Losing the lawsuit

I woke up immediately, hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

 She did not speak, tears fell down.

 "What's wrong with you?" I anxiously asked, "Is that dog's Kim Dae-jung going to find you again?"

 She shook her head, sucked her nose, said, "I'm fine, can I come in?"

 I let her in and poured her a cup of hot water.

 "Is it a rogue?" I continued to ask, she said nothing, I was very worried. After coming in, I found that her leg of the silk stockings are broken, a wisp of a wisp, looking very embarrassed.

 She sighed a long sigh, said, "It's all right, you don't ask."

 That night, I did not ask, she said nothing, I began to ruminate, what happened? I think a large part may be her shameless husband Kim Dae-jung, this bastard is really too much, for the sake of interests, all kinds of insidious and vicious.

 "You can rest assured, your husband, he will not be proud of going down, I will help you out of this sooner or later." I said to Liu Ruyue.

 However, she still said nothing, sitting there in a daze.

 It was very late, I guess she had nowhere to go, it seems that I can only sleep here.

 "Where have you been living recently?" I asked, "The Kim Dae-jung sold the house, I think before the end of the lawsuit, you are afraid that you have no place to live?"

 "Live in a friend's home." Liu Ruyue said.

 "Oh, is that Liu lawyer?" In fact, this question I would like to ask very early, but has been suppressed not to ask, one is worried that the answer is not what I want, two is that I feel no qualification to ask about these.Finally, I asked.

 "How can." she said, "How can you think so, I live in my bestie's home."

 "Oh."My face seems calm, but can not help but suppress the joy of the heart, the original she and Liu Tianming is not what I think.

 "What can you tell me? You look like this, and what all don't say, I'm very worried."I see her mind is quite confused, finally asked. She is grateful to look at me, finally shook his head and said, "forget it, have the opportunity to say it again." That night, she did not say anything, I also did not ask, waiting for her to sleep, I returned to the room, a long time did not sleep.

 Only in the middle of the night I heard from her room came the sound of crying. The next day I woke up to find that she did not know when had gone. I have been thinking, what happened to her that night? The day of the court, I specially to the company to ask for a leave, early in the court near the stay, waiting to be summoned, but wait for a long time, has been to ten o'clock (they gave me notice of the court time is nine o'clock), still can not see the Liu Tianming call me.

 I walked into the court, just to the court gate, saw Liu Tianming walked out.

I hurried up to him and asked, "Mr. Liu, when do I appear in court?"

Liu Tianming sneered and said, "I don't think so."

'What do you mean? I asked.

My words just finished, see Liu Ruyue rushed over, look angry, a pull Liu Tianming, said, "How do you become a lawyer?" Why don't you bring your strength to the case? You did it on purpose! You did it on purpose!"

There were already people at the door of the court, and as soon as they heard the uproar, they all gathered to watch.

"Ms. Liu, please calm down, as your lawyer, I definitely want to help you win this lawsuit, the lawsuit did not win, I am also disappointed, but please calm down, I am definitely trying." Liu Tianming see the crowd onlookers, hurriedly said.

"You don't work hard! You just took advantage of that son of a bitch and lost to him on purpose! You pay for my daughter! You pay for my daughter!" Said Liu Ruyue tore Liu Tianming roar.

"Please calm down, Miss Liu, I tell you, you say so I can Sue you for libel, this is related to my lawyer's reputation, please respect yourself!" Said with the hand to break off the hand of Liu Ruyue.

"A lawyer's reputation? Didn't you lose the case because I turned you down and didn't have sex with you the other day? "You see," Liu Ruyue said, pointing to me, "all the witnesses have been found, but you didn't even let him appear in court!"

They just stared at Liu Tianming, with Liu Ruyue beauty, of course, they believe that every man will want to bed with her, so Liu Ruyue said so, of course, reasonable.

I then understand, that night what happened to her, it was the son of a bitch Liu Tianming, is really a beast with a human face!

Liu Tianming big embarrassment, hurriedly a will Liu Ruyue free, Liu Ruyue was broken open,

Immediately fell to the ground.

I hurried over to see the willow.

"Don't you go! You give my daughter back!" Liu Ruyue shouted at Liu Tianming.

"Please calm down." Liu Tianming neglected to tidy up his clothes and slipped away from the crowd.

"Come on, don't stand there." I will LiuRuyue help up, said. He shouted at the crowd of onlookers, "What are you looking at?"

As soon as he said that, he heard Kim Dae-jung's laughter behind Liu Ru-yue.

"Liu Ruyue, did not expect, ha ha ha."