Chapter 25: Shopping day

Ace P.O.V

After Alicia left the kitchen I was left alone wondering what could we do with our afternoon before going to the arena since going to the studio was out of the question we had to do something else maybe we could walk to Central Park I always wanted to go to this worldwide famous park or we could go see a Museum maybe Metropolitan Museum of Art or Museum of Modern Art well I plan to go see both so either one would be great maybe the botanical garden would be more romantic hmm I should keep that one for a later date.

I'll just wait for Alicia and plan our day together I can go to Museums alone another time I have all summer to do what I want so I am in no hurry, finishing the rest of the breakfast I had cooked before my training I walk to the terrace garden of the villa looking the city from up high and being surrounded by all this greenery was special the quality of the air was better here than down there nothing beats filling my lungs with pure air after training, well as pure as New York polluted air can be. For now, it will have to do but I'm sure I will miss home sooner or later 

I turned my head around when I heard footsteps coming from behind me Alicia was wearing a green dress with black high heels her hair was tied into a high bun she was stunning I thought (image here)

-You sure about those high heels Love? 

-We are not going to run the Boston Marathon so who cares 

-Hehe your choice so what do you want to do today my Lady

-Hmm I don't know why aren't you choosing. asked Alicia

-Well I wanted to do something we would both enjoy and since you know the city better than I do .... oh I know let us make a trip to Fifth Avenue 

-In other words, you just want to go shopping (giggles)

-Well yes but I also want to see a street where, you can find flagship stores for nearly every high-end designer—Louis Vuitton, Tiffany & Co., Gucci, Prada, Valentino, Armani, Fendi, and more.

-I knew you were the type of guy to love shopping 

- What gave me away my dressings or the way I dress to impress your mother yesterday

-Both hehehe

-give me 30 min I need a shower, giving her a kiss I made my way toward our room to take a good shower and change myself

coming out of the shower I saw my Tagliatore Single-Breasted Two-Piece Suit Set put on the bed which made me laugh out loud if she wanted to see me in a suit again she just had to ask I would comply without a word 10 minutes later I was ready to go out as soon as I stepped out of the room Alicia grip my arm she was waiting right beside the door she was so sneaky that I hadn't realized she was there until now 

-So we are already there in our relationship that you choose my clothes now I asked

-I don't know what you are talking about I never browse your dressings while you shower yourself and this suit didn't make me imagine naughty things at all 

I blushed a little thinking about the naughty things she was talking about, now that she put that on the table I couldn't put the images I was having in my head away damn it even without her trying she sure is a seductress but now that she's doing it on purpose its worst 

taking the elevator to the parking lot we entered my car while getting in I saw Alicia's car I will need to do a check-up on her car to make sure everything is in order I'll do that another day this coming week 

It took us almost an hour from home to Fifth Avenue one thing I don't like about New York is the overflow of taxis driving in the streets every 3 cars you could see a taxi even with Uber growing bigger each day taxis were still predominant in New York and finding a spot to park my car was a real hassle after paying for a parking place near Fifth Avenue 

We started our shopping spree by going to Armani I already had pretty much every new suit they made for the last 7 years but it is always fun to look at those directly at the store and the fact that the Rolex store was right beside Armani didn't influence my choice at all we didn't stay in the Armani store that long the only things I could think about was the Rolex store next door Alicia seeing me looking at the door every now and then took my hand to drag me out there and entering the Rolex store

I always had a liking for watches Rolex may not have the most beautiful watch on the market but their brand was so huge that people were ready to pay astronomical sums of money to own one of course I was also part of these people the first display I saw when entering the store was a display case in the middle of the room everything about this display case was screaming look at me look at me I must say the marketing team of Rolex knew how to stir my curiosity 

sitting on a green velvet cushion there was a single watch coming closer I could see it was a skeleton Rolex which surprised me since I had never seen a skeleton Rolex before on the bottom right side of the display glass there was a notice written in gold letters... -Black Venom Design department is in charge in creating Render Previews. Included in Black Venom service, customers can choose and adapt design proposals on their needs. Projects are realized with the consultancy of Black Venom Design Department and Watch Specialists, specialized in creating customized watches tailored to the client's request. Included in the service, the client has the opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind wrist jewel, capable of flawlessly representing their personality and style. Involved in every step of the process, customer selects and customizes the design proposals according to their desires.

