Chapter 74: Raynare

As Sunday dawned bright and clear, I found myself with a rare opportunity to escape the confines of school and indulge in a little leisure time.

But while most people might spend their Sundays lounging around at home or catching up on chores, I had a different plan in mind—a plan that involved a certain charming shrine maiden.

With a mischievous grin on my face, I set out on my way to the shrine, my steps light with anticipation. After all, what better way to spend a Sunday than by 'coincidentally' bumping into Akeno.

But as fate would have it, my journey took an unexpected detour when I stumbled upon a park along the way. And there, seated on a bench, was an alluring young woman who seemed lost in thought.

With her violet eyes and slender figure, she was a vision to behold, her long black hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of silk.

For a moment, I found myself torn between sticking to my original plan and indulging in a little spontaneous diversion.

After all, who could resist the allure of a beautiful stranger pondering the mysteries of life in the tranquil embrace of a park bench?

With a playful twinkle in my eye, I approached the woman, my curiosity piqued. "Excuse me, miss," I began, my voice laced with charm. "Mind if I join you? The company of such a captivating presence is too enticing to resist."

As my words hung in the air, the woman turned towards me, her smile as enigmatic as ever.

"I don't usually entertain strangers," she replied, her voice smooth as silk. "But I suppose I can make an exception for someone as handsome as yourself."

Ah, flattery. The oldest trick in the book, but oh-so-effective when executed with finesse.

"My name is Raynare, What's your name?" Raynare, the first antagonist of High School DxD, asked to me.


"Alexander, but you can call me Alex," I replied with a grin, hoping to match her playful demeanor.

In the original timeline, Raynare was supposed to seduce Issei and kill him, which would make him a devil with the help of Rias. But now that Issei has become Issey, a woman, I don't know how she is going to become a devil.

Raynare obviously can't use the same tactics she used on Issei, which involved seduction, as Issey is a woman with a commitment to finding a perfect boyfriend who is as perverted as she is.

And lucky for Issey, her future boyfriend was seducing her enemy. She should be proud of it, right?

Well, Issey's male version did say that there is no discrimination when it comes to boobs, so I guess it's all right.

Hearing my name, Raynare nodded thoughtfully, her violet eyes scanning me with a curious glint. "Alex, you seem to be new in town," she observed, a subtle smirk playing at the corners of her lips.

I couldn't help but chuckle at Raynare's observation. "Yes, I am," I admitted, feigning a sheepish grin. "I was actually on my way to explore the town, but then I stumbled upon this park bench and couldn't resist the urge to strike up a conversation with the most captivating person in sight."

Raynare's smirk widened into a knowing grin, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of amusement at her response. "Well, aren't you the smooth talker," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

I grinned at Raynare's playful jab or her wonderful acting skills, "Well, you know what they say—life's too short to pass up on interesting encounters," I quipped, my tone light and teasing.

Raynare chuckled, her laughter like a melody in the tranquil park setting. "That's certainly one way to look at it," she conceded, her violet eyes sparkling with amusement.

Leaning forward ever so slightly, I posed my next question to Raynare with genuine interest. "So, Raynare, since you seem to know your way around town, I was wondering if you'd be willing to show me some of the hidden gems?" I asked, flashing her my most charming grin.

As I subtly released a small amount of my mana, I couldn't help but wonder how Raynare would react. Would she be intrigued, suspicious, or perhaps a bit of both?

Sure enough, her expression flickered with subtle surprise, her violet eyes narrowing slightly as she sensed the faint energy emanating from me. It was like watching a detective piece together clues at a crime scene, except the only crime here was my attempt at being mysterious.

Knowing Raynare, I had no doubt she would try to learn more about me. After all, fallen angels weren't exactly known for their trust in strangers. If she deemed me unworthy, well, let's just say I'd have to watch my back around her.

But for now, I couldn't help but find the whole situation amusing. It was like being in my own personal game of cat and mouse, with me playing the role of the elusive mouse and Raynare as the cunning feline.

Raynare's lips curved into a wry smile, and I could tell she was intrigued by the challenge I presented. "Well, Alex, since you asked me nicely, I will give you a tour you won't forget for life."

"Oh, I am looking forward to it," I replied with a smirk, unable to resist the playful banter. "Just promise me you won't lead me into any dark alleys with sinister intentions."

Raynare chuckled, her laughter like a melody in the cool evening air. "Oh, Alex, where's the fun in that?"


(I don't plan to add Raynare to his haram but she and her fallen angel friend will become maids and butler of Nazarick. Tell me your thoughts about it.)

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