Chapter 44: Kitchen showdown

Felix was startled when he saw a ghostly figure with messy hair and a white dress, looking like something out of a horror movie. His instincts kicked in, and he raised his pistol just as the woman raised a kitchen knife.

He fired quickly, but the woman in white dodged with surprising agility. The bullets hit the wall behind her, leaving small craters.

Felix didn't stop. He fired again and again, but the woman moved in ways that seemed impossible. She swayed, jumped, and tumbled, avoiding every shot. Her white dress swirled around her, making her movements look strangely beautiful despite their eerie nature.

Felix used a standard Secret Service pistol called the "Storm Falcon." It only holds eight bullets at a time.

Professor Miyazaki said that a large part of the strange people are born with specialization in shooting, and Felix belongs to that category.

His talent on the shooting range is extortionary. Felix was a great shot, known for never missing targets even from fifteen meters away.

Felix's pistol was tricky to use. It had a short barrel and a small aiming line, and pulling the trigger took a lot of force. The powerful kickback made the gun shake a lot, making it hard to aim. Usually, only experts could handle this kind of gun well.

But even though Felix was an expert, he couldn't hit the woman. At just two meters away, he fired all his bullets, causing damage everywhere. Bullets made holes in the walls and floor and shattered the kitchen dishes. Yet he couldn't touch the woman at all.

The woman in white dropped to the ground, crawling on all fours like a large reptile. Her face was very pale and mostly hidden by her long hair, but her mouth was twisted into a scary, unnatural smile.

Felix, out of bullets, quickly switched from his pistol to a special fighting knife. He wasn't sure how useful the knife would be against the ghostly figure.

Then, suddenly, there was a loud crash. The ceiling above them cracked open, and chunks of concrete and debris fell down, landing on the crawling woman. Amid the falling debris, a dark figure landed right in front of Felix.

To his surprise, it was Batman.

When Chu Cheng sent a message to inquire and learned that the senior brother actually just "invited" himself to a meal and he didn't plan to be there, he was a little offended, but he was good at adjusting and immediately accepted this.

His senior generously said that you can eat as much as you want and I will pay for it.

Anyway, his senior is not short of money.

Chu Cheng was very moved when he heard that he could order as much as he wanted, so he called the waiter to ask if the things could be packed and taken away. After getting the affirmative answer, Chu Cheng opted for takeout and ordered one of everything on the menu.

Back home, he set up a small table next to his computer, laid out all the food, and played some games while eating. It felt more comfortable eating alone in his room rather than in the restaurant, where he felt out of place, surrounded by couples.

Sure enough, it is more suitable to go back to his home to eat, drink, and play games.

It was a good thing Chu Cheng got back early. If he had been even a few seconds late starting his game, his senior brother would have ended up in a bad situation.

Playing as Batman, Felix blasted the ceiling with a gel bomb and landed in a dramatic Batman style. Even though the fall should have hurt the woman in white, she seemed perfectly fine. She quickly rolled, jumped up, and charged at him with a kitchen knife.

Batman blocked the knife with his arms, thanks to his gloves made of tough, stab-resistant material.

Chu Cheng, who was observing, noticed that the warning signs for attacks from the woman in white appeared much faster than normal. This meant he had less time to react.

He must react quickly. When a blue warning sign appears, press the right mouse button to counterattack. When a yellow warning sign shows up, use the arrow keys to time your moves. Click the right mouse button when the enemy throws a knife, and release it when they are tired and can't swing again, to perform a counterattack.

When a red mark appears above an enemy's head, it means their attack is unstoppable and can't be blocked. You need to move Batman in the right direction or roll to avoid it.

This system is similar to the Batman games in the Arkham series. Chu Cheng had mastered this system by completing the game without getting hurt, so he picked it up quickly.

Felix was amazed. He saw two figures in front of him: one in white, moving with unbelievable speed and agility, and the other in black, who had mastered many fighting skills and was handling the situation with incredible skill.

From his perspective, it looks like Sadako fighting Dracula is truly a sight to see.

Chu Cheng saw the right moment and made a perfect move. Batman stepped to the side and crossed his arms to block the woman's knife with his arm guards. The knife was caught between the blades on the guards, and with a powerful pull, Batman split the kitchen knife into pieces.

Without her weapon, the woman tried to attack with her hands. But Batman quickly moved away, pressing a small propeller on her lower abdomen. The propeller whirred to life, shooting out a burst of transparent flames. The woman was propelled across the kitchen, crashing through the door and landing in the hallway with a loud bang.

Something fell from her and hit the ground. Felix looked and was surprised to see that it looked like a wig.