Chapter 106: He Is Dancing

Attacking Batman and his friends was no small matter. Even though Chai Yanluo claimed there was nothing to fear from these flashy masked heroes, it didn't make them any less of a threat.

Chai Yanluo's territory had recently been hit, and he felt the need to strike back. He wanted to prove that even if they were down, they weren't out. Plus, if they could capture or even take out one of these heroes, they might uncover who was behind them and what kind of organization they were up against.

The unknown was what really scared them. If they could unmask these heroes, they could deal with them like any other criminals.

Of course, they didn't have Batman's phone number. These heroes were elusive, appearing and disappearing without a trace. But they had noticed that these heroes tended to show up at random crime scenes. So, Chai Yanluo had an idea: if they created a big enough crime scene, maybe the heroes would come.

He called his right-hand man, Feng Quanhu. "I've got an important job for you."

Feng Quanhu was all in, ready for whatever. But then Chai Yanluo said, "Great, you're going to be the bait."

Feng Quanhu was shocked. "Wait, what?"

Chai Yanluo explained that they needed someone to lure the heroes into a trap. Feng Quanhu would have to pretend to be in trouble to attract them. It had to look real, not just an act.

Feng Quanhu was nervous. "What if I actually get hurt?"

Chai Yanluo waved it off. "Don't worry. I'll take care of your family if anything happens. Your wife is beautiful; I'll make sure she's looked after."

Feng Quanhu was stunned.

That night, they set up a fake crime scene where trouble was likely to happen. The higher-ups wanted more than just a fight; they wanted it to look convincing. They had to shout insults while they fought. One guy yelled, "Damn it, I still haven't been paid for that date!"

Another added, "Why would I pay for a date? Do you think I'm broke?"

A third guy chimed in, "Last time, you stole the girl I was after. What's wrong with you?"

Feng Quanhu, while getting beaten up, was fuming inside. He couldn't wait to get back at these guys when it was over.

After hours of this act, there was still no sign of Batman. Exhausted, they talked about wrapping it up. The boss agreed, saying they'd try again the next night.

Feng Quanhu, bruised and battered, was relieved to hear this. But then came the kicker: "We're doing this again tomorrow night."

Feng Quanhu felt betrayed. It seemed like Chai Yanluo had planned to use him all along, thinking about his family from the start!

So the next night, Feng Quanhu had to endure another round of beatings.

He never thought he'd miss Batman so much. He used to dread seeing Batman's symbol, but now he was desperate for Batman to show up and put an end to his suffering through these fake fights.

By the third night, Feng Quanhu's ordeal finally came to an end.

They started early, even before it got dark. After three days of playing the victim, Feng Quanhu was used to it. He asked the director where to lie down, stretched out his legs, closed his eyes, and prepared to endure whatever was coming next.

But sometimes, things take an unexpected turn. Just as Feng Quanhu was about to take a few more hits, a surprising savior showed up.

A thug was mid-kicking when he suddenly felt a strong force pull him down by the ankle. From a high platform nearby, a slim figure in red and blue tights executed a perfect backflip with a 720° spin. The move was so impressive it could have wowed Olympic judges. Spider-Man landed smoothly in front of everyone.

"Hope I'm not crashing your party," Spider-Man quipped, striking a classic superhero pose.

He glanced at Feng Quanhu, lying on the ground getting beaten, and added, "Though I have to say, the leggings and leather jacket combo is a bit odd. Maybe you should talk it out instead of throwing punches."

The thugs paused and lifted Feng Quanhu off the ground. More of them gathered around, and the sheer number was overwhelming. They pointed countless guns at Spider-Man, creating a nearly impenetrable wall of firepower.

The four major gangs had picked this spot carefully. They came prepared with top-of-the-line weapons, a small army, and a well-planned trap. Even with the best bulletproof gear, surviving this level of firepower would be nearly impossible.

"Looks like someone's set up an ambush," Spider-Man remarked, taking in the scene.

"Fire!" Chai Yanluo yelled. "Take down that freak!"

Every thug pulled their trigger at the same time.

These thugs were no amateurs; they'd fought before, but nothing like this. This was the biggest operation ever put together by the four gangs, all focused on taking out one person.

The continuous gunfire roared like thunder, making everyone's ears ring. The relentless fire quickly swallowed up Spider-Man's red and blue figure. Bullets rained down, and the gangsters spared no expense on weapons or ammunition.

"I can't believe it... I can't believe it." Matthews, up on the high observation deck, muttered, staring through his binoculars with a pale face. "This defies logic..."

"What is it? What do you see?" Brother Yan asked urgently.

Matthews lowered the binoculars, looking stunned and in disbelief.

"That guy in the tights... he's dancing right in the middle of all that gunfire."