Chapter 3: this tutorial is outrageous

You died.

I don't know how many times this screen was shown, Chu Cheng raised his arm and was almost ready to punch the keyboard, but the price of this keyboard flashed through his mind calming him down.

He's starting to believe more and more that this game is fundamentally not fair. Having played countless games—including some intense titles that players criticized as "not for people to play at all"—he has succeeded in finishing the level without getting hit by relying only on his abilities and determination.

It's really unheard of for him to lose again and again in the novice tutorial.

Chu Cheng has never experienced a game quite like this one because so many of the details are real, and the realism drastically affects the gameplay. After dying multiple times, he came to the conclusion that the minions' super vision was not the cause of his deaths, but rather the sounds they were hearing.

That's right, if Batman lands from too high a place, then the "hula-la" wind sound he made when he opened his cloak in the air to increase air resistance and buffer his descent may attract the attention of miscellaneous soldiers.

In addition, the ground under your feet also needs attention. Although Batman normally does not make any noise when he walks after special training, he may still make a sound when he steps on certain materials.

For example, when stepping on wooden materials, it is easy to make a particularly loud sound. Part of the joints of the metal plates are loose, which will cause the metal plates to rise and fall when stepped on, and will also make a sound to attract attention.

When bending forward, exert more force. Since the movement is so sluggish, if you move slowly while crouching, you won't draw attention to yourself and almost no sound will come from your steps. Chu Cheng had entirely forgotten his disdain for the enemy after repeatedly startling them and ruining the mission. He has completely shifted gears and is now taking stealth to the extreme. Like an in a stealth game, he will instantly get into a squatting stance as soon as the boots touch the ground and walk like this the entire time.

With this trick, Chu Cheng successfully controlled Batman to approach behind the first armed criminal silently. As he pressed the right mouse button, Batman covered the man's mouth and nose with lightning force, dragged him into his cloak, strangled his neck until he was suffocated and unconscious.

He did the same for two others, and approached the third one.

Batman approached quickly, and he was about to succeed, but he didn't expect the gangster to suddenly turn around without warning.

The Batman controlled by Chu Cheng froze instantly. The eyes of the two sides met, and the scene was very awkward for a while.


The gangster exclaimed. At the same time, Chu Cheng manipulated Batman to rush forward and quickly hit him with a punch, but by then other gangsters had already gathered together.

All the gangsters began shooting. Although Chu Cheng manipulated Batman to escape from the battle temporarily, Batman had already been shot and injured. Coupled with the fact that the rest of the gangsters have been alarmed and started searching around, the difficulty factor suddenly increased.

After struggling for a while, he died again.

He originally wanted to get info on the positions and patrol routes of these minions like other games, but soon found that there were no rules at all.

The positions of these minions are completely random in each simulation, and the patrol routes are not accurate at all. They are basically wandering around, and sometimes go to the next station to slack off.

There is a saying that CT (anti-terrorist police) has not raised its head since ancient times. Although the NPCs in the game are not CTs, most of them have inherited this fine tradition.

But the NPCs in this game are so outrageous, they like to look up and look around blindly after taking two steps for no reason. Several times, Batman controlled by Chu Cheng was squatting on a high place to observe the position and formulate tactics. Suddenly, a miscellaneous soldier looked up and saw him.

Then they turned their heads and turned with no regularity at all, and had no idea when they would turn their heads and look back. When controlling Batman to walk and approach from behind his knees, if the distance is too far, the opponent will suddenly turn around and catch him if he is not sure.

Another time, when Batman was observing from a high place, Chu Cheng used the claw gun to move his position. Batman drew out his gun and shot a shot of claws that swayed to the other end of the room. It was clear that the firing sound was not too loud after the noise reduction treatment, but the minion under his feet still looked up following the sound, and then exclaimed "Batman ", followed by another shot.

When the word "death" appeared on the screen again, Chu Cheng felt as if he had been crushed to pieces, and he was still stuck in the tutorial.

How can someone play when the minions sense of hearing is similar to that of Daredevil?

Chu Cheng exhaled deeply as he once more saw the word "death" written on the screen. It took him a considerable amount of time and thorough examination to finally see something else written on the death screen.


This reminded him of the time when the wolf was on fire. It is clear that in the same game, some people play like a wolf, while others play like a dog.

