Buying a mansion

Like last time he just made his way towards the counter in the middle. This was the working place of Griphock who is diligently counting Galleons. He looked up when he saw Orion and asked " Now what do you want here again?".

"You have a construction service here right? I want to buy a mansion" Orion stated.

"The Goblin obviously wouldn't miss such a good opportunity to make some money and imediately changed his attitude and smiled.

"Of course we have a a few beautiful mansions for sale" the Goblin said while rubbing his hands excitedly. He left his desk and mentioned Orion to follow him. He led him inside a special room that seems to be a consultation room for VIPs. It had beautifully decorated furniture with paintings on the walls and a large table in the middle. There were two comfortable couches next to the table where Orion imediately sat down.

"Can I offer you some tea or coffee?" Griphock asked.

"Some tea would be nice"Orion answered. The aristrocratic behaviour lessons his mother had put him through weren't worthless.

Serving the tea Griphock asked "so what exactly are you looking for?"

"Well it doesn't have to be big but it must be worth the name of the Le Fay family if you understand" Orion said "it must be at least as good as the malfoy mansion, I also need a house elf to take care of it".

"Of course we can do that" the goblin said and showed different holographic pictures of different mansions and small castles.

The mansions ranged from french to chinese styled palasts from a sunny and welcoming appearance to dark but massive. Of course Orion with his heritage of black magic prefered the later. In the end Orion decided on an old small castle in victorian style with dark bricks and a giant herb garden. This will certainly be useful when he is in need of more potion ingredients and can mabye produce a little extra income. Of course he was not brothered in the slightest by things related to money, he could buy countless of these mansions.

"A really good choise Sir, this castle also comes with a top-notch defense ward and is directly built on a magic leyline like Hogwarts" the Goblin explained "it will only cost you around 70,000 Galleons Sir".

"Just take it out of my vault" Orion said and signed the buying contract Griphock had prepared for him.

"Do you want to take a look at your new mansion Sir?" Griphock asked.

"No need just give me an unlimited use portkey to this mansion" Orion said.

"Of course" Griphock said and gave him a silver necklace with the Le Fay crest on it. Orion really liked it.

"If you want to use it, just touch it and say: Le Fay manor" he explained.

"Well thank you for the tea, but I should be going now" Orion said and got up.

"Of course Sir I hope you will be statisfied by our services" Griphock said and accompanied him to the door.

Soon after, Orion was out of Gringotts and looked for Vlad if he had already returned from his Knockturn trip. Sure enough he was waiting for him on the side of the street looking at the newest broom model. "Alright, I'm done here. Take my hand" Orion said and activated the portkey "Le Fay manor".

They reappeared somewhere in the scottish highlands where there were vast reen grasslands. In front of them was the beautiful stone mansion with the symetrical herb garden. The mansion also had an inner courtyard to train. There where a few magical duelling puppets in a corner and even a small magic gathering array in the middle. It looked really imposing, altrough it wasn't that big. The mansion was also built on a small cliff, right next to the sea. Unfortunately is bathing at this part of the sea no different than seeking death. Notheless it added a nice scenery to the vast grasslands. After a few seconds a house elf appeared before them.

"Looky greets the new masters" the house elf said and made a respectful bow to both of them.

"I'm Orion and this is Vlad" he said and also greeted the small house elf.

"Looky will give you a tour and show you around" the house elf said and led them into the mansion. Fortunately this house was not like a muggle house and already had most furniture you would need. The interior is just as beautiful as the outside of the mansion. Paintings were hanging on the walls, the furniture was occasionally decorated with gold, there was a beautifully knitted carpet with the Le Fay family crest on the floor and there was a big golden chandelier hanging from the cieling. Most of the furniture was made out of polished black wood. Orion was already very statisfied with what he saw. The Goblins really knew how to do buissnes.

"This is the entrance hall, in the next room is the living and dining room and the room next is the kitchen. Upstairs are the sleeping rooms and also the baths. On the right side here is the floo entrance, that can be sealed in emergency and on the left side, there is the library" Looky said while pointing in all directions while showing them around. Orion and Vlad quickly choosed a room for themselves and quickly took a bath. Can you imagine how bad it is when you need to walk around for two days in ragged clothes? Very bad!

After he finished showering and put on some prepared clothes he felt energized.

[Quest: consolidate your strength 0/1]

-in order to maximize your fighting strength you not only need to get stronger, you must also know how to control it.

[Reward: better body and magic control]

[Quest: learn modern spells 0/5 and learn Occlumency to at least beginner level 0/1]

[Reward: photographic memory & 1* talent point]


Name: Orion Le Fay

Age: 10 years old

Bloodline: Jörmungandr ( mythical )

Aura power: 20

Magic power: 85 (auror level)

Intelligence: 120


Spellcasting: 6 ( very good )

Transfiguration: 5 ( average)

Potions: 6 ( very good)

Black Magic: 9 ( born dark lord )

Mind Arts: 8 ( natural Oclumen)

Divination: 2 ( shit )

Runes: 8 ( one in a million )

Unused talent points: 0

'Finally a new quest' Orion thought in a good mood. It would not give him so strong abilities like last time as rewards, but the rewards are just what he needs. Besides he wanted to start practicing the mind arts anyways.

He turned to Vladimir "learn and read these history books, you need to understand everything that changed in the magic world".

But looking at Vlad who was already reading a history book on the couch it doesn't seem like his reminder was necessary. With everything settled he also picked up a charms book and read it. It really interested him how magic has changed. If you would compare, it would be like compairing battle magic to pranking magic. The most interesting battle magic from modern times would be the three unforgivables...but where the hell was he supposed to find them? Even in Knockturn alley there where no such highly illegal spellbocks. He decided to postphone this matter and mabye he can trick Quirrelmort into giving him a few lessons...

But it was still half a year until school started and that would also take a while.