Diagon alley

The explosion of the knights bus set of several alarm systems of surrounding cars. Tom, the barkeeper of the leaky cauldron shut them down with a wave of his wand. The conductor and the barkeeper looked exactly like in the movies, but Orion will have to see if Harry Potter is also the savior and the storyline is like he knows. Tom came walking to them with his hunchback figure.

"Come in, come in it's really annoying, that the alarm of these muggle cars always go on when someone comes with the knights bus. You must be new here, I never saw you here".

"Oh yes my name is Vladimir, I come from Romania and this is my son Orion. He will be enrolled in Hogwarts next year, we just came to look around" Vlad said.

"Just call me Tom...I heard, that a lot of vampires are in Romania, is it true? It must be hard living there".

"Yes,...but it's not that bad" Vlad said with a forced smile. There was a glint of annoyance in his eyes. Orion really tried hard not to laugh but he just couldn't refrain himself and chuckled quietly. Vlad saw this and shot him an annoyed glance.

"Come inside, come inside" Tom said and walked into the bar.

The three entered the bar and it was really shabby like in the movie. There was mold on the walls, dust was in the air and blocked the sunnlight and there was an unpleasant smell in the air. Due to the dust in the air the bar looked like in a giant mist cloud. The air outside was leagues better even when you have the massive air pollution from the unfiltered exhaust fumes of Londons cars. Even through it was such a shabby bar, it was really crowded and the wizards here don't seem to mind.

Orion decided, that they would straight go to diagon alley and would stay in a muggle hotel to live, mabye buy a mansion or something. But for that he would have to see if Merlin or Athur found a way to plunder their wealth from Gringotts.

If the money was really stolen, he would have no choise but to sell a few materials or artifacts from his mother.

"Can I offer you a drink?" Tom asked.

"No thanks, we just came to go to diagon alley" Orion directly declined.

"Okay, then I'll show you the way" Tom said and led them behind the counter. There was the brick wall with a few missing stones in the middle like in the movie not like in the book where you need to count the bricks from a trash can to enter. Tom took out his wand and showed them the tapping combination to enter diagon alley.

"Remember the order I tap the bricks with my wand. You need to tap the bricks in exactly this order to enter otherwise you can't enter. If you forgett the password you can just ask me again." Tom offered and watched as the brick wall mooved and revealed diagon alley.

"Thank you very much, then we'll be on our way goodbye Tom" Vlad said politeley and entered diagon alley with Orion. Diagon alley was already awsome in the movie and the books, but seeing in person was just a lot more awsome. The alley was filled with a lot of shops for all things, and slanted houses that makes you wonder if these buildings could even stand without magic. Notheless, the horribly wrong architecture gave diagon alley something unique.

He also saw all the famous shops of Harry Potter. There was Flourish & Blotts wich he will definetely read a lot of books from, Madam Malkin's robes for all occations, Ollivanders wand shop and a lot of other stores.

"What now young master?" Vladimir asked, wanting to know his plans.

"We will split, you will seach for books on mind arts and spells, while I look after my vault at Gringotts. We will meet at Madam Malkin's clothes shop right next to the book store. Just wait for me there you can also buy yourself decent clothes after all our clothes are quite out of fashion" Orion said and gave him a handfull of galleons. Vlad just nodded and they split up. Gringotts wasreally easy to find.

Orion just walked down the crowded alley and set his sights on the big white marble building on the crossroad to Knockturn alley. He found it fascinating, that the newly established Gringotts to his time is now so influental.

He also saw the famous warning on the entrance of Gringotts,

Enter stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed.

For those who take, but do not earn

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasures here.

He entered the buildung. There where goblins working on small desks weighting and counting gold or jewels. Orion made his way to the desk in the middle with a very old goblin working at something.

The goblin looked up when Orion stood before his desk.

"What can I help you with young warrior?" The goblin named Griphook asked.

"I want to acces the Le Fay family vault" Orion said.

The Goblin looked at him as if he were an Idiot. "The Le Fay family was wiped out 1000 years by Merlin and Athur. If you want to die I suggest you find other ways".

Orion showed him the Le Fay heir ring. "I am Orion Le Fay the son of Morgana Le Fay. If you are not convinced we can do a blood heirship test" Orion said.

"We will do the blood test" said the goblin extremely unconvinced "follow me".

The goblin led Orion to a small room. In the middle of the room was what looked like a pensive, just pitch black and with complicated silver runes all over it. The wall of the room was full of names, that moved like water, got bigger and got smaller like a wave. He honestly had no idea, that even the heirship testas so magical.

"It's not to late to admit, to be an imposter. Just to let you know, if you should not be related by blood, you will be burned alive and turned to ash in under a second" Griphook said with a malicious grin.

"You don't need to worry, that won't happen" Orion just said calmly and took the small needle Griphook had in his hands. He slowly poked his finger and let a few drops of blood fall into the pensive-like-thing. The runes imediately lit up and the wall full of names swirled like a giant storm. Then a few names got a lot bigger until one saw the whole family tree of Orion. The result was of course that he was the rightful heir to the Le Fay family. Suprisingly the wall also showed the Pendragon lineage of Athur.

'Right my mother was his half sister...does that mean I also get his whole whealth' he thought and looked at Athurs descendants. All of them died in the time he was frozen in ice and not a single descendant remained.

Orion Le Fay Pendragon

Le Fay family:

- Title: Prince of Avlon

- Royal castle of Avalon(destroyed)

- Island of Avalon(mostly destroyed and sunken into the sea)

-842,574,294 galleons

- 104 kg Mithril

- 63 kg Orichalcum

- 36 kg Adamantium

- other unknown objects in the vault

Pendragon family:

- land deed in scottish highland (1.000 square kilometres)

- Castle of Camelot

- Excalibur

- 1,250,204,418 galleons

- other unknown objects in the vault

'Damn I didn't know Athur was that rich' he thought. Then he smiled 'looks like I don't have to worry about money my whole life'.