The angel slave questioned, "My lord, do you really want to put this task on him?"

Hedeshi grinned and said, "Yes, that is why I chose him."

"He has a weakness, without money he might perish for his sin of killing his family."

"But isn't his sin harsh? You should have just sent him to hell, making him into a money ghost was intolerable." the angel slave said

"Nothing is hard for a killer," Hedeshi uttered in a dejected tone.

"You know I am also atoning for my sins here, that's why I want to pay back Megami for failing her in the past. For my greed and selfishness, I hurt her so bad" Hedeshi said not smiling.

"My lord, Do not worry. They will bring Megami to you, Just believe in them," the angel slave said.

"Believe in them? "Do you think the High Lord will give me this position just to believe in others? I only believe in myself," Hedeshi spoke with pride.

"I only believed Megami, but she turned her back because of a mere stranger. But now I will take her back from that mere stranger. You said he is the god of revenging soul now right?" Hedeshi asked.

"Yes my lord, and the strongest now," the angel slave said.

"Nobody is stronger than me" Hedeshi declared.

"Find out more about the Shukara people; Lust claimed they wish to worship a different deity. The High Lord has given them a place to stay and the power to do as they please. Now they wish to serve another god? I will wipe them out into dust," Hedeshi vowed.

"I want new gold, get me more. Make sure those slaves are working harder, the gold you brought last night was not enticing enough in my eyes" Hedeshi said.

Hedeshi sat down quietly to concentrate more on his distance hearing ability, He listened calmly and immediately opened his eyes.

"I can hear their horse neighing, they are here, I can hear her crying. They are here" He screamed happily and sat down.

"Bring in fresh lilies right now, Lust scent is all over here. Bring lilies I need a nice atmosphere. Megami loves lilies" Hedeshi stood up and danced happily,"

"Congratulations my king, you have a wife now, you can carry on your Legacy." the angel slave said.

"wife? I never thought of that, Megami giving me kids it's a blessing to me" Hedeshi said.

The Warrior Angels rode into the temple, the low-level Angels bowed to them as they made their way to Hedeshi's palace. They bowed before Hedeshi as they entered the palace.

Hedeshi stood up immediately when he saw them walking in.

"Where is Megami?" He ignored their greetings looking anxiously around them as if they hid her in their bag.

"Is she outside waiting for me?" Hedeshi asked with a smiling face. 

One of the warrior dark angels trembled and said, "I am sorry, My Lord, we failed."

"The angels of death Realm interfered greatly, we couldn't do anything because she chose them Instead of us," the leader of the dark angels said.

*stand up" Hedeshi said and she stood up shaking.

Hedeshi drew out her sword and stabbed her with it, she only grunted in momentarily pain. Hedeshi drew out her sword that pierced her heart. And she coughed out blood to his face, she healed back almost immediately. The wounds got closed back with flesh because the dark angels are also immortal.

Hedeshi stomped on her with his feet to ease his compelling anger.

"You mean you couldn't carry a mere little human girl," He said as he constantly stomped on her as if his life depended on it.

"My Lord, as she chose the other Angels. We went before her chasing her all over the death realm. But she fell into the betrayal pit. So we couldn't save her" the second dark angel said.

"You mean My Megami fell into the betrayal it? Is she still there?" He asked with widened eyes.

"No sir, one of the death Angels went in to save her from dying," She said.

"You mean you all ran away instead of jumping in to save her? You gave death minions a chance to save her. So none of you couldn't sacrifice their life to save your master woman?" Hedeshi asked and kicked her chest.

'why am I only surrounded by useless people who can't perform little tasks,' Hedeshi pondered in his head.

"My Lord, you have no connection with the god of betraying souls, so we couldn't jump in. But they do, Lord Haro is their King. And he is friends with god of betrayal. So we couldn't do anything but leave" the leader said after she had regained her strength from the stomping.

"Waste!! Total waste!!, Why did I send you all? But did you tell her it was me requesting her presence? Who did you tell her sent you?" Hedeshi asked.

"We said her father," she said.

"Bundge of foolish people, none of you could bring her home to me. Her body of soul none of could bring her" Hedeshi said sadly.

Hedeshi held his head in anger, that he couldn't get Megami, he tried for centuries but to no avail.

"This is the first time, I was able to bring her closer to me but you guys failed". He said sadly.

"I sent two revenging souls to the god of the death Realm and succeeded in convincing her to send Megami to death realm. But you all came back to tell me you failed. How can I get her close to Death Realm again? How? I am sure the god of death realm will know she was used to capture Megami and bring her closer to me. Now they know someone from the other side wants her. I told you to perform this mission discreetly." Hedeshi said.

"You bunch of waste, She will never grant us the chance to get close to Megami again" 

"My lord what about the body you told the money ghost to steal?" the angel slave who kept quiet since spoke out.