
The war started a year later. Unfortunately was the English military leagues above Avalon. They had more men, more ships, more war recources because they had prepared everything in advance and they had better soliders. Avalon hasn't expected a war at all and was hit in suprise. The english army was unstoppable. Outside lf tbe castle lasted the final battle and one can constantly hear the screams,the war cries of the warriors and occasional explosions. You can't imagine what loud noise this battle makes. Even from a distance of several kilometres one can hear everything. It was a massacre and a disaster for the whole kingdom of Avalon. The english soliders under King Athur and Archmage Merlins command pillaged villages, cities and now they want the Throne of Avalon. The Army of England rolled at the castle like a giant wave and devoured the knights and mages of Avalon. The battlefield was covered with blood and corpses. Only a thin line of Avalon knights repelled the enemy. It was clear, that they were defeated and Morgana and Orion would most likely get executed to celebrate their victoryamd to wipe out the royal bloodline of Avalon. This was the standard procedure after a sucsessful war.

"Your majesty we can't hold our position, you need to flee, we lost, it's a complete defeat and nearly all our men already fell in battle" a man came running from the battlefield to inform Morgana. His clothes were in tatterns and stained with blood. All the Armour on his body was destroyed.

The sound of the battle from the outside got louder and louder and nearer with every second.

"The enemy woumd gave completely taken over the whole castle in about two hours or so" the man further said.

Morgana glanced worried to Orion on her side. Then a flash of determination filled her eyes 'I need to protect my son, they wouldn't just let him live'. "Buy us as much time as you can we will do our best to flee"

"Of course as you order your majesty. For the glory of Avalon!"

Then she stood up "Orion come with me" she ordered. "Will you just let them die?" he asked.

"Of course not, but first I must ensure your safety you are more important" Morgana said and took him deeper into the castle.

[Quest: escape your exexution]

No time limit

Rewards: Skill; shadow flying

After seeing the System ussue him this quest he no longer resisted and followed hus mother in a hurry.

Deep in the dungeon was an entrance of an escape tunnel and even Orion didn't know where it led to. The tunnel was very long and they walked for an eternity. Inside it was very humid and the walls were badly maintained. There were fragments of the tunnel that have broken and big stone plates were everywhere on the ground. They bareley came to the end of the tunnel after about one and a half hours. At the end of the tunnel there was a big valley that looked like a paradise of nature with a lot of living magic creatures, a garden with potion plants a giant lake and a small castle in the middle of it. Morgana took his hand and apparated inside the throne room.

"Okay we don't have enough time" she said and took of the ring on her fingers. It was a space ring like Orions, just golden in color. It was also engraved with countless runes.

"Inside that ring is the Le Fay Lord ring, all my other artifacts and my grimoires. Additionaly, with this ring you can controll all the magic animals here" she said and gave the ring to Orion.Grimoires were the sacred object of every mage, with it one can cast powerful magic and it stores all spells one records in it. It was like a lexicon for magic spells, potion recipes or lost rituals. He knew what this meant.

She decided to die for him in order to protect him.

Tears began to well up in his eyes and his vision started to get blurry. But he just stayed silent because he knew how subborn his mom can be. She would do everything to protect him even if he himself wanted to die.

" I am going to cast a powerful magic. This magic will freeze the whole valey in etheral ice, that will only melt after a thousand years. You can survive this way and when you wake up all our enemies have passed away with time. But I will die as the price for your protection"

"No I don't want that stay with me..."

Morgana pointed her wand at him and cast the pertification spell on him.

A small tear ran down on her cheek.His whole body got stiff and he couldn't move anymore. "I am so sorry my son, but a mother can't just let her child die. I love you my son and I hope that you can grow up peacefully in a far future" she said with a trembling voice.Next she startet chanting a long spell in an ancient very complicated laguage. After a few minutes the spell was completed and she turned to ash with a painful wail.

Only her wand remained and fell to the ground. Then the magic cast by his mother became active and powerful magic power burst out.

The air around Orion started to become thicker and thicker until it turned into cold ice. Due to the chilling coldness he gradually lost consciousness and his vision became black.

The war ended after the won battle against Morgana. There was a rumor, that the Archmage Merlin personally killed her and froze her in a valley. These were the most glorious days of the english kingdom. The population of Avalon was enslaved and the country was turned into a colony under the british crown.

The once mighty kingdom of Avalon was history.

-In Morgana's castle-

After the battle Athur and Merlin were confused after they found the deserted castle.

"What happend? Did Morgana and her son just dissapear?"

"Search the whole castle!!!"Athur ordered.

"Your majesty and achmage we found a tunnel, mabye they escaped through it" one of thd soliders came running.

"Lead the way" Merlin ordered and he and Athur followed the man insede the tunnel.

After a long tunnel they entered a valley full of ice.

Merlin squatted down and touched the surface.

"This is ethernal ice...it's indestructible and will only dissapear in a thousand years.

The only ond who can cast such magic besides me is Morgana but I am almost certan that she sacrificed herself to cast such powerful magic. I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do if we want to kill her son we would need to wait for the ice to dissapear".

"Tsk, it's okay just leave him he's not that important anyways" Athur said with disstatisfaction.

With that the issue was settled and they left.

Now the sole heir of the Le Fay family is frozen in ice for 1000 years.