone insulted her so directly!

Even Zhang Hongfeng only dared to make small moves to humiliate her!

A person who insulted her so blatantly...

Xiao Chen was the first!

"You, say that again!"

Xia Bing gnashed her teeth, unable to contain her rage as she spoke!

Xiao Chen looked coldly at Xia Bing, "I said! Your head is filled with fungi!"

"What? Never been scolded before? If you're stupid, you deserve to be scolded! Don't think just because you're pretty you're owed everyone's pampering and no one can scold you! I especially won't indulge your bad attitude! I've seen plenty of beautiful women, who do you think you are?"