Chapter 41: Strange Information

Seeing Felix leave, Chu Cheng felt conflicted. On one hand, going to class was a student's duty, and skipping wasn't encouraged. But on the other hand, he had skipped class to come to the roof just to hear Felix say he was going to class.

Moreover, Felix was in his third year of college. It was rumored that third-year students either stayed in their dorms all year watching movies and playing games, or traveled around and were rarely seen.

Chu Cheng had no classes in the afternoon. After lunch, he went back to his place and opened the documents to study the situation.

Yesterday afternoon, Xu Wenhan, a student from Chu Cheng's school, went to the Jiangdu Public Security Department for help. According to the officer there, Xu Wenhan looked as pale as a freshly painted wall and seemed very uneasy.

He was breathing heavily, like he had just run a thousand meters. Though he was sweating a lot, he was shivering. When he first sat down, he couldn't speak clearly. A security officer took him to a room with heating, gave him a cup of hot water, and comforted him until he could explain what had happened.

From Xu Wenhan, the security officers learned that he was a student at the local college and that he and his girlfriend, Guo Xiaoyun, were caught in a disaster more than ten days ago.

They had planned a long-awaited trip to a snow mountain. What was supposed to be an unforgettable adventure turned into a nightmare when a sudden snowstorm hit.

They underestimated the harsh conditions and didn't anticipate the impact of the weather. A mistake by the meteorological department delayed the warning, and the storm triggered a rare avalanche, trapping them in the harsh environment.

Rescue teams arrived several hours later, and both were taken to the hospital. Xu Wenhan's injuries were minor, and he recovered quickly. However, his girlfriend was not so lucky.

After the doctor announced that the rescue had failed, Xu Wenhan collapsed in tears by his girlfriend's bedside.

He couldn't remember how long he had cried. Time seemed to blur, and the world felt distant and unreal. He couldn't hear the doctor's voice or the people around him. It was as if only he and his girlfriend existed.

She looked as beautiful as he remembered, with long eyelashes and a paler face than usual. The breeze moved the blinds, casting dappled sunlight on her pretty face. It seemed like she was just sleeping and could wake up at any moment.

Then, her long eyelashes moved.

Xu Wenhan's eyes widened, and he held his breath, staring at her. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

But it wasn't an illusion.

Her eyelids fluttered, and she slowly opened her eyes, looking dazed as if she had just woken up.

Xu Wenhan was overjoyed. He hugged his girlfriend and cried with happiness.

Dr. Li, the attending physician, was also shocked when he saw Guo Xiaoyun awake. He returned to the ward to examine her and then had a strange expression on his face.

"What's wrong, doctor?" Xu Wenhan asked anxiously, still holding his girlfriend.

Dr. Li glanced at the girl, hesitated, but eventually said, "She's fine. She can be discharged today."

Although the doctor said she was fine, his eyes suggested otherwise. However, Xu Wenhan was so relieved and happy that he didn't notice the doctor's hesitation.

When they got home, Guo Xiaoyun was still very weak. Her complexion was pale, and her skin felt cold to the touch. Despite its usual softness, it didn't feel quite right. Xu Wenhan thought it was normal after what they'd been through. Dr. Li had said she needed rest and nourishing food, and she'd be better soon.

Xu Wenhan took Guo Xiaoyun back to their apartment, worried about how frail she looked. He bought a lot of ingredients and cooked a big meal for her. However, at dinner, she barely ate anything and apologized, saying she had no appetite.

Xu Wenhan didn't think much of it at the time.

Later that night, he woke up in a daze and reached out to hug her, only to find she wasn't there. Confused, he sat up and called her name. His voice echoed through the dark apartment.

He started to get nervous. He got up and walked out of the bedroom, hearing faint sounds that resembled laughter. The eerie laughter seemed to come from everywhere, making him feel uneasy.

He followed the sound to the kitchen. It was as if the sound was both far away and right next to him.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the kitchen door.

Guo Xiaoyun was standing barefoot in her white lace pajamas, her long black hair hanging down her shoulders. She was by the open refrigerator, and she turned her head stiffly to look at him.

"I'm hungry," she said. "Get something to eat."

Relieved, Xu Wenhan walked over and rubbed her head affectionately. "I told you to eat more at dinner. Don't let yourself get hungry."

Guo Xiaoyun didn't respond. When Xu Wenhan asked if she wanted something to eat, she shook her head and said she wasn't hungry anymore. They turned off the lights and went back to the bedroom. He noticed the strange laughter had disappeared.

But since that night, Xu Wenhan felt increasingly uneasy.

Two days later, a package arrived with no sender information, addressed to Xu Wenhan. It was a square package, tightly sealed and rough-looking, giving off a strange feeling.

With a strong sense of foreboding, Xu Wenhan opened the package. When he saw the contents, his hands trembled, and the package and its contents fell to the ground. Inside was a severed hand. He screamed in terror.