Take Care of

"I'm fine, you should go to do what you do."I said to Liu Liu Ruyue.

 The police caught Kim Dae-jung, will be detained, I also 3 back, I really didn't have what big ailment, because there has been no few strokes, but Liu Ruyue insisted on sending me back.

 Send back not to go, to take care of me, she is here I certainly have no problem, the key is that annoying Liu Tianming has been accompanying her, also didn't want to go.

 "It's not early, I think you might as well go back."I said.

 "You go back first, I want to stay to take care of him."Liu Liu Ruyue said to Liu Tianming.

 "You go, I think Mr. Yu should be nothing, just let him have a good rest."Liu Tianming said.

 Bastard!I secretly scold the heart.Not easy to have a chance to be alone with a beautiful woman, he is like a tail, always follow.

 "It doesn't matter, you go, I want to take care of him." "Liu Liu Ruyue said, "I mainly worry about the people of Kim Dae-jung to come again."

 "Take it easy, he is still detained, for a while not to come out, and even if he came, you stay here is not what use.The most important is that the situation is not favorable to us, you stay here, let him catch hold of it again, and then we will have to go back to the drawing board. I'm afraid to get back the child's custody of the hope is more slim."Liu Tianming said.

 Hear the child's custody of the words, Liu Ruyue obviously some hesitation.

 I can understand, said, "Lawyer Liu said, you still left here, so as not to give Kim Dae-jung left what bullshit evidence."

 Liu Ruyue is still hesitating, I stand up, she will even drag with pushing they pushed out of the door, just opened the door, the monkey stood in the doorway.

 The monkey saw me on the face of the color, hurriedly asked me, "how?"

 I hurriedly fool him, "nothing nothing, not a small fall - fall."

 But the monkey which is so easy to cheat, see Liu Ruyue and Liu Tianming will understand, he said to Liu Ruyue, "I can talk to you?"

 "What are you doing monkey?"I hurriedly stopped, "what is there to talk about."

 "I just say two words with her, you don't care."The monkey monkey could not be separated will I push away.

 I certainly know what the monkey to tell her, so hurriedly will the monkey pulled over, said to Liu Ruyue, "you go fast."

 "Let me say in it?I have told you already, don't mix this thing, her husband to find trouble?"The monkey saw me let go of Liu Ruyue, very unhappy said.

 "I'm happy."

 "You boy just hard-nosed, you don't listen to me, not from this kind of thing far away, sooner or later to regret." Don't miss translation: Monkey said, "I don't know what you figure, if she divorced after you, you take the risk for her is worth it, everyone has found a buyer, you are still here busy and what kind of strength."

 "I just can't stand her husband's insidious virtues, can you?"

 "Yu Hao, I tell you, this thing you have to think about it again, it is related to your safety, we are some silk, in this city without any protection, in case something happens..."

 "What all don't say, I have decided, so many years, you don't understand me, I once decided to do, when to change?" I said.

 "You ah...What a stubborn donkey!"The monkey hated the sigh of the luck, but helpless.

 After the monkey left, I did not shake their own ideas to go.Liu Ruyue came to see me twice, the Liu Tianming is still annoying with her, as if she was always with me.

 I can see that she was full of guilt about me being beaten, of course, the monkey's understanding is that she is just to stabilize me, so that I can appear in court as scheduled to testify for her, help her win the divorce case.

 I scoff at this, of course, I can understand the monkey's thinking, when you doubt a person's motives, you see whatever she does is always a spite. The day of court is approaching, I also made preparations, this is my long so big first time into the court this usually only in the TV can see the holy place, also can not help some nervous.

 One night, it is very late, I have gone to sleep,, suddenly heard a knock on the door, I sleep drowsily, go to open the door, opened the door to find Liu Ruyue.

 And is the kind of hair scattered, tears in the eyes, and the skirt was torn, the arm can still see the scratches she just cried.