Chapter 4: next task

Batman squatted halfway on the edge of the roof at the top of the building, looking at the brightly lit modern building across the street.

It was a towering skyscraper. Chu Cheng didn't know what that building was for and didn't care. He only saw a striking circular bat mark above the building, which looked like the bat signal in the original work reflected on the clouds.

This is also the same mechanism as in the traditional Batman games. This mark guides the player same as the original work, telling the player that Batman is needed here.

Similar to many players, Chu Cheng doesn't often care about the plot when playing games. He only needs to know where it is, the location, and that's enough.

However, after the struggle of the tutorial, Chu Cheng no longer underestimated the intelligence of the NPCs in this game. The experiment in the tutorial has already told him that being a reckless is not an option, that charging head-on at enemies is useless, and that stealth is king.

So he didn't rush in but manipulated Batman to stay on the periphery and carefully observed the situation of the building with the help of detective mode.

The detective mode is still very powerful. After scanning and cooperating with Batman's personal analysis, different colors will be used to automatically mark the entrances in the scanned area that can be used for sneaking.

In detective mode, the backgrounds on the screen showed cool tones of ice blue, while the marked people or objects are all in warm tones, which are very eye-catching in the player's field of vision.

The first thing to be marked is the main entrance of the building. There are two security guards at the door, and there are cameras in the corner.

However, Chu Cheng hardly considered this option or subconsciously took it as the last option when there was really no other route.

Just kidding, have you ever seen Batman knock on a door?

Uh, well, it seems that there are. Chu Cheng remembered the "New Batman" movie he had seen not long ago.

The Batman in the film is said to be a rookie who has just debuted and is not yet proficient in business. He went to the bar run by the criminal leader Penguin to inquire about information, and he knocked on the door honestly.

So he punched and kicked all of Penguin's bodyguards , and directly went in.

At that time, Chu Cheng had a strange sense of déjà vu. It didn't feel like watching a Batman movie, but like he was playing Assassin's Creed.

For some reason, the new Batman seems to have deleted the entire stealth skill tree, changed it to an assault skill tree, with black-tech armor to carry a pistol, rifle, and shotgun. Relying on this and strength, he represented the idea of "As long as you kill everyone who sees you, no one saw you.".

But from the tutorial, Chu Cheng has already learned that the Batman in this game is still a traditional assassin, not a assault one, so route planning is still very important. It is better to experience such things as being overpowered  after unlocking a character like Superman in the future.

Chu Cheng soon discovered that this game was different from the Batman series he had played before. No, it should be said that most of the games he played were different because it gave players a lot of freedom.

It is not the kind of false freedom that some games have, but where you can only follow the route planned by the game; it is really up to the player to choose how to act.

He scouted around the building in detective mode, during which time Batman marked at least seven alternative infiltration routes.

Chu Cheng can choose any of the seven routes or even none of them. He can also just rush in through the door, like in the new Batman movie, or just smash any glass and smash in, but it will definitely be more dangerous.

Thinking of the intelligence of the game's AI, Chu Cheng finally gave up the tempting idea of a berserker and chose one of the routes marked by Batman's professional eyes.

Batman pried open the window of a room similar to a utility room from the outside of the building and entered the building from that utility room.

After scanning the partition wall in detective mode, there is also a camera in the corner outside the door, which is also marked by Batman in a more conspicuous color.

Then Chu Cheng used the number keys on the keyboard to call up one of the small props carried on Batman's belt—the universal decoder.

Batman on the screen was squatting down, using the universal decoder through the door to hack the camera. With his hands in black leather gloves, he performed an operation on the holographic projection screen of the black technology that made Chu Cheng say, "I can't understand it, but I am amazed,".

Of course, all kinds of outrageous black technologies of Batman have emerged endlessly in the previous games and movie animations, and the real fans are no strangers to them.

Chu Cheng immediately manipulated Batman to push the door out, and he swaggered through the corridor under the hacked camera.

