The loot

When the goblins saw the results of the bloodline test, they were grieving. They didn't even know, that they had a vault with so much money inside. Their hearts were heavy as they needed to give all this gold to this person. But they were still proffesionals and quickly got to work.

"Does mister Le Fay Pendragon wish to go to the vaults?" Griphock asked.

"Yes of course" Orion answered.' Why else would I be here?' he thought.

Hearing his answer the goblin immediately had a sour face and his proffesional smile turned into a grimace.

"Wait here for a while" the goblin said to him "I will get you the heir ring of the Pendragon family else you wouldn't be able to open the vault".

With that the goblin left and came back about 10 minutes later. Inside his hands he had a small wooden box with a golden dragon and a sword engraved on it. The family crest of the Pendragon family. The goblin opened the box and presented the golden ring to Orion. The ring was equally beautifil as the Le Fay family ring. It had the crest on it and ancient runes on the outside of the ring that glew in a silver light. Translated these words mean: Ethernal Glory to the ancient house of Pendragon.

Orion who knew the procedure stabbed his finger again and let a drop of blood fall on the ring. The blood got absorbed and the ring apeared on his left hand.

"Alright let's go" Orion said to Griphock. Griphock just asked "To the Pendragon or the Le Fay family vault?" he asked.

"Let's first go to the Pendragon vault" Orion said grinning. He really wanted to know what that Bastard had inside his vault.

Griphock just turned around and walked out of the room. Orion followed him. They came back to the main hall and walked deeper inside Gringotts. Soon the marble walls turned into ugly dark stone. The Goblin then led them to an underground railroad station with carts for four persons as transport. Griphock just entered the cart and released the brakes. The cart began to slowly move as a result. Orion and Vlad also entered and sat on a seat.

"We may have to search for a bit since before you showed up we didn't even know we had such old vaults" Griphock said and accelerated the cart. They then entered the giant cave system under Gringotts. Countless vaults passed by and the cart moved deeper and deeper. After about half an hour they stopped at the end of the railroad. Griphock then got up and took out a loud bell. They followed Griphock and entered a big cave with a white blind dragon inside.

"Don't be afraid and just follow me" Griphock said and started shaking the bells. The dragon wimpered and moved to the wall extremely terrified. Orion found the way the goblins treated this dragon very disgusting. Whats more that this dragon is a true dragon not a normal wyvern. It is probably the last of it's kind, not counting the ones Orion posessed. But Orion knew, that he doesn't have the capabilities to free the dragon.

"If I want to buy this dragon, how much would I need to pay?" Orion asked.

"It's not for sale" the Goblin said and led them to another railroad. It can be seen, that this is the older part of Gringotts. The vaults before where normal vaults of ordinary families like the Diggory family or the Lovegood family. After the dragon guard came the older more wealthy families. Here are the vaults of the sacred twenty-eight like of the Malfoy or Gaunt family. There were also vaults of other wealthy families like the Dumbledore family and the Scammander family. They passed this section and got deeper. After a while they entered a giant cave kind of like in the drawen kingdom in lord of the rings. Giant pillars supported the ceiling and a giant plattform supported a castle-like building in the middle. The railroad let them sraight inside the castle. This castle holds the wealth of the oldest and richest families in the wizard world. Here are the vaults of all the Hogwarts founders families, the Peverell family, the Ambrosius (Merlin's family) and of course Le Fay and Pendragon family. These are the oldest eight families but rarely known besides the founders of Hogwarts. The cart slowed down and came to halt when they reached the end of the railroad. Griphock took the light out of the cart and stepped on the normal ground. Orion and Vlad followed him. The small goblin came to a small wooden altar, where he put his hand on until a blue ring on the altar lit up. A second later, bright magical lights lit up and let them see the whole room. It was more glorious, than the entrance of Gringotts.

On the wall, there where beautiful patterns of black and white marble and the room was round. The walls where decorated with the names and the family crests of the eight families. Of course Orion had already spotted the big golden dragon with the sword Excalibur and the pitch black dragon with the hexagon behind it. Griphock wordlessly led them to the Pendragon family vault. On the giant vault door, there was a small place to connect with the heir or lord ring. Orion didn't need to be told how it works and touched the lowering with the Pendragon heir ring. The heir ring lit up and a second later one could hear a few clicking sounds. Then the giant vault doors slowly opened and showed Orion the sea of Galleons. In the middle there was a giant dragon statue out of pure gold that reached the ceiling. There was also a section for magic artifacts, where Excalibur was sealed in a stone. Of course Orion was eager to try and wrapped his hands around the handle. Light shone and he pulled out Excalibur effortlessly. Excalibur was a typical english one-hand-sword. It had a black leather hilt and a straight blade, that was engraved with blue runes. The Sword had a golden cross-guad and an Iron pommel with a big blue magic gem inlaid. One can feel the sword brimming with magic, just by holding it. Orion made a mental note to let the goblins make a scabbard for it and Muramasa. The drawen sword Balur gave him fortunately already had one. After he was done inspecting the legendary sword he put it inside his subspace ring and set his sights on the magic artifacts neatly arranged on a shelf. There were a few encanted amours, more weapons and other encanted clothes. There also was a heap of magic gems a crown and to Orions suprise, a time turner. You need to know, that ancient time turners are incedibly valuable as they don't have the time restriction of only 4 hours a day placed by the ministry of magic. This was a jackpot!!!

There also was a clown's mask. Altrough it doesn't look like it was useful, he knew what this was. This Item was perfect for infiltration. The effect is exactly like a polyjuce potion, just without a time limit. He put the clowns mask together with the time turner inside his ring. From the encanted clothes he took a black leather combat armour. It had stealth and speed enchantments on it so it was suited for assasination. It was also enchanted to keep a comfortable temperatuer. In summer it would cool down the temperature and in winter it would keep one warm. It fortunately also had the size enchantment which would automaticaly fit the wearer. Else he would have to wait until he was as big as an adult.

On the right side of the amory was a small book shelf. Orion read the titles of the old books.

Dragon tongue, Druid magic, Wand making, Martial Arts, Light and shadow aura.

Of course there were a few more books but these were the ones Orion was interested in. He put them inside his ring and checked the vault if he missed something. But he found nothing exept the mountain of gold. Statisfied he made his way to the exit. On the way he put around 50,000 Galleons inside his ring. That should suffice for a while. He stepped out of the golden vault back into the big marble room.

"Allright one down, one more to go" he said to Griphock in a cheerful mood and made his way to the Le Fay vault. Behind him the doors of the Pendragon vault closed automatically.