More looting

He was really looking forward to see what enchanting materials his mother had amassed. You must know, that Orion never got most potion ingredients or dark magic because it's too "dangerous". Now he can look what he can do with it. He opened the Le Fay family vault with the same method. He pressed his heir ring into the lowering until the door clicks and the vault opens. Contrary to the Pendragons vault, this vault looked more like a library with dark magic tomes and artifacts. Inside this vault there where the most obscure dark magic items. There was a black table with a skull in the middle, red candles behind it, a red potion, a puppet and an Oni mask.

Luckily the System analysed all the Items for him.


a powerful divination item that shows exact events of the future when used by a seer. (need at least 8 points in divination talent to be useable) ]

[Blood candles,

are often used in rituals and work as an amplifier to improve the effects]

[Blood potion,

enables you to refine your body to be more attuned to magic (too old to be useable)]

[Voodo puppet,

allows you to make the victim feel insane pain when used]

[Oni mask,

holds the ability to control miasma a dark magical energy of corruption. Makes the users Mind filled with bloodlust. Can be concealed.]

[permanently fuse with the user ?]

[yes / no]

Orion tought of his immunity to all dark magic effects and just tried it and pressed yes.

Black shadow tendrils emerged from the mask and connected with his face. The mask shot to his face and clouded his vision in darkness. He felt a stabbing pain inside his head but kept his rationality. Then his vision cleared up and he felt his control over darkness and dark magic skyrocket. He also felt a new different energy besides aura and mana inside him. Miasma the destructive energy of corruption. He felt a jolt of pain on his hand and a small Oni mask tatoo appeared. He could let the Oni mask appear on his face with a thought and vanish it into black smoke with another. Very useful. He packed all the Items and put them inside his subspace ring for later use. He then looked around inside the vault to find anything of use.

He dismissed the magic tomes with a glance, he had the grimoire of his mother with all spells and rituals recorded inside it. In another room of the vault, there also was a mountain of gold, albeit smaller than the one of the Pendragon family. 'Seems like there aren't many new things here' he sighned and left the vault. The giant black vault doors behind him closed.

"Alright we can go back" Orion said and led the group back to the cart. The three entered and started their rollercoaster-ride back to the surface. After about two hours, they left the giant maze-like cave system and came back to the marble entrance hall of Gringotts. Orion tossed Griphock a few Galleons who catched them with extremely fast movements.

"Take that as a bonus for guiding us" Orion said generously. Today he was in a really good mood.

"Always a pleasure doing buisness with you Mister Le Fay Pendragon. Have a good day" the goblin said politely.

"You too" Orion said and dragged Vladimir with him who was entranced by a wierd calculating machine a goblin on a desk used. With that they left Gringotts. When they got out however it was already dark. He also felt really hungry. Relucantly he and Vlad went back to the shabby leaky cauldron to eat and stay for the night. It was shabby sure, but they wouldn't find something better that fast. The leaky cauldron was as dirty as in the afternoon when they came to diagon alley. Orion and Vladimir made their way to the counter. Vlad took the lead and asked Tom the barkeeper "How much for a room and something to eat?" he asked. Well a normal room for one night is 2 sickles and the food depends on what you want to eat" Tom answered sarkastically.

"Just give us sume meat with potatoes or something" Orion said and put one Galleon on the counter. "Just keep the change" he said and sat down on a free desk. After around two minutes a house elf came to bring their food. "Bon appetit" the house elf said and went back to the kitchen. The food in front of them didn't really look appetizing but he still ate it because he was really starving since hours ago and he hasn't eaten in a thousand years. He also needed to tell Vlad about his plans tomorrow.

"Okay, here's what we will do tomorrow. You first of all need to learn common sense. Tomorrow we will go to the bookstore and you will read as much history books of magical and non-magical population. You need to know normal things like the knights bus for example. I already know most things because of my divinations. You will also go to Knockturn alley besides Gringotts and look for magic books on mind arts for me" Orion ordered.

"Before that we need more decent clothing and a wand for both of us" he said.

Vladimir just nodded to show that he understood. It was technically illegal to give him a wand, since a vampire was considered a magical creature and was forbidden to get a magic wand by the british wizarding laws. But no one would notice right?

These laws decided by the Wizengamoth, the british pure blood families are really bullshit. But changing them and starting a revolution against the purebloods would be something for the future he first needs to get his own things sorted.

"Well I'm not telling you how to spend your money but do you really want to stay here Master?" Vlad asked with clear disgust in his voice while poking inside his food. Altrough Vampires drink blood and technically don't need to eat they still enjoy drinking wine and eating good food. But this food was anything but good, Orion just ate it because he was starving.

"If you ever need or want to drink blood just take a dark wizard from Knockturn alley" Orion reminded Vlad.

"Oh good althrough I don't have this strong desire after blood like other Vampires, it just tastes sooo good" Vlad said in a good mood. Seems like giving him permission to hunt dark wizards to drink their blood cheered him up. Orion really doesn't care what happens to these wizards. They where the scum of society and infested with crime and daily violence like no other place. When he finished his gruesome meal Vlad got up and collected the door key for their room. Both of them went up the staircase to the rooms. The rooms were simple. There was a big wardrobe, a double bed and a small bath. Simple and plain but all you really need. The room was also really spacious so it wasn't stuffy. With everything sorted Orion just threw himself on the bed and slept shortly after.