Identity crisis

He arrived a bit early so there weren't that many students here yet. Orion scanned the room to see if he knew someone. He sat down besides a first year Slytherin he didn't know. He must be a more unimportant character in the cannon. Trying to socialise Orion introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Orion LeFay" he just said.

"Oh hello, I'm Pike Selwyn nice to meet you" the boy said.

Orion was a bit suprised, he wouldn't expect a family member of one of the sacred twenty-eight to not be mentioned in the book.

"Do you already know a few spells? I only can do a few of the easiest ones, I hope this class is easy or else I won't pass" Pike said while ruffling his hair in frustration.

"Oh don't worry there are people here who can't cast a single spell. You are already very impressive to be able to cast a few spells before the course even started" Orion comforted him.

"You think? Well I put in a lot of effort so I should at least be able to do that" Pike said, his humble voice not masking his pride at all.

"I know a few spells myself, I think we will first learn about the lumos charm. After all this is the easiest one..."

The two quickly got to know each other. Orion really found it interesting how easy 11year olds make friends. As time passes the classroom began to fill with students until it was time for class and Professor Flitwick walked in. He was a really ammusing teacher. Besides his cheerful character, he also had a sense of humor. It was also very funny to first see him stack a few books to stand on. Else he wouldn't even reach the podium in height.

The first charms class was nothing interresting as it was basically an introduction of the subject and an explanation of the Lumos charm as Orion had predicted. This spell is so easy that even Weasley got it so they all had no problems performing the spell.

"Okay with that the class is over for today I hope you all had fun. Mister LeFay please stay for a moment" Flitwick said and dismissed the class. Orion absolutely didn't know what the professor wanted from him. His performance in class was averange because the Lumos charm was very basic and not that challenging. Orion just looked at Pike and said "see you at lunch" and walked to professor Flitwick. The students all left and Flitwick looked at him "Headmaster Dumbledore wishes to see you, it seems like there are problems regarding your heritage. You might need to go to the ministry of magic to register and prove your identity".

[Quest: prove your identity and reclaim your possesions]

[Reward: regain access to your vaults, political Influence]

With that Orion finally knew what's going on. Since he was from two very ancient families he technically had the right to get a seat in the Wizengamoth. If he can't prove his heritage he will loose all his wealth and privileges as a member of a wizard family. He followed Professor Flitwick to Dumbledores office. They stopped in front of a giant gargoyle statue.

"Jelly slugs" Flitwick chanted and with a rumble the gargoyle revealed a stone staircase. "You will meet Dumbledore upstairs" Flitwick said and mentioned for him to go alone. Orion just nodded and entered the staicase. After a while he arrived in front of a wooden door. Entering the office Orion looked around curiously. There where a lot of spinning instruments and Orion had no clue what they were used for. On the walls there were a lot of portraits of earlier Headmasters of Hogwarts. And of course there was fox the phoenix of Dumbledore. He was proudly standing on his perch radiating an aura of fire magic. "Ah Orion my boy you are already here...I see you have already noticed fawkes" Dumbledore said suddenly appearing behind Orion. He was really startled and even his heart skipped a beat.

"Could you not do that?" Orion said "it's really a bit scary if the headmaster suddely appeas behind someone".

"Oh my apologies...mabye I can make up for it with some lemon drops?" Dumbledore said and revealed a package full of sweets.

"Of course" Orion said and took a few.

"Ah finally someone who has a good know the students before all refused to take some" Dumbledore said with a smile.

"So why did you want to see me?".

"I think Professor Flitwick already told you the overall situation. As there is no record of your birth neither in the muggle nor the magical world your Identity is questionable. Therefore the Ministry of Magic froze all you accounts in Gringotts and will hold a trial in court to prove your Identity. If you fail to prove your Identity, you will be thrown into Azkaban as pretending to be from an ancient family is a very serious crime" Dumbledore told him without even trying to make it sound not so bad. Orion was shocked, how could they just freeze his accounts? And if he fails to prove his Identity he will be sent to Azkaban? What the fuck?

"Professor Flitwick told me that I needed to prove my Identity but I didn't expect to have my accounts frozen...or be sent to Azkaban" Orion admitted.

"Please don't underestimate this, as there are no records of your birth you shouldn't even how did you appear here? Do you have parents that could prove it for you?" Dumbledore asked.

Orion really didn't want to reveal that he was frozen in time to escape Merlin in ancient times. Merlin was akin to a god in the wizarding world, if Merlin wanted him dead then it was the judgement of god that wanted him dead. With his lineage he would probably be framed as the next dark lord. Well he planned to be one, just not yet...

"I don't have parents, they died long ago but I can prove my identity through a bloodline test from the goblins..." Orion said.

Dumbledore just smiled a little helpless. "The bloodline test isn't sufficient to prove your family heritage especially for two of the richest families to ever exist in Britian not to mention your right to the british throne and nobility title. In this matter even the british crown will get involved because if you are who you say to be, you will have a right to many positions.

"Then how can I even prove that?" Orion asked. The bloodline test was the only way to prove his identity without revealing a lot of secrets about himself.

"Do you perhaps...want to tell me something?" Dumbledore asked "mabye I could help you...".

'Ah fuck it' Orion just thought. He needed this money for his future plans, he wouldn't give it up because of some secret of his.

"I am the son of the dark witch Morgana LeFay and the nephew of Athur Pendragon. I was frozen in ice for a thousand years to prevent my death..." Orion said thinking of how he should continue with his story.

"My mother went mad because of her black magic and I was protected by an ancient spell that Merlin cast on me to protect me. But the rampant magic made the enchantment permanent and froze me for a long time. Even Merlin could not lift the curse. I am tecnically 1011 years old..." Orion said in his head apologising to his mother for framing her.

" rather hard to belive" Dumbledore said but belived him. That would also explain why he didn't have a birth record.

"But it still doesn't prove your Identity..." Dumbledore said.

Orion had a headace, how the actual fuck would he get these bastards to belive him?

Ah right he had the heir rings. They can only be worn by direct descendants of the respective families.

"I also have the heir rings of these families, while I recived the Pendragon ring from Gringotts, I had the LeFay ring from the mother gave it to me" Orion said.

"Well that should suffice to prove your Identity, the trial will take place in the Wizengamot at Friday 15pm" Dumbledore said while nodding. "I will do my best to help you in the trial, you don't need to worry. You must be hungry, go eat your lunch".

With that he dismissed Orion who was now deep in thought about the upcomming trial. How dare they freeze his accounts? He will have his revenge! He thought while sheming.