"oh!! yes the body!! If he doesn't get Megami's body, then we will have to steal Hana from the resting place. I have a bigger plan. Yuuma or whatever he is called can't stop me" Hedeshi said.

"Who is Hana?" the slave angel asked.

"The real owner of Megami's body. Hana died but I can give her a chance to live," Hedeshi said, smiling mischievously.

"We need someone that can penetrate the resting place. I did it once and succeeded, I can do it again and succeed. As long as I promised them money and fame in their next life, or generational wealth." 

"Master, I don't think the Supreme Being and his people will let you have your way," the angel slave advised.

"(Laughs) And that is why we will be going through a more simple way. You know those petty gods don't play with Human affairs, I will use my Humans to get to them" Hedeshi grinned.

"Master,so what will you do?" the slave angel asked.

"Why are you asking me lots of questions? It wouldn't be fun if you know everything 

now," Hedeshi said and stood up pacing slowly.

"Call me the Record angel"

An angel walked in, and bowed. She handed him a rooster of human names, he granted wealth in the past. And those he granted generational withealth.

"Now, it's time for them to pay me back,for the wealth I gave them." Hedeshi said as he flipped through the record.

"What about Kim Xhiu? What does he do now? You gave him wealth when he was about to commit suide." the angel slave said.

"Where is Takeda? Call him. I made him in charge of those people I gave wealth to." Hedeshi said.

"Call that small voice angel," 

Takeda walked in smiling sheepishly, for not being called by their Master for long, made him feel useless. So he was happy their Master wanted him now.

"Look through this record of humans I helped in the past." Hedeshi ordered.

"Master, I have everything ready for you," he said.

"My Lord, Kenji, he is the best human you can use." 

"What does he have to offer?" Hedeshi asked.

"He has a lot to offer, he is an idol singer and a CEO of a company. He committed suicide 7 years ago, which you gave him a chance. To become a human again and he decided to enter the body of an idol singer which his crush likes?" Takeda said.

"That fool?" 

"The one obsessed with a woman, I even helped him to become a human. I never knew he would choose to be an idol singer, just because of a mere crush. I thought he wanted something bigger, like an eternal life or something more," Hedeshi said.

"You know,you told him, you were once obsessed with  a woman, and still obsessed," Takeda said.

"Must you talk about that?" Hedeshi said.

"I just wanted you to remember him," Takeda said.

"You can threaten to take his wealth and glory, I am 100% sure he will listen to you," 

"Change another person,". Hedeshi said.

"I don't want someone obsessed with a woman, they seem weak to me"

"Someone like you," Takeda muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?" Hedeshi asked.


"You forgot I have ears that can hear even a little voice," Hedeshi said and kicked Takeda.

"My lord, I am sorry." Takeda pleaded.

"My lord, I have another person. Hanuko Babylon, the popular Doctor that can fix anything"

"The one you gave wealth, who also felt like everything was lost because he couldn't afford to pay his school deeds, because when he was trying to commit suicide you gave him hope to live" 

"The lady that lost her children and was about to commit suicide you gave her a new life as a school owner," Takeda said.

"I have really helped a lot of humans, they should crown me a humanitarian," 

"You gave them help, so that they can travel to hell in peace without a better place. It's not necessarily help, it's called give and take." Takeda said.

"Really? Is that how you see your Master? Must you talk? Just go straight to the point," Hedeshi warned.

"Tell the warrior Angels to get ready to escort me, I am going to the human world,"

"Takeda continue,". He said.

"The woman I was talking about, it's good we use her, she is…."

"I don't want women, they might not give me 100% support"  Hedeshi cut him off.

"I will use the idol and company owner." 

"Yes my lord, he is the best choice." Takeda said.

"And that lady, I remember the girl that killed her cheating boyfriend and best friend. I think she is one of the best choices to use. I remember I shifted her soul into a 15 year old girl's body." Hedeshi said.

"But I couldn't find her since she lost her memory after the soul shifting," Takeda said.

The warrior angels walked in. 

"The horses are ready right?" Hedeshi said.

"We will look for these 2 people, the 15 year old might be a great help. Let's go. I Haven't been to the human world since the 13th century." 

"I can't wait to visit there,"

"My lord I will go with you, I know a lot about the present human world,"

"I also know a lot, but you can come so you can do the petty jobs," Hedeshi said.

Hedeshi and his few angels, they walked out of the palace. They moved to the end of their world. Which was a bamboo forest. There is a bamboo tree that divides their world and the human world. The angels gathered together as Hedeshi made some incantations and the road was divided. Hedeshi walked in between, the divided part.

As they walked into the bamboo tree, Time stopped in the Human world.