Chapter 100: Dreamwalker's End

The giant with a bird-shaped head rose from the ground. His figure soared into the clouds, his clothes fluttering like old rags, and the crescent staff cut through the sky.

It was Kongsu, the Moon God.

Everyone in the command room saw the massive figure, the dark eye sockets that seemed to hide a void, and the sharp crescent blade that looked like a scythe of death.

Nobody understood what was happening.

They all realized that what they had seen, felt, and experienced so far didn't make sense.

It was all a dream created by the Dreamwalker. In other words, everything was supposed to be a dream that benefited the Dreamwalker.

But this giant with a birdhead and human body seemed to be on the side of the hero, fighting against the masked man.

Unless this masked lunatic had a strange habit of letting his own father get beaten, this giant probably wasn't his doing.

But if it's not a dream... could it be real!?

The thought was terrifying. The oppressive presence of the giant with the birdhead made the whole ship seem to sink with each step he took. Every cell in the people watching felt that this was real, that this was some kind of god.

The agents couldn't believe their eyes.

What is real? What is a dream?

Not only were the agents stunned, but Dreamwalker, too, was shocked under his mask. He couldn't believe this. This was his dream, his domain. Everything should be under his control and able to be changed at will.

How could things go so wrong!?

Could it be that the dream he created was invaded by the Moon Knight's dream?

Dreamwalker's face twinkled in frustration. The dream was his domain and his most trusted ally. To have his own dream invaded felt even worse than having his personal space violated.

Chu Cheng was feeling pretty good.

Dreamwalker had signed his own death warrant, and Chu Cheng could just sit back and watch.

It was well known that Kongsu, the Moon God, couldn't affect reality. He could only influence the spiritual world of Moon Knight. But Dreamwalker had invaded Moon Knight's mind, opened the gate to nightmares, and released Kongsu into the nightmare realm he had created.

There's an old saying: It's easier to call the gods than to send them away. Once Kongsu was released, it might not be easy to get him back into Moon Knight's mind.

Chu Cheng figured Kongsu might be pleased.

Previously, Kongsu had to use threats and temptations to get Moon Knight to work for him. Now Kongsu didn't have to do anything; the opponent had willingly released him.

After years of fighting evil, Kongsu was probably thrilled to be sent to battle so eagerly.

"No, no, no... you can't do this," Dreamwalker yelled. "This is my dream! Mine! Get out of here!"

Dreamwalker shouted angrily and waved his staff violently.

At that moment, it felt like the entire spaceship was being gripped by an invisible force. The windshield of the command room started cracking, and the metal walls began to bend under the immense pressure. Pipes and cables exploded, sending sparks flying.

The cabin was falling apart, and the storm of debris and metal shards rushed toward Kongsu like a violent whirlwind.

But Kongsu raised a hand calmly.

In an instant, all the debris in the air was frozen. The glass shards turned to dust, and the metal parts were crushed into tiny bits by intense gravity, disappearing completely.

If that was intense, what happened next was nearly heart-stopping.

Kongsu raised his scepter, and the sharp crescent moon pointed at the dark, endless sky.

He was the god of the moon and vengeance.

He ruled the stars.

Dreamwalker's eyes widened in shock as he saw the stars... falling.

Yes, it looked exactly like that. The twinkling stars in the sky started moving, growing larger, and hurtling down at high speed. Their brilliant trails seemed to draw a path through the sky, heading straight for him.

Everyone watched in awe as the stars, responding to the call of the Moon God, swooped down toward the airship.

Dreamwalker tried to stay calm.

It's just a dream, just a dream; it's not real. He told himself over and over.

These tricks were his creations, his best. This was his domain, his nightmare. If necessary, he just needed to use his power and wake up...

But no.

He tried his hardest to use his abilities and screamed in panic, but when he opened his eyes again, the giant shadow was still there. The stars continued to fall, targeting him.

The scene was like something out of a fastasy movie. Countless stars exploded in the dreamland, creating bursts of colorful, dazzling fireworks.

Each agent saw the night sky shatter into pieces, with starlight filling the entire space. The airship crumbled beneath them, but they didn't fall.

The bright light and destruction swept past them, but they were untouched, as if the rules of space had changed just for them.

They were stunned by the incredible view, feeling like they were witnessing a cosmic battle.

But Dreamwalker wasn't so lucky.

To him, it felt like the entire starry sky was crashing down on him, as if every star had turned into a bomb. Each hit felt like his body was being smashed to bits, from flesh to bone to molecules, and then put back together, only to be destroyed again.

Usually, Dreamwalker was the hunter in his dreams, but today he was the prey for the first time.

"This is just a dream," he kept telling himself, as if trying to convince himself like people do in nightmares.

It was just a dream, a long, real nightmare, something he was good at dealing with. He told himself not to be afraid, to face it, to reveal that it was just a trick, that it couldn't really hurt him.

"There's nothing to be afraid of."

But the terror was overwhelming. It felt a hundred times worse than pain or death. The endless cycle of torture made even death seem like a luxury.

The space around him shattered like broken glass. Amidst the falling stars, a white cloak flew by, and Moon Knight charged toward him.

Dreamwalker felt his body like ragged patchwork, struggling to function.

"I'm not afraid of nightmares," Moon Knight said in a deep voice, his character's automatic response.

"Because I live in them."

With that, Chu Cheng pressed the action button.

Moon Knight grabbed Dreamwalker, and, with a crescent dart in hand, he slashed, causing Dreamwalker's head to fly off, along with his mask, rolling to the side and leaving a trail of blood and bones.

Wake up.

The shattered galaxy and collapsing space slowly pieced themselves back together, with stars returning to their places.

The airship that had been blown to pieces was now slowly repairing itself. All the metal fragments automatically reassembled, and everything took its place.

Everyone went back to the bridge; although the command room was a bit messy, it was still intact. The airship wasn't completely destroyed—it was still floating in the sky, at least for now.

Kongsu was the last to disappear. Chu Cheng felt a bit disappointed. It was rare to have a chance like this to act without delay, but the opportunity was cut short. It left him feeling unsatisfied, especially since they had barely begun to enjoy their success.

Eventually, Kongsu's body started to disintegrate, blowing away like gray dust in the wind.

When they regained their senses, the agents noticed their clothes were soaked with sweat. Few had the energy to stand up. It felt as if they had been drifting in a river for days before finally being pulled ashore.

The intense heartache gradually faded, replaced by overwhelming exhaustion.

Once they could see clearly again, they looked at the command room screen. They saw that a man had turned into a headless corpse in a tuxedo, with his masked head lying far away.

But the white knight who had turned the tide was nowhere to be found.

Everyone was confused. It was hard to tell which parts of what they had seen were real and which were just dreams.

Suddenly, a deafening roar from a jet fighter interrupted their thoughts. The jet, which looked like a bat, was rising slowly in front of their windows. It had transparent flames coming out of its tail.

The jet turned, heading toward the horizon. With a powerful roar, it sped off into the clouds, disappearing from view.