Wow no way this is interesting, while I was reading a saleswoman had come and stood a little bit away from us clearly waiting for me to finish reading after finishing reading I looked at her

-Sorry Ms... what steps do I need to take to get myself a customized watch

-My name is Christina Sir If you want a custom-made watch you need to pay a deposit and open a client account at the Rolex store if you are already registered with us you just need to pay the deposit we will then put you on the waiting list when your turn comes they will call you to fix an appointment with you, Black Venom Design will then ask you a series of questions to...

-Stop stop stop how much do I need to pay if I want to draw the design myself?

-Hmmm Sir I don't know if it is possible ... do you want me to get our manager here?

-Yes Christina thank you!

-So that's how rich people do their shopping said Alicia with a cheeky smile 

-This process is way too long for my liking also telling people what I want or drawing what I want the choice is easy to make

-I see why am I not surprised (giggles)

-What is your favorite color Love?

-Purple why?

-I just realized I never asked you those simple questions and I was thinking about what colors I wanted my watch to have so it made me think about what colors you like

as we were talking about those little things like our favorite foods or the season we like the most a man was walking toward us wearing a sharp-looking suit with a platinum Rolex on his left wrist probably the manager of the store

-Hello Sir, Madam my name is Gerard. Christina told me that you have an unusual request, Sir.

-Yes I want to know what would it take or cost for me to draw the design I want for the Black Venom Design custom-made watch 

-We already got a request like this before it is possible to do it like this but the fee is the same as if you use our design team if you want your order to be made quickly that's where you will need to pay more, a customized watch normally take between 6 months to 1 year if you want to get yours between 1 month to 5 months you would need to pay out at least 5 millions more and a watch like this already cost 6 millions or more depending on the materials used in its conception 

-Where do I sign?

-Are you sure Sir the 1 million dollar deposit isn't refundable if you ever change your mind you will lose this money 

-I am sure, we can start the procedure now!

-As you wish Mr, follow me to the reception desk, please

Opening an account was a lengthier process than I thought it took 1 hour and an additional 100,000$ fee just to be registered as a client. 1,100,000 million dollars later we were back walking from store to store from Tiffany to Sephora then from St. John to Versace the last stop was at Kenneth Cole store where I spent another 5000$ on both shoes for myself and Alicia of course I bought them without her noticing it since she would have refused but I made sure to watch her reaction all day long, lets just say that her dressings will have new arrivals in the upcoming week

-it was the first time I spent money like this this was so much fun 

-After the Rolex store I became numb how much did you spend today? I lost count because I was busy looking threateningly/menacingly at those girls who were looking at you like you were a piece of meat Hump

-That explains why you started walking almost glued to me at the Sephora store Hahaha you know you're cute when you're jealous and I didn't give these women a single look right?

-Shut up I'm not jealous... I'm like a cat I'm territorial 

-Hahaha Hahaha you are even cuter now! let us head home we need to eat something before fetching your Mother and Brother I said taking her hands in mine and walking toward my car 

Going back home after an afternoon of shopping was a great feeling even more so when you got such great company with you which was my case today since we shopped longer than I planned tonight's meal would need to be ordered

-What do you want to eat Love?

-I want pizza! and I know the best place for it let's go eat at Sottocasa Pizzeria

-No Delivery?

-No we need to eat on-site but trust me you won't regret it 

-I trust you so where is it?

-Wait I'll put the address on your phone she said taking my phone from the holder

Following the itinerary on Google map on my phone I drove to Harlem it was the first time is as come to this part of the city in both my lives I always had the idea that this neighborhood wasn't friendly but it was probably because of the numerous 80's movie I had watched 

In reality, Alicia told me that Harlem was long known for its intimate jazz clubs, soul food institutions and African-American heritage, Harlem draws a diverse crowd of locals and visitors. Trendy eateries, stylish clubs and hip bars make for an energetic nightlife scene. The area features a mix of 19th-century brownstones and modern high-rises. Its main artery, 125th Street, is home to the iconic Apollo Theater, as well as chain stores and restaurants.

When I asked her how she knew all this she laughed and then showed me her browser history where I could see Harlem and Harlem restaurants as the last two things she look up to on her phone