Chapter 24: First night under the same roof

Ace P.O.V

After more than 3 hours we got out of the studio with satisfying results, of course, we were not done but Alicia was making progress with each take I didn't know she was this much of a perfectionist the last try was satisfactory in my books but she was not happy with it I like how she wanted nothing less than perfection of course that wasn't possible nothing in life was perfect except my cars they were for sure perfect (giggles) since we ate dinner pretty late in the afternoon we didn't eat anything tonight yet so we made our way toward the kitchen I didn't know what to make for a late-night snack 

-Alicia what do you want to eat maybe something simple to make since we will go to bed soon enough

-Humm a good sandwich with chips and veggies?

-Quick and simple alright good idea but we might be hungry in the middle of the night if it is too light what about a Croque Madam sandwich with golden gouda mushroom soup?

-Why do you have to turn everything you make so fancy (giggles)

- Humph because I like cooking, while I'm cooking you can try to find us a good movie to watch 

-What type of movie do you like?

-Anything but I am particularly fond of older movies since I didn't watch most of them it is easier to pick one I haven't seen already

-how old are we talking here?

-anything that didn't come out in the last 15 years (giggles) in short anything that's older than me

-are you calling me old?

I could feel the danger behind this question I'm walking on eggs right now and being the man that I am I jumped right into it.

-No I would never say such a thing I said with a mischievous grin

-Humph she pouted with annoyance written all over her face

-Hahaha nice try Cutie-Pie

I could see that she was faking her annoyance which made her look really cute while we continued our banter like that I was busy cooking our light meal and Alicia was browsing the net to look for this night's movie 40 minutes later we were both in the living room sitting in front of the TV with our meal put on the coffee table the movie Alicia choose was shanghai noon again Lucy Liu was nowhere to be seen when I read the casting list funny coincidence that she chose this movie well she couldn't know that in my past life, it was one of my favorite action/comedy movie this movie was as good as I remembered it to be, even better Jackie Chan was speaking only in mandarin which was really a surprise since I remember him talking in English in my life version of this movie but I like it more this way an imperial Chinese guard speaking English was weird to begin with, the fact that Jackie Chan wasn't able to speak English in the movie made some interaction with owen wilson in some scene a lot funnier than it was princess pei pei was played by a Taiwanese actress who did a good job and the rest of the movie cast was the same overall this movie was better than its counterpart by a notch or two

Hearing Alicia laugh throughout the movie was music to my ears watching a movie and passing time with the person you like was creating a better experience than watching it alone that's for sure Alicia was almost sleeping on the sofa I got up and brought our plate to the kitchen and load them into the dishwasher I also wash every utensil I use while cooking coming back into the living room Alicia was sleeping I knew this was going to happen I could see how tired she was, the day hadn't been easy emotionally for her confronting her mother even if her mother didn't react as badly as we thought she would it doesn't mean it didn't took a toll on her mind no wonder at the end of the movie she was looking this exhausted 

I lifted her up from the sofa in a princess carry and carefully made my way toward our room I wasn't planning on living in this room in the beginning because the bed was a hundred times too big the room itself was also too big to live in alone but now... no, even with two people living in this room we won't even take half the space but that's the best room in the villa and my Love deserved the best entering our bedroom I tuck her to sleep in our bed without waking her up after pulling the blanket up to her chin I began undressing leaving only my underwear I put an alarm on my phone for 5 am but to not wake up Alicia this early I put my phone on vibrate mode

Alicia P.O.V

I woke up feeling disoriented I didn't recognize where I was it took me a minute to remember where I was but I knew I hadn't made it to the room by myself the only thing I remembered was being really tired on the sofa Ace must have carried me into our room the view from this room was breathtaking the wall of glass really was something else Ace wasn't here but I could see the other side of the bed had a clear sign of being used I look at the clock on the bedside table and notice a note with a glass of water on it 

-Good morning Love I don't know when you're gonna wake up so I won't know where I will be, call me when you are ready to eat your breakfast I will come to cook for you -XoXo- Ace