He is in a similar situation now. The character on the screen is clearly the crime buster Batman, but this tutorial made him feel like he was playing Hello Kitty with black hair.

This will not work.

With his dignity as the top player in the stand-alone area, he must conquer this game!

In fact, Chu Cheng soon discovered that it was not that difficult. His kneeling just now is not so much a handicap, but a mistake caused by unfamiliarity with the difference between the mechanism and the previous game.

After calming down, Chu Cheng acted more cautiously.

After all, Chu Cheng is a game expert, and his basic skills are still solid. As long as you remember the key points in the game mechanism, it is not impossible to beat.

First of all, don't rush in rashly. Chu Cheng let Batman look down first, and take action after observing the enemy's position and the surrounding terrain clearly.

And when observing from a high place, you must hide in the shadows and use the darkness to cover yourself. Otherwise, if the minion below is too idle to raise his head suddenly, he may be exposed suddenly.

It must also be noted that when there are enemies near your feet, you cannot move with the claw gun. Otherwise, even if there is noise reduction, the sound of the hook line launching will still alarm the enemy.

When moving on the ground, you must also hide in the dark shadows as much as possible. When you have to operate out of the shadows, you also have to make sure that there is no direct line of sight looking at you- the see-through detection ability of detective vision is very helpful here.

The order and route of killing the enemy according to the enemy's position are also critical. Because once a gangster finds that a teammate has been knocked out, he will immediately yell, and then all the gangsters will start looking around.

In addition, you can't move for a long time without shadows and cover behind the enemy-because the enemy may turn around at any time. Chu Cheng tried his best to ensure that there would be no more than two seconds of movement without cover when behind the enemy.

This also involves the problem of the material under the feet. When you step on the concrete ground not much sound is made which allows you to move faster, but if it is made of wood or ​​metal, you have to move slowly...

There are many, many details. Because there were too many things to do and remember, Chu Cheng simply found a pen and paper and listed all the things that needed attention in the notebook.

Before the start of each round of simulation, he has to go through the notes from beginning to end to ensure that nothing is missed.

In the end, although it took a little more time, he managed to bring down all the enemies one by one.

But the simulation was still not over. After the seven armed gangsters were down the door of the warehouse suddenly opened, and a burly man rushed out.

The screen reminds that the next tutorial is fighting. The strongman is a skilled  fighter , and the player needs to control Batman to fight the opponent head-on.

The fighting system is not much different from the Batman game series he is familiar with. Basically, it only has two buttons for attack and defense.

Chu Cheng clicked the left button of the mouse, and Batman would automatically choose the most suitable offensive move to attack. Batman is a skilled fighter who is proficient in many martial arts. He can see the flaws in the opponent's movements at a glance, and act accordingly.

And when the opponent intends to attack, a blue warning sign will appear above the opponent's head. At this time, Chu Cheng only needs to click the right mouse button, and Batman will automatically block and counterattack the opponent's attack with the most suitable moves.

When the opponent is about to perform an attack that Batman finds difficult to defend, a red warning sign will appear above his head. At this time, it is impossible to defend. Players need to control Batman to dodge sideways or roll over to avoid attacks.

The operations of many action games are roughly similar. For Chu Cheng, who has undergone a lot of training all year round, this combat system is simply instinct.

Although it can be felt that the difficulty is higher than that of the original Batman games, but for a player like him who has done runs with no damage it is nothing too difficult.

He got through this very easily, and beat the strongman with no damage .

I thought this was the end, but it turned out there was more. A few ninjas with knives and guns appeared, and the system prompted him to control Batman to face these ninjas.

Then there are tutorials related to the use of Batman's various black technology props...

Unexpectedly, Chu Cheng was stuck for almost a whole day just on the tutorial. In addition to eating, drinking and going to the toilet, he spent the whole day in this tutorial.

He swears that this is definitely the most outrageous tutorial in all the games he has ever played. It is not only difficult but also extremely long. This is even because he has solid basic game skills adapts faster. If it were someone else, he wondered if this tutorial would even be done in a few days.

"Mission complete, all simulations ended."

The long-awaited notification sound finally sounded, and the warehouse screen returned to the Batcave.

Chu Cheng let out a long breath.

This time, it should finally be able to play the game right?