Chapter 101: Aftermath Of The Airship Attack

Agent Felix Grove woke up on the cold floor of the airship. It took him a moment to remember why he was there. As he tried to stand, a wave of dizziness almost made him fall again.

His mind felt like an old computer struggling to reboot after being overloaded. He rubbed his forehead, and the memories started to come back.

Today was the day for his routine report. He had come to the airship to update his superiors on a mission, and then he was heading to the hangar. But he had run into an infected person.

It was like a horror movie—several infected people suddenly rushed down the hallway like ghosts. He fought back as best he could, but was quickly overwhelmed and knocked to the ground. The last thing he saw before his memory went black was the horrifying faces of the infected people close to his own...

Remembering all this, Felix shivered with shock. He turned his head and froze when he saw what was in front of him.

A woman's face.

Her hair was messy, covering half her face, which looked more terrifying than death itself. Her eyes were wide open, her expression grotesque, and her mouth was open as if she wanted to devour him.

Felix let out a scream that wasn't his own. He tried to reach for his gun, but his holster was empty.

Luckily, he soon saw that the woman was dead.

The metal wall nearby had cracked, and steel bars had pierced her chest. Her twisted body was frozen in a menacing pose, fingers spread out, but she was now a lifeless statue.

Not just her—several other infected corpses were scattered around. Some were sliced into pieces; others had their heads severed. The hallway was a bloody mess.

Felix's empty gun was lying in a crack in the wall, and his hands were covered in blood. 

He was confused. What had just happened?


At the base, the aircraft docked safely. When the high-ranking officials saw Professor Miyazaki enter the conference room with his head wrapped in bandages, many were surprised.

"Professor Miyazaki?" Dr. Hines asked, "I heard you..."

"Got shot in the head? Don't worry, I got lucky. It's just a bruise. If the bullet had been two centimeters off, even with my abilities, I might not have made it," Miyazaki joked as he sat down, seeming unfazed by the attack.

Many found it odd that a headshot only resulted in a minor injury, but they didn't question it.

Professor Miyazaki was the top expert on infection events and known for his odd personality. Even with his extraordinary healing abilities, a headshot might still be dangerous if it hits the wrong spot.

They then started reviewing the invasion incident.

It seems that today the A group of infected people barged in, and then someone who wanted to stay anonymous but was clearly Batman showed up with his team. They fought the infected people, tied them up, and put them back in the prison before leaving.

Even Chu Cheng was surprised, and now even the higherups in the airship are starting to question its security. Especially the doctor who boasted that no mosquitoes could get in is now being laughed at.

The agents, though caught off guard, managed to handle the situation well. They quickly subdued the invading infected people.

However, they were caught off guard by an enemy who could create dreams, something they had never dealt with before.

So, Batman and his team swooped in to handle the problem. Afterward, they noticed that the fire near the power cabin was put out too—the airplane had extinguished it from outside. It seems like the airplane has become more like someone's backyard. They even joked about it, saying it's like tending to a garden.

The appearance of Moon Knight and his team, with their mysterious powers, left a big impression on the witnesses. 

Professor Miyazaki said Moon Knight might have some dream-manipulating abilities. But some agents felt it was more than that.

"You didn't see it firsthand," said one agent who looked both impressed and scared. "It felt like someone had taken hold of my soul. It was like my body wasn't even mine anymore."

Even though it was eventually explained as just a dream manipulated by the senses, it left a mysterious impression of Moon Knight.

The biggest concern now is why the aircraft was so easily breached this time. It's becoming clear that there's a traitor inside.

"Detective Chen Meiyue."

Professor Miyazaki leaned back in his seat and spoke firmly.

The room fell silent. Chen Meiyue wasn't just any agent; she held a high rank in the Ninth Division. If someone at her level was involved in this, it was a serious issue.

"That's a serious accusation," Minister Hercules said. "Are you sure?"


Professor Miyazaki pointed to his bandaged head. 

"She shot me in the forehead."

There was a murmur in the conference room.

"Agent Chen Meiyue is missing. Does anyone know where she is?" someone asked.

"She's no longer on the airship. The invasion might have been a cover, and the Dream Maker's abilities are more about causing chaos. I suspect she left before the Dream Maker got to the command room," Professor Miyazaki said lazily.

"I've had people search for her at the ground base and her known addresses, but there's been no word yet. I'm not hopeful," he added.

Everyone's expressions grew more serious.

"A senior agent from Division Nine involved with an organized criminal group of infected people," Minister Hercules grumbled. "At least we haven't heard anything worse."

"Actually, it might not just be the 'infected' group," Professor Miyazaki said casually.

"What do you mean?" someone asked.

The professor sat up straight, a secretive look on his face.

"I've seen the bodies. Most of the enemies who invaded the mothership were infected, but the masked man who created the dream... he's not infected."

Everyone looked at each other, confused.

"Then what is he?" someone asked.

"Not a special person," Professor Miyazaki said. "I think he's a phantom."

The room was stunned.

"A phantom? You mean..."

"Yes, similar to our own agent Fana and the one who split from Agent Luo before," Professor Miyazaki explained. "The enemy organization called 'Dead Men' might have a lot of phantoms among them."

This was bad news.

Phantoms are more dangerous than regular infected people. What happened to Luo Yajun proved this. Infected people are limited by their physical bodies, but phantoms are separate from the physical realm and can have unknown abilities, like the dream manipulation seen this time.

"If you want to hear more bad news," Minister Shi Jinqiang said, "we found that one piece of evidence is missing from the warehouse."

"Missing evidence? Is it important?" someone asked.

"It's just a D-level item, numbered A086," Minister Shi said. "But if they went to such lengths to get it, it must be significant."

He continued, "Interestingly, this evidence was brought back by our former operation captain, Leng Ji, just before he defected."

Everyone's faces changed.

"Leng Ji, the one at the top of the wanted list?" someone asked.

"Yes," Minister Shi confirmed. "Do you know of another defected agent named Leng Ji?"

"Another intriguing name," Minister Hercules said, rubbing his temples. "What's the use of this evidence?"

"That's the problem," Minister Shi admitted. "We don't know."