First class

Orion awakend with his body feeling absolutely terrible. It was like he had asore muscles on every possible place on bis body. Especially his bones felt incredibly fragile. Besides the pain there was also the feeling of something missing. It was as if something had ben ripped out of him, he just couldn't exactly point out what. Eager to test out his wandless spellcasting he quickly put on his chlothes and levitated countless objects around him. It was at that homent he was shocked to feel his magic reserves. He had lost at least half of his magic. He immediately picked up the book about the ritual and looked at it carefully.

"Fuck this thing had another page" Orion cursed. It just so happend that the warning of the loss of half ones magical power was mentioned there. After all, there's a reason why so few wizards are capable of wandless casting. If you do the ritual on a kid, the kid could end up as a squib because of the low magic power unable to grow and normal wizards would be as weak as a normal first year student in magical power. Even wizards like Grindelwald, Dumbledore or Voldemort would loose their whole strength. It just wasn't worth it. Of course not many people knew about this ritual but Orion had no doubt that at least Dumbledore and Grindelwald knew about it.

Orion immediately checked his status window.


Name: Orion Le Fay Pendragon

Age: 11 years old

Bloodline: Jörmungandr ( mythical )

Aura power: 30

Magic power: 45 (junior auror level)

Miasma: 100

Intelligence: 120 ( photographic memory )


Spellcasting: 6 ( very good )

Transfiguration: 5 ( average)

Potions: 6 ( very good)

Black Magic: 10 ( the devil himself )

Mind Arts: 8 ( natural Oclumen)

Divination: 2 ( shit )

Runes: 8 ( one in a million )

Unused talent points: 0

Orion groaned, now he needed to get his magical power back through a long process of stimulating potions. The process also had cubersome conditions akin to the animagus ritual. It was really troublesome but at least he didn't end up as a squib. He cleaned up the room and the stone floor, that was stained with his blood and small bone fagments. Seeing that, Orion decided to get a checkup in the hospital wing. Now he had to think about what to do...he can't really just cast wandlessly so open in class. It would just reveal his biggest trump card, he isn't such a fool to do that. He was assigned to Slytherin for a reason. With his wand turned to dust he had no choice but to just pretend to have a wand. He didn't want to use his mother's wand for that. It was to precious for him to even use it. He just took a stick that had the right shape to look like a wand and put it inside his wand holster. Statisfied he got up, put the ritual book back inside his ring and made sure that one can't recognise the ritual circle anymore. Statisfied he left the room and went back to his dorm. When he looked at the clock it was already 5am the next day. Today the first classes started and he has to make sure he attended. Sighing he got to his dormitory, put on his training suit and went to his daily training.

After he finished he took a shower and changed to his school robes. He finished his training just in time for breakfast. The arrogant James Rosier greeted him. "Hello half-blood, ready to get beaten up today?" Rosier mocked him.

Orion just sneered at him "oh it seems like you forgot what happend tl your nose the last time?"

At that comment Rosier lost his confidence and was flustered.

"That was unfair, I didn't expect it..." he said in his defence. Orion really had to say, this boy was really dumb. You threaten someone to be your servant but don't expect him to fight back? What logic is that?

Ignoring him Orion sat down on the Slytherin table. Seeing Susan on the Hufflepuf table he winked and smiled. Susan saw him and also winked back. A few Slytherins looked at him. How can one be friends with a Hufflepuf, they are absolutly useless in everything. Besides, after Griffindor the house Hufflepuf also hates all Slytherins with a passion. How can you be friends?

Orion saw the looks of his house mates and just started eating. He doesn't care what they think about him, if they make trouble for him he will gladly give them a good beating. Then there was a storm of owls that assaulted the hall. The wizard world really had inconvinient ways of kommunication

After he was finished he made his way over to the transfiguration class of professor McGonagall. The other students also finished eating and went to their respective classes. He had transfiguration with Griffindor, so he sat next to Neville whom he met on the train. Hermoine was to annoying with her desire to be better than everyone and know everything better.

