
Two women walked past, and they threw glances at her as they walked over to the receptionist. They began to talk in whispers, watching her as they did so. Selena sighed. They probably hadn't seen her kind of beauty in their lives, she might as well just give them the privilege.

An hour seemed to pass by, and a few people walked in and out of what looked like the direction of the CEO's office, and she could barely contain her impatience. The receptionist was typing away, the sound filling the space and irking her even further.

Selena shot to her feet and walked over to her.

"I need to see him now," Selena demanded. "I've been waiting for hours."

"It's…it's only been 25 minutes, ma'am."

"That's equal to several hours in my world," she flipped her hair away from her face. "Tell him it's urgent. I don't have all day."

"Ma'am, please wait…"

"No I won't," Selena said. She turned to the direction she had seen people flock in and out of and marched off there, ignoring the yells from the receptionist she entered the elevator. It was like a long ride upstairs, finally the elevator stopped and the door opened, she quickly walked out in search of his office. She stopped when she saw the nameplate on the last door down the hallway and barged in.

Alexander was seated at his table, a large oak one with meticulously arranged items lying on it. He looked up from his laptop when he saw her.

Selena gave him a warm smile. "Hello again."

"It seems in addition to throwing bathroom tantrums, you also have a thing for dismissing manners," Alexander said.

"Only if it's needed, and in your case, you're not busy," she said.

Alexander's eyes turned stormy. "I can't do anything for you, so I suggest you leave."

Selena sighed. She walked over to the table and sat in the seat opposite him. She crossed her legs and set her handbag on his desk.

"I'm here because of the video," she said. "I've not been able to function properly since it came out, and now, my father has kicked me out of the house."

Alexander closed his laptop and gave her his full attention. "I hate to break this to you…what was your name again?"

Selena bit her bottom lip. "Selena. Selena Tequila."

"I hate to break it to you, Selena, but I don't care about your struggles," he stressed the last word. "I'll be leaving the office in a few minutes, so again, please leave."

Selena's eye twitched. She didn't expect him to be a difficult man. Usually, she would waltz into an office, charm the man enough with just her looks, and everything was resolved. This man, however, was a tough nut to crack.

How else could she settle the matter?

"Look, Tequila Corporation is one of the best in the U.S., though I'm a bit surprised you didn't recognize the face at first. But that's by the ways, how about we'll sign a contract with you and everyone walks away happy?" She smiled. He didn't.

"Tell me, Selena, is this how you go about settling matters? Buying the people you hurt?"

She frowned. "I don't see what's wrong if everyone's benefiting from it. You're happy, I'm happy, case closed. Just take it."

Alexander rose. When Selena watched him looking at her, her body did a revulsion at the pity in his eyes. He walked around the desk and headed to the door, leaving her seated there alone.

For a moment, she looked confused, waiting for him to come back in and excuse himself. When she knew that wasn't going to happen, she snatched her bag off the table and followed after him.

He had already made his way into the elevator when she sped to the closing doors. His eyes circled on her in surprise, and she straightened herself.

"What do you want?" She asked him once the lift doors were closed. "Okay, just name what you want and I'll get it, as long as it's not stupid."

"I've told you, to leave me alone."

"Then let's settle this! Don't you think I want that too? Do you think I want to be running across marble grounds in six-inch heels chasing after you to the lift?" She huffed. "Chivalry is definitely six feet under."

The lift doors opened, and Alexander walked out. Selena was hot on his heels, and he darted his gaze around the foyer.

"People are looking." He warned her.

"I don't care." She simply replied.

His driver was waiting by the car already. When Louis saw Selena with him, he shot his eyes to his boss, as if warning him of an impending danger.

Alexander stopped in his tracks. Selena did the same as well.

"Are you going to follow me inside my car as well?" He asked, mockery in his voice.

Selena raised a defiant chin at him. "I will."

"I'll have no choice but to call security on you."

She shrugged. "Go ahead, but let me just say this," she stepped up to him until she was about two feet away. "I'll scream and trash and cry so loudly people are going to whip their phones and post another video. I'll tell them I just wanted to apologize to you and you treated me that way, and in the blink of an eye, the villain becomes the victim."

Alexander looked at the blue sky. Wary, Selena followed his gaze. He lowered his head and rubbed at his eyes, then set his hand down.

"Is it really hard for you to do it then?" He asked.

"Do…do what?" Selena sputtered.

"Apologize. Like a normal person would after behaving the way you did." Alexander said. "Is it so hard for you to have the basic human decency to do so? Don't you feel hollow on the inside?"

Selena stood still, the shock of his words rooting her there. Alexander didn't wait for her to recover. He was inside his car and driving off before she realized what had happened. She marched over to where her car was parked, got into the backseat, and pointed to Alexander's car.

"Follow him," she ordered.