
There was a giant valley frozen in ice. Legend says there is a powerful ancient beast sealed by Merlin. But now a thousand years later the ice began to crack.

Then all the ice shrattered like glass and evaporated into air. With the kce gone the whole valley returned to life, the magical beasts woke up and in the small castle Orion opened his eyes again after one thousand years.

[Quest completed: escape your execution]

[Rewards: shadow flight magic]

His whole body ached and the bright sunlight hurt his eyes. From what his mother Morgana said one thousand years must have passed. To be honest he felt rather lost. Imagine you alone travel to the future with no information about your environement or a way to return. Of course he doesn't want to return, that would be no different than seeking death and waiting to be killed by Merlin.

When he stood up all that remained from his mother was the golden ring in his hand and the wand that was on the ground and due to the ice intact even after all this time.

He picked it up and put it in his silver ring. Next he bit his finger and let the blood flow on the golden ring of his mother. The blood got absorbed and the runes lit up in a golden light. He then also put the ring on his hand. With the help of the ring he summoned the 3 most powerful creatures in this valley. At the entrance of the castle there where 3 powerful magical beasts. An ancient dragon with red scales and black horns. He was one of the rare true dragons, much stronger than wywerns the inferior draconic species. The next beast was a phoenix. Althrough not very strong in combat he has a strong support ability. His feathers, tears and the ash of a phoenix are incredibly rare and precious magic materials for artifacts or potions. The other creature was a vampire. With his black hair and red eyes he could say he is his father and everyone would belive it.

He opened the space for living creatures on his ring and sucked the dragon and the phoenix inside. The living space for beasts was like Scamanders just a lot smaller and it can at most accomodate 5 magical creatures.

He directed all his attention to the vampire " can you speak?" he asked him.

"At your service young master" the vampire said and bent down.

"Are you resistant to sunlight and your hunger for blood?" Orion asked further.

"Young master I am a vampire lord and due to the one thousand years here much more powerful. You must know that vampires get stronger the older they get. I was already one of the oldest vampires when I swore my allegiance to the Le Fay family. By now no vampire is as strong as me. I don't need blood and avoid the sun like these lowlifes you don't need to worry young master" said the vampire.

"Good you will be my personal servant, if other people ask, just say you are my father"

"It is my honor"

"Okay then let's have a look at the outside world after all a lot must have changed after laa this time right?"

With that the two climbed out of the valley. Sure enough the outside world has changed a lot. In the distance one can see the big muggle citys.

The vampire behind him alsl looked at the buildings with interest.

"Is this the magic civilization of the future?"

"No if my assumption is correct, this is the muggle civilization" Orion told him as he saw the fammilar scene that matched exactly to the memories of his previous life. According to these memories they must be somewhere in the 20th century, give or take.

"You mean muggles built this? I really can't immagine..." the vampire said still in astronishment.

"Oh I haven't even asked your name yet" Orion recalled and felt very ankward.

"Oh my apologies, I am Dracula, Vladimir Dracula, you can call me Vlad" he said.

"Orion Le Fay" he also introduced himself.

"Can you apparate?"he asked Dracula "I really don't want to walk the whole way to the city".

"Sure" Vladimir said, took Orions hand and apparated to the city.

For Orion it felt like his body was thrown in a washing machine and then pressed through an incredibly thin tube.

When they reached their destination Orion imediately puked out his entire stomach.

"It will get better with time" Vlad tried to comfort him.

"Urg" Orion stood up with dificulty. He was still very disoriented because of this washing machine effect. Still like Vlad had said after about 5 seconds he felt comfortable again.

"Okay we need to find out the date of today just ask someone or search for a newspaper" Orion ordered while he sat down on a bench. 'It's great to have a servant' he thought.

Vladimir choose the fastest route and just asked some passerby. After three minutes he came back " according to the man we have the 21th of november in the year 1990".

Orion nodded in thought. He remembered, that the Harry Potter series started Harry Potters first year on 1st september 1991. That means if he really is in the Harry Potter world he would start school next year and enter school with Harry Potter. Of course this world doesn't need to be exactly the same as in the movies. He searched his ring flr a few gold galleons. Fortunately he had about a hundred galleons left. To confirm his suspicions he took out his wand and held it in the air. Sure enough after a few seconds there was a sound like a giant explosion and in front of him appeared the knights bus a red london double-decker bus.

"Welcome to the knights bus an emergency transport for stranded witches or wizards. My name is Stan Standford and I will be your conductor for this evening" the man on the bus entrance said in a mechanical bland voice.

"Where is your destination?"Stan asked.

"How much to the leaky cauldron?" Orion asked.

"2 galleons and 15 sickles for the both of you" he informed.

"Keep the change" Orion said and threw him 3 galleons "follow me" he wispered to Dracula. "What is this creature?" Vlad asked with eyes full of curiosity for the knights bus. He was fascinated by this thing and also curious why Orion seemed to know so much.

Orion took the tickets from Stan and entered the knights bus together with Vlad.

"It's a vehicle, like a carriage, just without horses and encanted with magic"Orion said.

"How do you know that? Weren't you frozen in ice too?" Vlad asked suspicionsly.

"Divination" Orion lied without blinking an eye " by the way you better lie down it's going to be a bumpy ride".

"Alright step on the gas Erny" the hanging head said and the bus accelerated instantly with an explosion sound. Buildings rushed past them and in about 15 minutes they arrived at the leaky cauldron.