Ba Dum

Selena rode in the elevator up to the penthouse. In the mirrored interior of the space, she gave her reflection a once-over. She had settled for an armless olive green knee-length gown, but she had a feeling she would regret it. She kept pulling it at the top to cover up as much skin as she could and not give off a peep of cleavage. She wondered if she had tethered past the modesty line to the slutty one. On second thought, why had she listened to Reema telling her it was a good idea? Reema who had once traveled out of the country in a bikini and shorts!

The elevator doors opened at the designated floor, and Selena breathed in then let out a long breath out as she made her way to the door the security guard had directed her. When Alexander had emailed her to tell her she had an hour meeting with Liam Jones at 6 p.m., she had been ecstatic, sent him about a hundred thanks in reply, and waited for the day to come while practicing all she was going to say, and the possible things he might say as well.

She rang the bell. It took a few seconds for the door to open, and Alexander came into view.

He opened his mouth to speak, and it hung that way as his eyes appraised her. Selena felt the heat rush from the tip of her toes up to her cheeks. She was right, she had gone over the top and Alexander thought so as well.

She also looked him over. He was dressed casually in chinos and a henley shirt, his hair tousled in the same vibe. She noticed the apron on him and waited for him to speak.

He shook his head as if clearing his daze. "Sorry, please come in." He said.

Selena stepped into the house and the smell of something delicious hit her. She wordlessly approved of his space, it was so "Alexander" that she hadn't expected anything different. Neat, minimalistic, and had a perfect view of the city from his floor-to-ceiling windows, with lights dotting the late evening sky like stars.

"I like your space," Selena let him know as she walked into his living space.

"Thanks," He made his way to the kitchen. "I'll be back shortly. Make yourself at home."

Selena took off her shoes and flattened her soles down the cool marble floor. She dumped them by a corner and followed after Alexander. In the kitchen, a whole fish sizzled on a pan, and several other plates were already laid with delicious-looking cooked food.

"So you double as a chef?" Selena asked, leaning on the counter opposite him.

"Hardly," he tossed some vegetables into another pan and returned to the fish. "My grandmother liked to cook sometimes, so I'd just join her."

"You could've just ordered, you know," Selena said. "You didn't have to stress yourself."

"Oh no, I wanted to practice again. Make you and Liam my little lab rats for tonight," Alexander joked.

"I don't mind at all. I might even die a happy woman."

"Well then, that's all the compliment I need," Alexander smiled at her as he turned the fish.

"Let me help," Selena pushed herself off the counter and came around to him.

"No," Alexander said.

"Why?" Selena propped a hand on her hip. "You don't trust me?"

"Not one bit."

"Ouch, and rude," she slapped his hand away from the fish and took the spatula from him. "I'll have you know this is one of my very many skills. Now step back and watch."

Alexander folded his arms as he watched her carefully lift the fish with the spatula and try to flip it over. She almost missed, and he was rushing over to catch it before it landed halfway into the pan.

Selena flashed him a smile. "See? Told you."

"Let me handle it," Alexander said, reaching to take it from her.

"No," Selena blocked him. "I'll handle it. Where's Liam?"

"You came like an hour early," Alexander returned to leaning against the counter and folded his arms as he watched her move to sauteeing the vegetables.

"I needed to make a good first impression," Selena said. She flipped her hair away when it got in her way. "Now I'm making a second good impression. Look at what I cooked."

Alexander raised a brow. "Excuse me?"

She flipped her hair and smiled at him. "Oh come on, it's got my magic touch. The Selena touch."

"Yeah, and very soon we'd be eating your hair as well," Alexander pushed himself off the counter and moved behind her. "Got a band?" She shook her head. "You'll make do with a ponytail, I don't have a cooking hat in here."

Before Selena could ask what he meant, Alexander swept her hair to the side, and she went still. His fingers combed through her hair and gathered it at the nape of her hand with light touches tickling the area. Her heart started to pick a pace, and he worked her hair into a braid.

"Selena?" She felt his breath on her neck. She gulped.


"You're watching the food, right?"

Like she had been shaken awake, her eyes snapped to the pan. She quickly stirred the browning vegetables and looked at the jar of olive oil. She reached for the oil, and in her haste, her elbow nudged the jar, sending it teetering on the edge. With a gasp, she lunged to catch it, but her reflexes were just a fraction too slow.

The jar tipped over and its contents cascaded out in a golden stream. Selena's heart pounded as she watched everything in slow motion.

The oil splashed onto the countertop, splattering her hands and arms. A small pool formed at her feet and spread rapidly across the floor.

"I'll clean it up," She said, looking at the rag near the sink.

"Selena! Don't…"

But the rest of Alexander's words didn't reach her as she saw herself slipping backward. She screamed as she landed on her elbow, right in the middle of the pool of oil.