0017 Dead is Dead_1

Xia Bing's delicate body quivered with rage!

Xiao Chen had slandered her so thoroughly that she felt drenched in dog's blood!

Xia Bing had always been a proud daughter of the heavens, and everywhere she went, she was the one who doled out attitudes, while groups of rich heirs would shamelessly flatter, praise, and profess their love for her!

But today, Xiao Chen's actions had truly turned her entire worldview upside down!

Watching Xia Bing, Xiao Chen remained unmoved; he liked beautiful women, but he was never one to lose his stride at the sight of them!

If he appeared too passive today, she would surely take his concession as a weapon to use against him in the future!

Xiao Chen's stance was clear, 'My woman, I will give you the best this world has to offer.'

But at the same time, if I am meeting all of your demands, you also need to give me the proper returns, at the very least, not to be a constant thorn in my side every day!

Happiness is for both parties, not just me giving you happiness while you give me trouble!

That's a fool's game!

The atmosphere in the office was tense enough to be described as 'bows drawn, arrows poised'. Pan Linlin stood to the side, not even daring to breathe heavily, having never seen anyone speak to Xia Bing like this!

This man must be crazy!

Just then, a noisy commotion erupted outside the door!

"No! You can't go in!"

"Have you no reason? We already said Mr. Xia has important guests!"

"Call the police! Call them now!"

"Are you idiots done yet? We've paid what we owed! You can't just bully us like this, can you?"

Hearing these voices, the three people inside the office understood—Zhang Hongfeng had led people bursting in!

"Mr. Xia! What should we do?"

Pan Linlin was so scared she was close to tears!

And Xia Bing, too, was at a loss!

However, it was at this moment that Xiao Chen suddenly bellowed!

"Zhang Hongfeng! Get your ass in here!"

His shout startled everyone in the room, and Xia Bing looked at Xiao Chen in panic!

This damn fool!

Does he even understand the situation at hand?

Who is Zhang Hongfeng?

With the way he speaks to him, isn't he asking to be destroyed later?

Even though Xia Bing looked down on Xiao Chen, at the very least, the man was her sister's boyfriend!

If something happened to him here because of her company's affairs, Xia Bing would feel guilty!

Pan Linlin was even more terrified and shrank into a corner, squatting on the ground, fearing that once Zhang Hongfeng entered, her anger would be directed at her!

However, just when everyone was sweating bullets for Xiao Chen, the formidable Zhang Hongfeng walked into the office!

Xia Bing's mind raced, thinking of ways to placate Zhang Hongfeng's anger first, so they could sit down and talk things over calmly!

As for Xiao Chen, she figured he'd probably scurry away in fear upon seeing Zhang Hongfeng, right?

Xia Bing was frustrated. Her own troubles had multiplied, and now this man had brought even more issues!

What no one expected was that upon entering, Zhang Hongfeng didn't even glance at Xia Bing, which was a stark contrast to how he usually couldn't wait to devour her, and even Xia Bing herself felt uncomfortable with this change!

"Mr... Mr. Xiao!"

In front of everyone, Zhang Hongfeng respectfully bowed to Xiao Chen!

The pain from his wounds made Zhang Hongfeng grimace involuntarily as he bent over!

Xiao Chen's expression was dark, rooted in his earlier treatment of Xia Bing, though even without that incident, he had no reason to show Zhang Hongfeng any cordiality!

"Do you still remember what I told you before?" Xiao Chen asked in a deep voice.

Zhang Hongfeng, being extremely cautious, replied formally, "Mr. Xiao! I dare not forget your words! Including the doormen, guards, cashiers, and accountants, Hongfeng Security Company has a total of sixty-four people. Six were 'educated' by Mr. Xiao and cannot move. The remaining fifty-eight, including myself, Zhang Hongfeng, are all present and at your disposal, Mr. Xiao!"

Zhang Hongfeng's statement plunged the entire company into complete silence!

What does that mean?

Why does it seem a bit hard to understand?

This Zhang Hongfeng...

Was he called here by this man?

Xia Bing was also completely bewildered!

From Zhang Hongfeng's attitude, it was clear that he was exceedingly respectful toward Xiao Chen, no, not just respectful, it could even be described as awe!

A man everyone in the company feared actually showed such awe toward a man who seemed to live off women's support, doing nothing?

What's going on?

Xia Bing started to look at Xiao Chen with a hint of suspicion!

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen ignored her completely, treating her, a stunning beauty beloved by all, as if she were air!

"What did I ask you to do?"

Xiao Chen continued to inquire!

Zhang Hongfeng quickly replied, "To report to Mr. Xiao, it's not that we don't want to clean, it's just that the exterior wall has already been wiped clean!"

"Do you need me to teach you what housekeeping needs to do?" Xiao Chen turned around, looking coldly at Zhang Hongfeng: "Cleaning up isn't just about one wall, is it?"

Zhang Hongfeng's body shuddered!

"I understand! I'll give instructions right away!"

"What's the rush? I haven't finished speaking!"

Xiao Chen frowned!

Zhang Hongfeng stood still like a puppet; as soon as Xiao Chen's voice trailed off, he didn't dare to move an inch!

"Next time you come, don't make such a big fuss! You scared people! What, do you want everyone to admire your cleaning? Attract some attention?"

Xiao Chen said flatly!

And Zhang Hongfeng also knew where he had gone wrong, immediately admitting, "I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao, I wasn't thoughtful enough! Next time, we will be quieter!"

"Just do your job well! In the future, I don't want to hear that this company has been disturbed by someone named Zhang Hongfeng, understand?"

Xiao Chen waved his hand dismissively!

Zhang Hongfeng immediately nodded but hesitated for a moment before he couldn't help but look toward Xiao Chen.

"Mr. Xiao, there's something... I don't quite understand!"

At this moment, Zhang Hongfeng held his stomach, clearly only having received basic treatment and not having truly stopped the bleeding; even his clothes were stained with a patch of crimson!

It was obvious that this guy had hurried over for fear of missing the deadline set by Xiao Chen!

"Are you asking why I spared your life?"

Xiao Chen, astutely gauging from the man's puzzled expression, knew what he was thinking!

Zhang Hongfeng mustered the courage to nod: "You could have easily dealt with me, this nuisance, with a mere gesture!"

"I have said that you are not a nuisance to me!"

Xiao Chen said proudly, "Let me put it this way, I never truly intended to take your life. Just now... I just wanted to see your attitude!"

Zhang Hongfeng was shocked, feeling a surge of relief at the same time!

Good thing he didn't resist just now!

As indicated by Xiao Chen, had he shown even the slightest sign of resistance...

He definitely wouldn't be standing here alive!

"But what if... what if I had accidentally stabbed myself to death just now?"

Zhang Hongfeng was still somewhat puzzled by Xiao Chen's thoughts. Since his life had been spared and he felt that Xiao Chen was not the type to relish killing, he dared to articulate his inner doubts!

However, upon asking this question, Xiao Chen let out a cold laugh.

"If you died, you died! You already offended me, and if you had accidentally killed yourself, did you expect me to feel sorry for you?"