Chapter 124: Batman Is Always Prepared

When others go out, they often think about how to play as a team or assess their opponents' skills. But Batman is different. He doesn't just consider the skills of his enemies; he also thinks about the skills of his teammates. His strategy isn't about teamwork and coordination; it's more about constantly preparing for the worst-case scenario.

Even though Batman has faced many powerful villains, he often finds himself battling his own teammates more. This is because Batman has a mental block: he believes that everyone around him might try to harm him. This is especially true with Superman, who, despite his immense strength, sometimes seems to act without thinking. This makes Batman's role in the Justice League even tougher.

Batman has become known as the only person who can handle Superman and the rest of the Justice League's crazier members.

As the only ordinary person among them, he has to deal with not only world-threatening villains but also his unpredictable teammates.

Over time, Batman has developed an extensive arsenal of tools and strategies to handle each of his teammates' unique abilities. This is why some say that Batman is the ultimate defense against his own team.

When facing external threats, his effectiveness might depend on the situation or the writer's choices, but when it comes to his teammates, Batman is always ready.

It doesn't matter if a Justice League member goes rogue, because Batman can handle them. In fact, he's prepared to manage even if the entire team goes off the rails. But if Batman himself loses control, it's a serious problem because he can overpower everyone else.

Thankfully, the Justice League members are so powerful and versatile that there's almost nothing they can't do. Batman has countermeasures for most of their abilities, which is why he's so effective.

Now, Batman is up against a new challenge. This person has enhanced hearing through special abilities, and the ultrasound that's affecting him is almost too much to handle.

He quickly turned off the ultrasound device, but it was a bit too late. The bright flash from the device made his head spin, and his balance was off.

He glared at Batman from a distance, as if silently accusing him of being sneaky and unfair for using such a dirty trick.

But as he looked up, he saw Batman flick his cape and throw something down.

The metal object hit the ground and exploded, creating a blinding flash of light. The underground area, which had been dark, suddenly lit up as if it were daytime. The bright flash almost blinded him.

He almost wished he could get his teammates, who were standing around watching, out of there.


Chu Cheng knew Batman didn't mean to hurt his teammates, but flashbangs affect everyone in the area. It wasn't because he disliked his teammates—these things just couldn't be used without affecting everyone around.

A flashbang is a problem, but its effects don't last long. Your vision will return after a while.

Of course, in a real fight, the blinding effect is long enough to make a difference.

The intense light made Leng Ji lose his vision instantly. In his mind, the words "Shameless!" flashed brightly.

Well, maybe it wasn't that extreme, but facing Batman was definitely different from what he had expected.

According to the information collected, this Batman has special powers and is supposed to be a martial arts expert, skilled in stealth and surprise attacks.

Instead, he used tricks like torturing the senses. He didn't confront people directly at all.

It had to be said, Batman was no different from street thugs, just more advanced. Ordinary thugs aren't as rich or skilled as he is.

But for Batman, it didn't matter what tricks he used; as long as he could take down his opponent, it was a good move.

After all, this is the same guy who, to defeat his friend Superman, once kidnapped Superman's wife and threatened to drop her from a height. Batman might have a flexible moral code, but he's definitely not shy about bending the rules, except for killing people.

Leng Ji had never faced an opponent like this before, but his experience and quick reflexes helped him make a decision fast.

Even though his hearing, balance, and vision were temporarily impaired, his extraordinary physical fitness meant he could recover quickly. However, in such a dark environment, finding Batman was nearly impossible. Losing your senses makes you very vulnerable.

Leng Ji realized this immediately, so as soon as he went blind, he fired his tentacles towards where he last remembered Batman being!

Most people wouldn't think to counterattack in such a situation, let alone when they're stunned and blinded.

But Leng Ji could do it. Not only because of his enhanced physical abilities, but also due to his exceptional combat skills that ordinary agents don't have.

He moved incredibly fast and was confident that Batman was still dealing with the flashbang—though Batman's gear likely had flash protection, there would still be some delay.

So Leng Ji aimed to hit Batman with his tentacles.

He was sure of his strike, and a confident smile appeared on his face.

But what Leng Ji couldn't see was that just before his tentacles struck, Batman had rolled out of the way with incredible speed, avoiding the attack.

The tentacles missed Batman and instead hit a large electrical box on the wall behind him.

Bright blue sparks lit up the room as the box exploded. The electricity raced along the tentacles, speeding toward Leng Ji at over 110 miles per hour, creating a shocking experience for him.

Leng Ji's body convulsed with the electric shock, and he cursed the bat-themed lunatic in his mind.