The news didn't stop.
Each day, blogs and news sites brought out different perspectives to the video that had come out, and it all boiled down to one thing.
Selena Tequila was the internet's bitch.
But Selena made sure to carry her head high each time she stepped into the Tequila Corporation Headquarters where her office was located, aware that every eye in there viewed her the same way. It had been a few days after the video, and even though she pretended to be fine, she boiled with embarrassment every time she stepped out in public. She, Selena Tequila, had been reduced to a jealous whiny child to the public's eye.
If only she laid her hands on that lady in the bathroom stall. If only she had followed after her like Nancy told her to. If only she had taken that damned phone and shattered it into pieces.
If only couldn't get her anywhere close to erasing the embarrassment.
But again, she had no peace at home too. As she walked into her home, her father was at the door to welcome her with a frown.
"Did you meet with him?" Her father, a stocky man with a bald head, directed his hawk-like eyes at her. She sighed and whipped her hair back as she faced him.
"No, Dad. I didn't meet him, and why should I?" She asked.
"Why should you?" His brows drew together so tight they looked like a massive caterpillar. "Why should you?! You dare ask me that?"
"What's going on?" The clacking of heels against marble came closer. Soon, Selena's mother, Fiona, and her aunt, Isabel, appeared, two sisters who could be mistaken for twins, save for the color of their hair. Fiona, tall, slim, and with blonde hair without a spec of grey rushed over to a whimpering Selena and held her in her arms.
"What's wrong?" She asked her daughter. Casting her husband a glaring stare ," What has Selena done again?"
"He keeps making me feel everything that's happening is my fault," Selena whimpered. "I was only venting in the bathroom, and I didn't know I was being recorded."
"Oh my dear," Isabel spread her arms and hugged Selena. "I can't imagine what you're going through right now. Should we do some retail therapy?"
Her father stepped up to the entrance door and yanked it open. All three women shook.
"Out." He pointed in the direction of the door. "Selena, get out and don't come back until you've resolved this matter."
"Jon!" It was Fiona who stepped up to him. A few of the housecleaners peeked from corners, and one look from Isabel sent them away. "Don't speak to her that way. You know what she's…"
"...and I know damned well what's at stake." Jon was practically trembling from the rage. Selena had never seen her father get so angry, even back when she had lost a deal worth millions of dollars, yes, he had raged, but not a tempestuous storm like this one.
Even Fiona was staring at him, horrified. She backed away and cleared her throat, and Selena didn't miss the look both her parents exchanged. Brief, but a silent message had passed between them.
"Selena darling," Fiona sashayed over to her daughter. "Look at me," she cupped her daughter's face and smiled. "Just give the media something to erase this. It's bad for business."
"Mum, it's just a baseless rumor…"
"Fiona…" Isabel started.
"No, this isn't," Fiona said. "Look, don't waste any more time and listen to your father, okay? I heard Alexander is a good person. Apologise to him, make sure to do it in front of the cameras, okay?"
Selena set her lips in a thin line. If her mother sided with her father, there was no winning the situation.
"Your condition for returning to this house depends on it," Jon said.
"Then I won't come back," Selena challenged. "I'd just stay in one of the apartments I own."
"Then you might as well forget coming back to Tequila Corporation." Jon rose to the challenge.
Minutes later, Selena was seated at the back of her car, heading over to Xcel Technologies. She hated the kind of hold her father had over her simply because she was his blood. Alexander's company was not affiliated with Sterling Corporation, and maybe he too had had enough of his family's control and decided to venture out on his own.
She sank into the plush car seat. And if she ventured out, what was the use? She was going to own Tequila Corporation someday, and when that day came, she would think about expansion. Besides, having the idea of starting her own company would just lead to another war in the house.
The car stopped in front of Xcel technology. The building stood tall and proud, adorned with clean lines.
Selena got out of the car and looked up, the ascending stories stretched towards the sky, each level adorned with large windows.
"Not bad" she muttered under her breath.
She was greeted by the vibrant neon signage of the company which adorned the entrance to the reception area.
"Show off" Selena scoffed and headed inside.
The receptionist behind the glass desk looked up when Selena walked inside.
"Selena Tequila!" She shouted her eyes widening in disbelief.
"Tell your boss I'm here to see him," Selena said, putting her shades on.
Quickly, the receptionist picked up the phone and spoke to someone on the other end. Selena tapped on her heel impatiently. The receptionist put down the phone and looked at Selena.
"you can wait over there, he'll be with you shortly." She said pointing towards the visitors lounge.
"Why can't I see him now?" Selena asked adjusting her shades.
"He's busy at the moment," the receptionist gestured to the empty chairs. "Once he's done, he'll be available for you."
Selena waited, and she read more horrid news of herself as she did. One video had even called on a psychologist to analyze her 'breakdown' and how it depicted some hidden mental illness. Selena was appalled. Didn't these people have anything better to do?