
Arriving at the girls bathroom he made sure that nobody saw him. After all, even through it's deserted, going inside a girls bathroom wouldn't be good for his immage. Fortunately the moaning Myrtle was also nowhere to be seen. Making his way over to the sink, he spoke in parseltongue ~Open~. The sink split up and it revealed a long tunnel that led below the black lake. Orion jumped down and after a while he arrived in a chamber full of animal skeletons. The air was stale and smelled after excement and rotten corpses.

~Close~ he shouted up the tunnel. He heared a low rumble and the entrance of the sink was shut again. After all he didn't want someone to discover the entrance.

The cave was in absolute darkness.

But with his night vision he could see a the small cave that led to the real Chamber of Secrets. On the walls and cieling of the cave there where a few pipes as big as an But he had no intention to take a look at the real chamber of secrets. It was simply to risky. He had no qualms about fighting a dragon, hut he still heavily relied on his sight when fighting. A magical creature that kills you just by looking at it's eyes was terrifying. He could probably kill it when he just sends his dragon and phoenix inside the chamber but then he would miss out on the Sword of Griffindor.

He looked around searching for the shredded skin of the basilisk. He didn't have to search for long as it was near the entrance to the chamber. He marveled at the treasure in front of him. You must know, that even Morgana his mother couldn't collect such an ingredient. Snape would definetly kill to get only a small part of it. The skin was very thik and about 20 metres long and was in a deep green colour. There was definetly plenty for the ritual. Mabye he could even enhance his combat suit with it. He quickly put the whole thing inside his subspace ring and walked back to the entrance. ~Open~ he hissed and heard the sink open again. He activated his shadow flight he got from the system and tried to fly upwards. But he shot forward and hit the hard stone of the tunnel. Cursing he took out his new broom he ordered his house elf to buy and flew upwards. When he was outside he closed the entrance again and walked out. His hand had a big bruise from the collision with the wall. He cast a cleaning charm on himself to get rid of the unpleasant odor and the stains on his robe. As he walked out fron the girls toilet he was spotted by Percy.

"Hey you, what where you doing in the girls toilet?" Percy asked him.

"I was in a hurry and didn't read the sign" Orion replied not very convinced that Percy would buy that. Turns out it didn't even matter.

"Whatever, you shouldn't go inside the girls washroom no matter the reason. As a prefect it's my responsibility to educate you so Slytherin get 10 points deducted" Percy said gloating to have found a reason to deduct points from Slytherin. Orion was really tempted to just blast this annoying guy to hell but he just turned around and left to the room of requirements. He was itching to get his wandless magic. Arriving in front of the painting where a man tries to teach trolls how to dance, he walked back and forth while thinking of his ritual room. A big wooden door appeared kn the opposite wall and let him enter. Everything was like before he left. He summoned his phoenix out of his creature ring. Orion took out a small vial and put it on the table. "I need a few tears" he demanded. The bird looked at him a bit annoyed but moved to the vial notheless and started tk slowly drop tears inside the vial. "Pimpsy!" Orion shouted. A small pop was heard in front of him and Pimpsy appeared. "What does young master need?".

"Please bring me a good steak" he ordered. The small elf nodded eagerly and dissappeared. A few seconds later Pimpsy appeared with a table with a steak. "Anything else?" the house elf asked eager to work more. These house elfs are really wierd in that regard, I mean who would want to work more than necessairy? "No thank you, you can go back" Orion said to Pimpsy and gave the phoenix the steak as a reward for his tears. The phoenix devoured the steak immediately and Orion took the vial full of phoenix tears. This small vial is probably worth over 15 000 Galleons wich is a lot for ordinary families. Even some small pureblood families would need to seriously think if they want to buy it for such a high price. When the Phoenix has finished eating he put him back inside his ring. He already had a thunderbird feather inside his ring from his mother so he now had all necessairy materials to start the ritual. He took the basilisk skin and Excalibur out of the ring. When he imbued it with his aura, it immediately came to life and shined with a small blue glow. You can feel the power this legendary sword has. It amplifies the power of the imbued aura several times and was incredibly sharp. It cut through the magical basilisk skin like trough paper. You must know that even fiendfyre would need a while to burn the skin of a basilisk, it's just that hard to damage. Having cut out around a fouth of the skin he put the rest of the skin back inside his ring.

It could be very useful to bribe Snape or make an armour and even when you don't want to use it, you can still sell it for a high price. He put the basilisk skin on it's designated place on the ritual circle with the levitation charm. He did the same with the thunderbird feathers and the phoenix tears he collected earlier. Then he took out his wand and put it near the middle of the ritual circle. For the ritual you unfortunately often have to be naked as to not interfere with the magical reaction. Because of that, Orion stripped naked and took his position in the middle of the cirle. He took a deep breath to calm himself and steeled his mind for the pain that would assault him. Then he injected all his magical energy, miasma and aura into the ritual circle and started the ritual. The runes lit up in a blood red light and a thousand thin red glowing strings connected Orion's body with the ritual circle. It looked like Orion was in a spiderweb of red glowing strings. When the net of strings around Orion has finished forming, the ritual started. His wand in front of him turned to dust and a glowing mass of energy was devoured by the net of red strings. The same happend to the basilisk skin, the thunderbird feathers and the phoenix tears. Immediately an insufferable amount of pain assaulted Orion. It felt like millions of sharp needles were slowly scratching of fragments of his bones and replacing it with other bone material. As if his bones where painfully destroyed only to get recreated from scratch and replacing the old bone. This all happend to his whole body, from his feet to his head. Orion only felt pain and was desperately trying not to loose consciousness. If he looses his consciousness now, he would die from the rampant magic energy. A great amount of black magic leaked out from the ritual circle and let a faint black mist appear inside the room. After ten minutes that felt like an eternity to Orion the ritual was completed and Orion immediately lost consciousness. The magic energy in the red strings returned to Orion's body but was reduced by at least half of his reserves. The strings and the ritual circle dissapeared. Without him knowing Orion just sacrificed half of his magic power.