Chapter 110: Upgraded Airship

Overnight, the four largest underground gangs were wiped out.

At first, Chu Cheng didn't recognize the four captured leaders. He just thought they looked like important, low-level bosses. 

It wasn't until later, when the faces of the four were scanned by Batman's mobile computer, that he realized just how significant they were. To his surprise, they were some of the biggest players in the underground world.

This big win would definitely cause a stir in Jiangdu. By morning, everyone in the city's underground would know about these four being taken down.

Sure, the four leaders were powerful and had resources, so they might escape the police department's custody soon with their skills. But the impact of this capture would still be huge.

First off, while the leaders might be released, the large number of thugs they had with them would likely have to remain in prisohin. There were hundreds of thugs, many of whom were key parts of the gang who would be locked up for a long time.

Also, this major battle would only increase the fear of the vigilantes led by Batman. When people found out that the four biggest gangs had teamed up with their best fighters to set a trap and still failed, they were truly shocked.

If someone else tried to take them on, there was a one in a hundred chance they'd get defeated. It was like attacking with a rock with an egg.

No one thought the top members of the four major gangs were weak, so the latter was more likely.

The desperate fight by the top four gang leaders didn't create any safe space for their struggling allies. Instead, it pushed the entire underground world into a darker, more terrifying place.

Even the members of the top four gang leaders locked up that night and started to think it might be better to just stay inside and forget the outside world. Behind bars, everything was calm, and their fellow inmates were decent.

On the other hand, stepping outside meant walking on thin ice, with the night's events haunting them like a nightmare.

Spider-Man, with his climbing skills and stealth, was well-suited for sneaking around, but with his incredible strength and reflexes, Chu Cheng preferred to use him as a strong attacker.

Chu Cheng didn't care much about where the four top gang leaders would end up.

He was just a new hero itching to test his skills. The four and their gang members were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sending them in was just a matter of convenience.


To be honest, if all four of them had chosen to stay inside and not come out, Chu Cheng might've been a little disappointed. Catching all four of the biggest gang leaders at once would have been too easy.

It's like getting all the best prizes at a carnival in one shot—it sounds good, but it might mess up the balance and fun for the future. Plus, it could seriously mess up the whole ecosystem of this game, which isn't great for keeping the excitement going.

If all the gangsters suddenly decided to retire and go legit, it would be harder to keep playing the game. Chu Cheng would have to come up with new strategies to farm for points.

By the time Chu Cheng finished his day of trying out Spider-Man, it was completely dark outside. He ordered some takeout, had a quick dinner, and then got back to gaming on his computer.

Last night, Secret Service Nine's airship was breached. Even though Chu Cheng always thought that thing was a bit unreliable, it was shocking to see a bunch of unknown crazies just waltz in and out like that.

Even with his usual skepticism, Chu Cheng thought this was too much, and it didn't seem like the place was secured like a high-security madhouse should be.

So last night, he used the backdoor left by Batman to dig into what happened and discovered there was a traitor involved.

And this traitor was none other than Chen Meiyue, someone he'd crossed paths with a few times.

He didn't see that coming. It was a big deal to have a traitor on the inside, especially one with such a high-ranking member.

But what's even more concerning is that Secret Service Nine seems to have lost something during the incident.

It looks like whatever was stolen wasn't super classified, but Nine's department quickly tightened security afterward.

The enemy went through a lot of trouble to invade, so they definitely weren't there just to steal something random. Whatever was taken had to be important.

But all Chu Cheng could find in the database was a serial number for the stolen item: a086.

As for what it was or what it did, the database didn't say.

Chu Cheng quickly decided it was necessary to head to the airship in person and maybe install a few more backdoors just to be sure.

He hadn't rushed over right away. For one, he was busy trying out new heroes in his game, and for another, it wasn't completely dark yet. After all, nighttime is Batman's playground. Wearing a black suit and sneaking around in broad daylight would be pretty noticeable.

Plus, even though the security at the Secret Service's Ninth Office had been lacking, their logistics were surprisingly strong. The aircraft that had made an emergency landing just yesterday was back in the sky by tonight, ready to resume its unsettling journey.

The doctor in charge of security who had sworn there were no security loopholes was sweating bullets after what happened last night.

Luckily, the chairman seemed to think that the real issue was an insider, not the hardware, so he didn't push for any drastic fixes.

But, of course, Li Changcheng still had a talk with the doctor, explaining that the security system needed an upgrade. Even if the problem was due to an insider, the fact that the alarm system was disarmed without any alert couldn't be overlooked.

So, just after the airplane took off tonight, the doctor reassured the chairman, "Don't worry, sir. We've upgraded the security system overnight—hardware, software, everything. It might not look different on the outside, but it's all new inside.

I guarantee that what happened last time won't happen again. Even a top detective wouldn't be able to disarm the system quietly."

Noticing the chairman's displeasure, the doctor quickly corrected himself.

"What I mean is, it's absolutely secure now. I stake my reputation as the world's top security expert on it—this time, not even a mosquito could get in!" Dr. Ji promised confidently.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the ship...

An electronic door, whose system had been hacked and disabled, beeped as it opened. Batman slipped silently into the cabin, landing on the empty aisle, and the door closed behind him.

Batman's stealth was simple but effective.