Chapter 125: All Part Of The Plan

Leng Ji quickly realized that the entire fight so far had been part of a well-planned strategy by his opponent. From the start, he was playing right into Batman's hands.

First, Batman used ultrasonic waves to mess with Leng Ji's enhanced hearing, putting extra strain on his brain.

Then, when Leng Ji's hearing was compromised and he was forced to rely only on his vision, Batman hit him with flash bombs, messing up his sight too.

With both his hearing and vision impaired, Leng Ji was in a bad spot. Batman knew that this moment of vulnerability was when he could strike.

But even this was part of Batman's plan. When Leng Ji tried to stab him, he wasn't aiming randomly—Batman had intentionally positioned himself in front of a transformer box, using himself as bait to lure Leng Ji into a trap.

This was all part of Chu Cheng's tactics. The transformer box was rigged beforehand as part of their battle plan. On Friday, they had hacked into the power grid and set it up to deliver a powerful shock.

After the shock, Leng Ji was already stunned and disoriented, but Batman didn't give him a break.

He quickly moved in with a pair of electric shock gloves, landing a powerful punch on Leng Ji's face. The electricity sparked and crackled, forcing Leng Ji to stumble back.

Even in his stunned state, Leng Ji tried to counterattack, predicting Batman's moves by feeling the hits. But Batman, experienced in both dirty tricks and martial arts, dodged the punch easily and followed up with two more electrifying blows to Leng Ji's gut.

By now, Leng Ji was completely overwhelmed. He hadn't expected Batman to fight this way. Instead of a straightforward battle, he was dealing with an opponent who fought dirty and didn't play by the rules. 

In this fight, there were no fair tactics, no flashy skills, and no head-on confrontations—just Batman using every trick in the book to win.

Fighting this crazy man in a Bat costume was a nightmare.

It wasn't like facing some unbeatable enemy; it was more like having all this power but nowhere to use it. That's exactly how Leng Ji felt. He was invulnerable, with superhuman strength and speed. On paper, he should've crushed this lunatic.

But somehow, the tables were turned. Leng Ji, who looked like he'd just got mugged in an alley by a gang, was getting completely overpowered by what seemed like an ordinary guy. He couldn't even understand what was happening as he got pummeled.

Leng Ji took punch after punch, and while getting electrocuted, he still tried to fight back, guessing Batman's location. But suddenly, he felt a heavy blow to his head from behind.

This punch was on another level—it was the hardest hit Leng Ji had ever taken. The armorlike material covering his face almost shattered.

He couldn't see, but he was shocked.

Did Batman bring in a helper? But who could hit this hard?

The agents with quicker reflexes finally started to see what was happening. Batman was double-teaming Leng Ji with some weirdo dressed like he was wearing pajamas.

The weirdo was still full of energy, showing off with some wild and violent moves that didn't resemble any known martial arts—mostly because no human could actually pull off those moves.

At one point, he even kicked Leng Ji into the air and then jumped up to hit him with a mid-air combo, leaving everyone stunned.

Is that even something a human could do?

The agents were confused.

Just a short time ago, they were getting beat up by what they thought was a rogue agent or some kind of phantom.

A fully armed team of special agents, a combat-trained operative, and nine illusions—none of them could handle this guy. They were getting treated like punching bags.

But now they saw this guy getting tossed around by two bizarrely dressed weirdos.

Wait, weren't they supposed to be fighting the enemy?

When it was their turn, the guy seemed like an unstoppable god of war, with unbeatable strength and technology that made them want to give up. But watching these two now, it looked like the guy was just flailing around like an amateur actor.

After this double-team beatdown, Chu Cheng felt great, Leng Ji was down for the count, and everyone at the madhouse was beyond recovery. Things were finally looking up.

As Spider-Man swung through the air, he used his web to pull off a mid-air five-hit combo. Then a Bat-Dart exploded right in front of Leng Ji's face.

The fireball and smoke filled the room, and the shockwave blasted him back, tearing apart the armor-like material that covered most of his body.

It was only then that everyone could see what he looked like under that armor.

His body was blood-red beyond the shattered armor. It looked like Leng Ji's entire outer skin had hardened and mutated into armor, but the tissue underneath was completely different from a normal human, more like some other species with human limbs.

Even now, his flesh-and-blood body was desperately trying to heal itself, repairing the injuries all over.

"Cough. Ha, I underestimated you."

Lying on the ground, Leng Ji had given up. He seemed to realize it was all over, and there was no point in struggling anymore.

So he just lay there, trying to face up and look directly at Batman, who was walking toward him.

"I guess a lot of people have made this mistake, right? Once you gain a little power, it's easy to get cocky...easy to get arrogant. And you're the best at exploiting that. You make people think they're winning, then... cough cough..."

At this point, Spider-Man shot a web, tying up Leng Ji's hands and feet. Meanwhile, Batman threw a bomb that exploded at Leng Ji's feet, releasing a gel that quickly expanded, trapping him completely.

With double the restraints, there was no way he could break free, even if he was in perfect condition.

"I lost... cough, but it doesn't matter," Leng Ji said dryly. "The gears have started to turn. Everyone will be pulled into this mess. No one will escape... not even you."



A pair of eyes opened in the darkness.

"Looks like it failed."

A man's voice spoke. A resolute and cold face emerged from the shadows—it was Leng Ji.

"Batman's trickier than we thought," he said. "He's not just some fighter with strength. We underestimated him."

"Seems like it."

Another voice answered from the darkness. Another face emerged—it was also Leng Ji.

"But it doesn't matter," the second Leng Ji said. "The mission of the dead man was completed. His sacrifice doesn't change that."

"Exactly. As long as the key is still in play, everything is going according to plan."

A third voice sounded, and yet another Leng Ji appeared.

Multiple pairs of eyes opened one after another, like ghostly lights flickering to life.

All of them were cold.