Chapter 78: Rias Gremory

"It seems you're ready to enter the world of devils, Dear," Death remarked with a slight chuckle, her beautiful visage managing to convey a sense of amusement.

"Well, I am about to make a grand entrance in front of the Gremory family, after all. I just hope Rias wouldn't start fighting with me," I said to Death as I made my way towards where Issey was.

"You do know that you don't have to worry about anything in this world, right? Even if the strongest being in this world came before you, you can fight without worrying about death," Death reminded me.

"Oh, Death, you know me. I prefer love over war," I replied with a smirk, knowing full well that my romantic escapades often landed me in more trouble than any battle ever could.

Death's eyes seemed to gleam with amusement at my response. "Speaking of love, how are things going with Albedo and Yuri?" she inquired, her voice carrying a hint of mischief.

I couldn't help but chuckle at Death's directness. "Oh, you know, after yesterday, Albedo's clinginess has reached new heights, and Yuri's stoicism is as unyielding as ever," I replied, rolling my eyes at the thought of my two lovers.

"Even in the morning, Albedo was clinging close to me as if she had no intention of moving away. And as for Yuri, she blushed after looking at me, then soon her emotional suppression kicked in, making her stoic again, only for the cycle to repeat," I added with a wry grin.

Death let out a soft chuckle, her laughter echoing through the empty void that surrounded us. "Well, it seems like you have your hands full," she remarked, her tone tinged with amusement.

Before I could respond, Death's expression grew serious. "You know, I think it's time for a little girl talk," she said, her voice taking on a maternal tone.

"A girl talk? With Albedo and Yuri? Now that's something I'd pay to see," I remarked, unable to suppress a smirk at the thought of my two lovers engaging in idle gossip.

Death nodded, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Consider it done. I'll summon both Albedo and Yuri to my domain for a little chat," she declared, her voice filled with determination.

As Death began to fade from view, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Girl talk with Albedo and Yuri? Now that was bound to be an interesting conversation. But for now, I had a grand entrance to prepare for.


As I arrived at the designated spot, my vampire bride's information proved to be spot on—Rias had already converted Issey into a devil. Phew! Crisis averted! But hey, no time to relax just yet; it's showtime!

I couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over me. Everything seemed to be going according to plan, and I let out a silent "thank goodness" as I surveyed the scene before me.

But despite the reassuring sight, I didn't dare to slow down my pace. After all, I had a dramatic entrance to make, and I wasn't about to let anything—especially not a smooth conversion into devilhood—get in my way.

I put strength on my legs, I bounded forward and leaped into the air, landing with a flourish right in front of Rias. From her perspective, it must have seemed like I dropped out of the sky.

Now that's what I call making an dramatic entrance!

As I landed in front of Rias, her reaction was immediate—she went on guard, suspicion etched into every line of her face. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice sharp with caution.

I flashed her my most disarming smile, hoping to ease the tension with a touch of charm. "The name's Alexander," I replied smoothly, trying to project an air of confidence despite the scrutiny I could feel in her gaze.

But as soon as the words left my lips, I could see the gears turning in Rias's mind. Recognition sparked in her eyes, and her expression shifted from guarded to puzzled.

"Alexander..." she echoed, her brow furrowing in thought. Then, like a lightbulb flickering to life, understanding dawned on her face. "Wait a minute... You're the transfer student who joined Kuoh Academy yesterday, aren't you?"

Bingo! She'd figured it out. But rather than let on that I already knew who she was, I played dumb. "Oh, do I know you?" I asked innocently, pretending as though her name meant nothing to me.

Well, considering I'd just dropped out of the sky in front of her, I was probably already on her suspicious list anyway.

Rias's eyes narrowed slightly, her gaze piercing as she assessed me. "I'm Rias Gremory," she introduced herself, her tone cautious yet polite. "Your senior."

"So, Rias, it seems you're a devil," I remarked, nodding towards her bat-like wings with a hint of curiosity.

"Yes, I am," she confirmed, a subtle note of surprise in her voice. "And from how unbothered you seem even after hearing my surname, it appears you're new to the supernatural world."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Of course, I was new to this world—well, sort of. But why spoil the fun by revealing that little detail? "You could say that," I replied cryptically, opting to keep her guessing for now.

"So Alexander, what are doing here." She asked.

I couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at Rias's question. What was I doing here? Well, aside from making a grand entrance and casually dropping in on a conversation between devils, fallen angels, and newly minted devils, not much, really.

"Well, I was just wandering around the park," I replied with a casual shrug, doing my best to maintain an air of mystery. "Then I sensed the presence of a fallen angel, so naturally, I came to investigate."

Rias's gaze lingered on me, her expression unreadable. Was she buying my story, or was she seeing right through my flimsy excuse?


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