An accident happened

"I'll clean it up," She said, looking at the rag near the sink.

"Selena! Don't…"

But the rest of Alexander's words didn't reach her as she saw herself slipping backward. She screamed as she landed on her elbow, right in the middle of the pool of oil. Alexander rushed to her side, remembered the stove was still on, and went to switch it off.

Selena groaned and whimpered. When she raised her head, Alexander was crouched next to her, worried.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "Everything fine?"

"No, I'm soaked in oil and embarrassment!" She cried out. She didn't miss the humorous glint in Alexander's eyes. "Don't you dare laugh."

"I'm not laughing," Alexander's eyes crinkled.

"I swear, Alex…"

It was too late. He rocked with chuckles, and Selena's face grew warm. She looked at the dress she had specifically worn, the spatula that had somehow landed somewhere far off, and the jar that had miraculously remained on the countertop, the last bits of oil dripping on the floor.

Selena didn't know when she started laughing herself. It was so ridiculous!

"Okay, let's be serious," Alexander's laughs died down. He rose to his feet. "We have to get you out of this mess."

Selena stopped giggling and took the hands Alexander extended to her. He lifted her effortlessly and held onto her hand as he led her out of the kitchen and down a passageway. He opened a door, and the bedroom was a little bland, but she knew it wasn't his.

"Liam will be here soon," Alexander said.

"Okay, I'll just wash up and change into one of Tamika's dresses." Selena offered.

Alexander frowned. "Tamika?"

"Yeah, it's just normal for ladies to leave a thing or two when they sleep over," Selena said. She felt queasy by the minute with all that oil over her.

Alexander massaged his forehead. "Tamika hasn't stayed over, so her dresses aren't here."

"Oh," Selena had a lot to ask but didn't. She made a mental note to ask Tamika herself when they saw face-to-face again. What exactly was going on between them? Tamika did like him, but was he torn between her and Armani who was "just a friend?"

"Then any ex's dress. I don't mind." Selena suggested another option. "I just really need to get these clothes off."

"You'll have to make do with my shirt, Selena," Alexander said.

"Thank you very much, but I still very much like that I'm female," Selena said. "I promise I'll have the dress returned…"

"I don't have any dress lying around," Alexander admitted. "That's what I mean."

Selena stared at him like she was seeing him for the first time. There always had to be a female's dress lying around, something an ex never came back for. She looked down at her dress, and back at him.

"Alex, give me your mum's own then…"

"Selena, if there was, I would have brought it."

"Oh God," she muttered. "Oh God, Liam's going to take me for a joke when he sees me walking out with your shirt! He might…he might…darn it! He might think I spent the night over!"

That fear of hers took Alexander aback.

"Selena, he won't. He'd understand it was an accident. And besides, it's about thirty minutes before he arrives, and I'll have your dress washed and dried before then, so don't panic. Now you might want to step into the shower, and let me clean up and finish up in the kitchen before he arrives. You've only got an hour meeting with him," Alexander reminded her. "I'll lay the clothes out before you step out of the shower, so you have to hurry."

Selena couldn't argue as Alexander left her. Biting her lower lip, she hurried to wash all the oil on her body and dropped the cloth in an empty basket. She wrapped the clean towel around herself when she was done, and true to Alexander's words, a shirt and sweatpants were waiting for her on the bed when she stepped out.

She changed into it and carried the basket of her soiled clothes with her as she stepped out. Alexander was wiping the oil off the countertop, and all the dishes had been set already. When he looked at her, Selena couldn't decipher the odd look on his face.

She dumped the basket on the countertop. "Here. Thanks. And sorry I messed up your kitchen."

"No problem, just leave cooking for those who understand it," he said.

"Ha ha, so funny," she rolled her eyes. The doorbell rang. Selena's head whipped to the door, and Alexander stopped wiping.

"Alex," Selena called in a panicked whisper.

"Okay," Alexander looked her up and down. "You're sticking with the shirt and sweatpants." he said and rushed to get the door.

Alexander gave Liam and Selena some space when he knew she was handling the matter well. Gone was the Selena who had laughed and messed up his kitchen. The Selena that sat at the dining and spoke with Liam was the Selena he knew must have accumulated those awards he had seen when he looked her up on Google.

She had rolled up the sleeves of the shirt and kept her ground when Alexander had gone to open the door for his friend. Liam hugged him and stopped short in what he was about to say when he spotted Selena. He looked her from head to toe, then back up again.

"An accident happened," Selena brushed off with her hand. "Decided to give these clothes the privilege of being worn by me."

"It…suits you," Liam said, his eyes on Alexander.

"I know, and I hope our meeting will be in both our favor."

The meeting hadn't taken long to commence. Alexander put the food on the table, and Liam, who hadn't eaten before, descended on the food while Selena spoke.

"Selena made the fish," Alexander said when Liam stuck his fork into it. Liam put it into his mouth and gave a nod of approval. Selena beamed and mouthed a "thank you" to Alexander.