Behind the corner at the end of the corridor, there was a security guard casually walking towards this side, but he was also discovered by the perspective function of the detective mode.

So Chu Cheng manipulated Batman to crouch at the corner, patiently waiting for the security guard to approach.

When the security guard approached, Batman flashed out of the corner unexpectedly. The security guard saw a fuzzy black shadow flashing out, and in the next second, a powerful big hand pressed his head and slammed it against the wall on one side. The security guard immediately fell to the ground and became silent.

Of course, it is not lethal.

We all know that Batman doesn't kill people, so in Batman games, players can let act as they please. You can manipulate Batman to break the gangster's bones, put the gangster's head into the transformer box, and drive the tank-like Batmobile to run over the gangster into the street.

...but anyway, you don't need to worry about them dying. Because Batman doesn't kill people, they will be disabled or become a vegetable at most. Anyway, it's ok if they don't die.

Successfully sneaking into the building. Detective mode marked several figures, concentrated in a certain room upstairs.

It's also not a difficult task for the stealth master Batman; Chu Cheng thinks it's much easier than the tutorial. He even felt that the NPCs in the first level were not as smart as the ones in the tutorial, and he didn't know if it was because he had become proficient.

Soon Chu Cheng controlled Batman to the top floor of the building.

Detective mode scans revealed multiple heat sources in the top-floor office, and a group of people gathered around a long conference table, seemingly in a meeting.

Chu Cheng still didn't go the right way this time but chose the classic old friend of the Batman series—the ventilation duct.

But Chu Cheng didn't expect that the game seemed to be determined to uphold the principle of realism, and even some unnecessary details in the ventilation pipes were there.

For example, the somewhat exaggerated accumulation of dust, the mold growing in the condensed water, the rodents, and various bugs that crawled across the sides of the screen from time to time made Chu Cheng shiver even across the screen.

Sure enough, killer spy superheroes are not as glamorous as they seem in the movies. The vent in movies and games are often shiny, but seeing the scene in this vent at this time, Chu Cheng put himself in his shoes  his opinion is that"as long as you don't vomit, you win."

Batman is really not an ordinary person; no matter the choking particles of dust or those crawling things, he turns a blind eye.

Chu Cheng manipulated Batman to the end of the vent, but he was not in a hurry to get out. Because from here, you can clearly hear what those people in the conference room are saying, which may be related to the main plot.

But those people in suits and ties didn't speak at this time but seemed to be engaged in some kind of activity.

A short-haired man stood at the end of the conference table with an indifferent smile on his face, and a small square box was placed in front of him. Everyone at the conference table got up one by one, went to the small box, reached in and took something, and then returned to their seats.

Chu Cheng activated the reconnaissance function to enter Batman's first perspective, zoomed in, and zoomed in to see clearly that each of them took out a note from the small box.

They are drawing a lot.

The crew-cut man looked down at the note in his hand, then raised his head, his gaze sweeping across everyone present.

"So, who is the lucky one today?"

Soon, a blond man stood up at the table. He is a bit stocky and has a typical western face.

It was only then that Chu Cheng noticed that about two-thirds of the people in this conference room had oriental faces, and only one-third looked like Westerners. It's a bit odd in a superhero-themed game.

The crew-haired man stepped forward, took the note from the blond man's hand, checked it, then patted him on the back with a smile.

"Lucky guy, Edge," he said.

Edge smiled and followed the crew-haired man to the front of the table.

The flat-headed man took out a knife from under the table. Judging from the curvature and shape of the blade, it should be a samurai sword. He solemnly handed the knife to Edge.

Edge held the handle of the samurai sword in his right hand, and all eyes were on him.

What happened next on the game screen made Chu Cheng shocked.

He saw that Edge swung the samurai sword without hesitation in an odd gesture.

The sound of a sharp blade cutting through something.

Edge's head fell in response, and landed firmly in the palm of his own open left hand.