Gulping down the glass of chilled water it didn't diminish the warmth I was feeling right now waking up in a new environment can be scary but with Ace being this mindful it really put me at ease I remember saying to him that I always drink water when I woke up in one of our texts but I didn't think he would remember something trivial like this

stepping into the bathroom in our room I started my morning routine an hour later I was ready to look for the kitchen but it took me more time than I would ever admit I got lost I never thought one day that I could get lost in a place where I live in, even now I still find this absurd. I think it would be a good idea to tour the villa and remember everything to not let this kind of situation repeat itself also I might need to keep my phone with me all the time this place is so big I bet we could be 5 people living here and still not cross a single soul all-day I know Ace told me to call him for breakfast but I'm sure he already had his and I don't want to bother him for a toast and a bowl of cereal even if I knew that he would surely have not cooked this kind of simple breakfast for me I do not want to disturb him for something like this 'maybe I should learn to cook' I'm sure he would be happy to teach me or I could take a cooking class and surprise him I need to check if there's cooking class nearby I thought

Ace came into the kitchen and made a beeline toward the fridge since the table was on the left corner of the room and the fridge was on the right side near the entrance door so he didn't see me but I could see him sweating all over his body, 'what was he doing to sweat this much did he run a marathon or what?

-Why are you sweating so much Handsome?

-Aaahhh God damn it, don't scare me like that are you a princess ninja or something

-Hahaha you were so focused on the fridge that you didn't even notice me that's not my fault but you still didn't answer my question what were you doing?

-Hehe you're right I was so thirsty I didn't think about anything other than a bottle of water I was training my martial arts you didn't call me for your breakfast I see, I knew you would do that so I made something that could be kept in the oven for a long time I just forgot to add it to the note had written earlier but since you already ate...

Listening to him I stood up and opened the oven in it there was half a breakfast casserole still warm 

-Awwwnn, now I feel bad because I'm already full I said pouting a little 

-Don't worry in fact I was about to make myself something again training like I just did would whet the appetite of anybody, I'll just eat the other half now. So what do you want to do today?

-Won't we continue with the songs and go to the studio today?

-You sang all afternoon yesterday so you need to rest your vocal cords. So no today we do something else also I got tickets for tonight's Nets vs Cavaliers playoff game I took 4 of them if you want to invite your mother she can also come with us I already texted your brother we will go pick him up later if you do not want to go I can go with just Derrick

-No way you got tickets how? And why wouldn't I want to go silly I love basketball and you didn't know but my Mother is also a huge fan I will call her right now why didn't you tell Derrick to ask if my mother wanted to come?

-I thought that your mother would be happy to hear your voice so I kept this task for you, even if it was just one night away she was with you for the last 18 years she must be feeling like something is missing this morning and I got tickets because my family owns the team we also hold 15% shares of the Los Angeles Angels baseball team 61% of the Athletic Club soccer team and 77% of the San Fransisco 49ers football team we probably got more than this but those are the one I took notice of said, Ace

Of course, his family owns the team what else did I expect, I will need time to get used to those kinds of things Ace is talking about this like it is nothing now it just makes me wonder what his house is looking like does he live in a castle, like those old kings or does he have a palace like the queen of England or maybe a mansion so big that Hollywood stars mansion would look like a cabinet in the wood while I was thinking about this I was walking to my room to fetch my phone so I could call my mother, what Ace said open my eyes my mother raise me and we've been living together for the 18 years surely it must be weird waking up without me in the house and to make things worst she has to endure my brother alone now poor her (giggles)

After finding my phone I dialed my house phone number 

Ring ring ring ... Katcha

-Hi sis what is this call for you know we will see each other later right asked my brother Derrick

-You finally learn to look at the phone display to know who is calling I'm proud of you yes I know I'm not calling you I want to talk to Mom can you give her the phone, please


This fucking retard screaming in my ears I thought 10 seconds later I heard my Moms voice


-Hi Mom

-How was your first night out of the house? asked my Mother

-I slept like a baby but when I woke up it took me a bit to realize where I was, also even if I do not want to come back I must say I miss you guys even Derrick's loud voice in the morning is kinda making me miss him which I didn't think was possible Ace told me that you must be feeling like something was missing this morning since I wasn't there but I also feel this way

-Tsk even if you say this don't think that this will make me like him Humph

-Hahaha well enough about that I was calling you to ask if you have something scheduled tonight because Ace got tickets for the Nets playoffs game and he thought maybe you would have liked going with us Derrick already knows about this 

-Yes I know he's been talking about it all morning, yes I will come not that I really want to but I need to watch your brother making sure he behaves himself Humph

-Alright see you later Mom, Love you!!

I hung up with a smile even if she tried to hide it I knew just how excited she was about this (giggles) Handsome you just gained yourself some favorability points I thought thinking about my boyfriend ... well lets take a shower and dress myself now