Chapter 126: Account upgrade

Detective Luo Yajun's injuries had healed about 75%. He carefully examined Leng Ji, who was restrained by Spider-Man's webs and some gel. After making sure there was nothing to worry about, he casually lit a cigarette, ready to say a few words to Batman, who always seemed to clean up after them. But, as usual, Batman had already disappeared.

Yup, that's Batman for you.

The other agents gradually came around, accepting the fact that, once again, Batman had swooped in to save the day.

By now, they were used to it. Batman's been doing this for so long that even the Gotham Police Department had been molded into his image over the past few decades. And now, this secret service madhouse was heading in the same direction.

In the future, when they realized how things were, they'd probably install a high-end bat signal on the aircraft.

Whenever there was a problem, they'd just light it up and let Batman take care of it. No more worries about getting bullied by infected people.

Honestly, Chu Cheng didn't mind this setup. It saved him the trouble of figuring out how to gain experience every day. Instead of going through all the usual steps, they could just flip on the bat signal, summon Batman, and let him handle it.

It was starting to feel less like the Gotham Police Department and more like the defense team from an Ultraman episode. In those shows, the defense team would try to handle the monster, but it was always Ultraman who saved the day.

Rather than wasting resources, they'd be better off just calling in Ultraman right away.

Chu Cheng figured that once his skills were fully leveled up, he'd be able to handle things himself, even in this madhouse.

Like Iron Man once said, "I've achieved world peace by myself—you're welcome."

What? You don't want peace? Then go chat with Superman about life.

The action team eventually contacted the ground response team and found out that while they were busy fighting, Batman had already rescued all the hostages.

The action team walked through the hall where they'd been fighting for a while, then went deeper into the underground facility.

They soon found the door to the hostage room, which had already been pried open, with three bodies of the phantoms lying nearby.

The agents were stunned by the scene.

Were they still stuck at the door fighting the enemy?

Meanwhile, Batman and his unusual companion had quietly slipped through, rescued the hostages, and taken down three bosses.

After all the hostages were rescued and the crystals secured, the agents returned to the front lines only to find the most valuable target had already been taken down by someone else. Now, they were left wondering why they were even there.

At first, they thought they were there to bring justice, like a sharp blade cutting through evil.

But after the big boss on the other side made his grand entrance, they felt more like a bunch of clowns. In the end, they realized they were neither warriors nor clowns—just spectators.

Their biggest contribution was cheering from the back while the boss took down the bad guys, ensuring he had an audience for his heroic deeds.

Detective Luo Yajun patted a frustrated young agent on the shoulder. The rookie looked up at him, surprised.

"Don't get discouraged, kid," Luo Yajun said with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. "You'll get used to this."

The young agent just stared at him, speechless.

Whether Leng Ji was an infected person or just a shapeshifter wasn't clear yet. No one knew if the shapeshifter would explode like an infected person. But either way, they needed to bring him in for interrogation.

Chu Cheng also wanted to crack open the minds of the professionals at the Justice League to see if he could get any useful information. But honestly, he didn't trust the security system at the asylum. He always felt like if they weren't careful, the prisoner would escape.

But the problem wasn't too big.

On Friday, she mentioned she could hack into the Justice League's system to monitor the prisoners 24/7 and keep Chu Cheng updated on any information from the accomplices.

Even if Leng Ji managed to escape, it would just mean another mission for them.

Later, the hostages provided some clues.

"Five? Are you sure you counted correctly?" Chen Meiyue, who had been rescued, sat beside the Justice League's car with a serious expression.

She was still in handcuffs. Technically, she had attacked an inner ghost on the airship, and although it looked suspicious, she still needed to be taken back to the airship for further investigation.

"Yes, we found a total of five shapeshifters in the base. All of them have been killed or captured," a young agent said. "Four of them were taken down by Batman and his team, and the last one was handled by our action team."

As he spoke, the young agent's voice trailed off, feeling a bit embarrassed. After all, with so many people involved, only one out of the five had been dealt with by their team. It was a little humiliating.

But Chen Meiyue didn't care about that. She suddenly looked uneasy and turned to Luo Yajun.

"One is missing," she said bluntly.

"What do you mean?" Luo Yajun asked, confused.

"There were six of them," Chen Meiyue explained. "You only got five. One is still out there... a shapeshifter."


"If you ask me, we had a pretty good day working together," Chu Cheng said, sinking into his gaming chair and stretching.

"Friday, what do you think?"

"I think you did an excellent job, sir," Friday replied with a smile.

"No, it's because of your great support."

"No, your quick thinking and actions were the key."

"No, definitely not without your strategic planning and assistance."


Chu Cheng found it strange. He had done a lot that night, using both Captain America and Spider-Man—especially Spider-Man, who drained his energy. Now, he was in that weird state where his body was exhausted, but his mind was still wired.

"Your physical condition isn't great. You should get some rest, sir," Friday suggested.

"Just one more game."

Chu Cheng felt too hyped to quit. He wanted to take another spin around the city as Moon Knight, maybe even throw on Spider-Man's suit and see if he could catch another bad guy before calling it a night.

"Excessive fatigue can lead to poor circulation, endocrine issues, insomnia, forgetfulness, irritability, anxiety, and other neurological problems. It can also cause high blood pressure, diabetes, and affect your fertility and stamina." Friday started listing the potential risks.

"Okay, okay," Chu Cheng gave in.

Fridaychuckled softly. "I'm just concerned about your health, sir. But of course, it's up to you."

Even though he wasn't ready to quit the game, Chu Cheng had to admit Friday was right. Gaming until you're wiped out isn't healthy. You've got to know your limits.

After exiting the game, just as he reached the main interface, a familiar lightning-like special effect flashed across the screen, making Chu Cheng's eyes light up.

He leveled up again!

It seemed that taking down multiple bosses in one night had really paid off. This upgrade hadn't taken long since the last one.

And with each upgrade came the chance to unlock new skills.

Unexpectedly, this system upgrade even changed how the skill lottery worked.

Chu Cheng glanced at the updated skill extraction description, and his eyes widened.

"The new skill extraction mechanism is unlocked. Under this new system, players can now draw skills from multiple heroes at the same time, acquiring up to five different hero skills in one go."

Chu Cheng: "!"