
On the next day they got up early in the morning and Orion hurried with his breakfast.

"I won't eat something like that again, I will just hunt some dark wizards in Knockturn alley" Vlad stated and looked at Orions food with disgust.

"Urg" Orion also didn't want to eat it but he didn't have something better. When he was done he paid for the meal and went to diagon alley. Their first destination: Ollivanders! Althrough he already had the wand of his mother it still wasn't completly suitable for him and he felt a bit resistance in his spellcasting. Of course he was excited. But it was nothing if you compare him to Vladimir. He was really looking forward to getting his first wand ever. Vampires are already very strong, with a wand they are a force of nature. With big steps Vlad strode inside the store looking at the thousands of wands stacked to a wall. Seeing no one inside he ringed the bell on the counter.

"Ahh a new custumer...a bit early for Hogwarts no?" Ollivander greeted them." Oh? I can't remember to have ever sold a wand to you" Ollivander said.

"I didn't ever have a wand, I come from Romania, we didn't use wands there" Vlad lied without blinking an eye.

"I see very unfortunate" Ollivander said and took out a measure tape.

"Who wants to go first?" Ollivander asked.

Vlad looked at Orion expectantly.

"let him go first" Orion just said with a smile.

Not needing to be told twice Vlad let himself be measured by Ollivander.

"What hand is your dominant hand?" He asked.

"Right hand Sir".

Ollivander nodded and searched for a wand on the wall of wands.

"Ah that one could work" Ollivander murmured to himself and presented a wand to Vlad.

"Hawthorn wood with unicorn hair" Ollivander said.

Vlad took the wand and looked at it somewhat at a loss.

"Isn't something supposed to happen?" he asked Ollivander.

"You need to swing it" Ollivander answered as if he where looking at an idiot.

Vlad swung the wand and a vase on the side exploded.

Before Vlad could cause more havok, Ollivander snached the wand out of his hands and put it bach inside the box.

"Nonono defenetly not this one..."

Ollivander picked out another wand.

"Blackthorn with the hair of a wampus cat" Ollivander said and gave Vlad the wand.

As soon as he touched the wand lights danced around him.

"A rather unusual and powerful combination. Use it well ...okay now you young one" Ollivander said and took the measuring tape back out. Orion really didn't understand why one would need to measure ones body for this process but whatever. He just let him do his thing and said "Right hand" to get his wand faster and as to not waste time.

Ollivander quickly got to work and picked out a wand for him.

"Ash wood with unicorn hair" he said and gave Orion a slightly curved wand with circular patterns on it.

Orion's hand had barely touched the wand as it was snached back by Ollivander.

"Nonono completly no..." he muttered and searched for another wand for him.

"Try this one" he said and gave him a black straight wand.

Again before Orion could swing it it was snached out of his fingers.

"No not this one either. Try this one" he said and presented him another wand.

Wich each failed attempt he only become more enthusiastic.

As they tried wand after wand the pile of discarded wands on the counter became bigger and bigger.

"I must say you are a really picky customer. I have never seen something like that, I might not be able to provide you a wand..." Ollivander said rather depressed.

"What? If you can't give me a wand then who can? I mean you are the best wandmaker in Europe" Orion exclaimed very suprised and frustrated. He can't go to Hogwarts without a wand right?

"Well Gregovich from Germany is also a very good wandmaker, in terms of skills I might not be able to beat him" Ollivander said humbly.

"I still have other wands, but they are prototypes and I don't know any of their effects...if you insist on getting a wand mabye you will find one that suits you" Ollivander said very unsure.

Orion just nodded "it doesn't hurt to try right?".

Ollivander took out a chest from another room and placed it in the middle of the counter. He muttered a complicated unlocking spell and opened the chest.

Inside the chest were five very unique wands.

there was a long silver wand, that seems to be made out of metal, a wand out of the incredibly rare snakewood, a wand with a greenish tint on the wood another was white while another was pitch black. The last wand seems to be made out of glass and looked very unique. He tried these wands until he felt a connection for the black wand. He picked it up and swung it. The light dimmed and the shadows became darker as if welcoming their new master. A wave of coldness assaulted them and caused frost on the floor until everything returned to normal a second later.

"This wand was never meant to get a master..." Ollivander murmured.

"Dementor bone and thestral hair a very dark connection and very powerful, still no one could wield it and stay sane..." Ollivander said.

"We can expect great things from you that's for sure...if good or bad, we'll have to see..."Ollivander said to him.

"That will be 14 Galleons for both your wands" he said.

"I want to add a wand holster for both of us" Orion said.

"Well that will be 18 Galleons then" Ollivander said.

They paid and left. Next they bought potion and spellbooks at Flourish & Blotts. You must know, that althrough Orion had the grimoires from his mother, he still lacks the normal modern spells since everything recorded were ancient spells and very different from normal spells. He also bought a few history books for Vlad. Next they came to Madame Malkins to finally get good clothing. And he wanted a lot of chlothes after all he needed them for his noble representation in front of these other purebloods. He can't let them think, that they are better than the ancient and lost Le Fay family out of the Legends.

Madame Malkins was a very cheerful and welcoming person.

"Welcome dear, what can I get you?" she asked in a good mood.

"I need 3 suits, 2 sport sets, 5 normal wizard robes, 1 raincoats and 2 sets muggle chlothing...I also want the wizard clothes to have this family crest on them" he said and showed her the Le Fay family heir ring. He then turned to Vladimir "what do you need?".

"Just 3 suits, 2 normal wizard robes and a raincoat" he said.

"I can certanly make that, but it will be a bit costly, I don't know if you can afford it?"Madam Malkins asked.

Orion just put 500 Galleons on the counter.

"Can you also make the wizard robes and the suits out of the rarest materials and add fitting, temperature and repairing enchantments on them?" he asked. Madame Malkins still a bit in shock after seeing so much money quickly snapped out of her daze and scribbled the order down on a paper.

She also swiftly measured their size with a tape and noted it down on the paper.

"This may take a while, can you come back in two days?" she asked.

"Sure" Orion said and left with Vlad leaving all the money on the counter.

Outside of the shop he said to Vlad "Okay you go to Knockturn alley I will buy potion materials and try to buy a house or something at Gringotts".

"As you wish master" Vlad said and dissapeared in Knockturn alley. Orion walked into the potions shop and quickly restocked his potion ingredients. He already had a crucible much better than the ones that were sold here. After he was done he again walked into the big marble building of Gringotts.