Chapter 99: Dream Invasion

Even among the "dead warriors," few know that Dreamwalker's abilities are more than just creating a dream world.

His main ability, as shown earlier, lets him create a dream realm where he is all-powerful. In this dream world, he can rewrite reality and control everything. Anyone who enters the dream can only follow his rules and cannot escape.

This dream realm comes from Dreamwalker's own mind. It's like he built a room in his head and dragged everyone nearby into it through a mental network. In this room, he's the boss, and others can't resist or leave; they can only be controlled by him.

However, this trick didn't work against Moon Knight. So, Dreamwalker decided to try something else.

If he can't bring Moon Knight into his own dream, he'll invade Moon Knight's dream instead. Everyone has a deep-seated nightmare—an illusion created by their own greatest fears. Dreamwalkers are experts at finding these nightmares. He digs out the darkest fears and forces the person to relive them over and over until they break down.

Dreamwalker enjoys this process.

As soon as he entered Moon Knight's mind, he was hit with an intense fear. Dreamwalkers, who are used to seeing nightmares, could immediately sense how much stronger Moon Knight's fear was compared to others. It was the kind of extreme nightmare that most people couldn't even imagine.

Mark Spector, also known as Moon Knight, lived most of his life in a constant nightmare.

He blamed himself for his younger brother's death, faced hatred and blame from his mother, and endured abuse.

As a soldier and mercenary, he experienced endless pain and guilt. Even after death, he was resurrected by the moon god, and the curse continued.

Dreamwalker was fascinated by this fear. It was a rare and intense nightmare that he seldom encountered. It was so extreme that most people would have gone mad from it long ago.

But just as he was about to trigger this intense nightmare, the scene changed suddenly.

The intense pain vanished instantly, like dark clouds being torn apart. All the agony and pain disappeared in a flash.

In the next moment, the nightmare was replaced with everyday annoyances: forgetting homework, being punished by a teacher, pranks, job troubles, and overtime...


What happened to the extreme nightmare I was just having?

Then he felt someone tap his shoulder from behind.

"What the...uh!"

Turning around, he saw two men, one in a hood and the other in a white suit, behind him. Without a word, the man hit him in the face with a stick.

The blow made Dreamwalker's head spin, leaving him stunned.

Wait, am I still dreaming?

He had invaded countless dreams before, always as the master. It was the first time someone fought back in his dream.

"Hasn't anyone told you it's rude to peek into other people's dreams?" said the man in white, who was actually one of Moon Knight's personalities, Steven Grant.

Chu Cheng had just switched personalities.

Before Dreamwalker could recover, another hand reached out, dragged him over, and punched him in the face. He stumbled backward.

This time it was Moon Knight's other personality, Mark Spector.

Chu Cheng was surprised to find he could control both personalities at once. He could switch between them and even have them work together.

Since this was Moon Knight's dream, it made sense he could do this. Dreamwalker had foolishly entered Moon Knight's mind, a place he should have avoided.

So the two Moon Knights took turns attacking Dreamwalker. He was being beaten around and in the memory scape kept changing—a city, a desert, a school, and a battlefield—like living two different lives.

Dreamwalker was confused.

First, it was strange that someone could fight back in a dream. Usually, people had no power against him there.

Second, why were there two Moon Knights?

Everyone has one self in their spiritual world. Dreamwalker had invaded countless dreams, but this was the first time he saw two versions of someone.

He wondered why Moon Knight had these two different personalities and how he handled such chaotic dreams.

The fight continued, and Dreamwalker was kicked into a pile of skeletons. The battlefield was a heap of bones, and hollow eye sockets seemed to watch him, creating an overwhelming fear.

Suddenly, the scene changed again. They were back in the command room of the spaceship.

The agents in the command room saw Dreamwalker and Moon Knight in a brief standoff. Then Dreamwalker let out a horrified cry and stumbled back, clearly disturbed.

"Impossible, this isn't right... What's happening in your dream!?"

Even though Dreamwalker had retreated, his head was still pounding. He wondered if invading this dream was his worst mistake. He was relieved he had left when he did; staying longer might have been disastrous.

Then he froze.

A massive figure rose from the ground, its head reaching above the sky. The body, hundreds of feet tall, was covered in a huge shroud-like robe with only a vulture-like head visible.

The night sky was filled with stars, and a crescent moon shone brightly. Moon Knight stood on a bridge, bathed in moonlight, his cloak flowing without wind. The giant bird-like figure loomed behind him.

Dreamwalker was stunned.

He saw that all the agents in the command room were also staring in awe at the giant shadow.

"No... this can't be real!"