On the teachers table there was a tabby cat looking at them with a strict gaze. Orion of course knew that this is professor McGonagall, but he didn't say anything. He wasn't planning to be a top student, that would just give him unnecessairy attention from Dumbledore. With his Miasma energy and his black magic talent he would think he is the next Voldemort. No it's definetly better to hide his talent and only put in a bit effort in Owls and Newts.

"Hi Neville" Orion greeted him and sat down next to him. "Oh hello Orion what happened at the sorting ceremony? Did you get punished?" Neville asked.

"Ah don't mention it, I got yelled at by Snape and even Dumbledore came...and you must have heard of the wizard duel..." Orion said still annoyed. That was self defense alright? Why does he get punished for it?

"Ah? Now that you mention it...there was something like that, I must have forgot..." Neville said in a quiet voice. He always forgets a lot of things because his memory was whiped when he was a baby. Orion also intends to give him the mind curing potion once he beat Malfoy. Who knows he could be a genius...

Harry and Ron came running into the class. Seeing that McGonagall was not there yet, Ron grinned and shouted "Made it!".

Then he talked to Harry "what do you think the old McGonagall would have said to us when we are late in the first class..."

The tabby cat on the table suddenly jumped and transformed to professor McGonagall in midair.

Ron was standing there with an open mouth and after realisation his whole face turned pale. "That was awsome..." Ron just said.

"Well thank you for that but you were stkll to late" Professor McGonagall responded flatly "mabye I should transfigure one of you in a clock then at least one of you is here on time".

"We were lost..." Harry said.

"Then into a plan of Hogwarts? If you need one to find your seats..." McGonagall said and mentioned for them to sit down.

"Transfiguration is probably the most dangerous topic you have in this school. If I find out that one of you doesn't take this seriously and messes around, he will be sent out of my class to never come back" McGonagall said with a stern voice. Immediately all the students stopped to chat with each other and tried to concentrate. Professor McGonagall seemed very statisfied with this reaction and started her lecture. With a wave of her wand the transfiguration formular to turn matches into needles appeared on the blackboard. All the students copied it eagerly. During this time professor McGonagall distributed a few matches to everyone. Orion really had to resist the temptation of just snapping his fingers and turning the match into a beautiful needle with pattern on it. He oriented himself on kther students.

"Everyone look, miss Granger got it...10 points for Griffindor!" McGonagall said while holding a small needle inside her hand showing it to everyone.

After Hermoine got it and also Malfoy he also transfigured his needle. Before he just waved his "wand" stupidly but didn't use any magic.

He aso transfigured his matchstick but as there were others before him McGonagall just noticed it and didn't say anything. At this point he was averange it should at least suffice to pass the course. After the course they had spellcasting class. Professor Flitwick is always a cheerful person and besides potions, Orion will show his talent in these classes. He hoped that if he was exellent in spellcasting he could get some duelling advice from professor Flitwick. And in potions, he just didn't want to get roasted by professor Snape.

He would also put in some work in Herbiology but don't show it. I mean you could kill everyone around you with the cry of a mandrake. There where also biting cabbages or poisoning plants. That is just to overpowered to pass. He also had a few ancient plants inside his ring that could be used for rare and valuable potions. Other subjects where absolutely useless. Flying was useless if you don't want to play Quidditch, History of Magic is just about some random goblin war, astronomy is only useful for some rituals with special constellations. Even then they tend to be on the weaker side if it isn't an event that wouldn't happen for at least 10,000 years. Rituals with sacrifices where much more effective and also more convinient for Orion. He really doesn't understand why Astronomy was even teached. I mean you can't legally perform a ritual because the ministry themed that group of magic as dark and forbidden.

The defense against the dark arts is a joke if Voldemort doesn't decide to personally teach dark magic.

After a while he arrived in front of the charms classroom.