Chapter 140: Insane Technology

Chen Meiyue is dead.

Luo Yajun confirmed with his own eyes that both her and her phantom's heads were blown into a lake of pulp, and there was no possibility of a comeback.

It's just that the Phantom's tenacity is extremely strong even after being shot in the head at point blank; the thing is still struggling. It is estimated that if the body is not bound by Gwen's spider web, maybe it can even continue to fight back.

Of course that's all. He continued to fire until the phantom was completely dead, and he didn't stop until the whole cigarette in his mouth was burned out.

Luo Yajun put away his gun, threw away his cigarette butt, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Uh, are you okay?"

Gwen was now hanging upside down from the ceiling.

This was asked by Chu Cheng through Gwen's mouth. He was indeed a little worried about the state of Agent Luo Yajun.

It is not so easy for ordinary people to pull the trigger on an acquaintance. It is definitely not easy to shoot one's former good friend continuously like this and even have to hit her to stop struggling.

What's more, this may be Agent Luo's last friend.

So to be honest, Chu Cheng was a little worried about this guy's mental state. For example, will he suddenly burst into laughter, saying that it is not me who is wrong, but the world is wrong, and then inherit the will to laugh wildly?

But Luo Yajun seemed quite relaxed. He reacted as if he had dealt with an infected person casually, just like he would do every now and then in his daily work.

"Okay, that's great." He smiled, "There is one less damned guy; it's such a happy thing; why am I not good?"

Chu Cheng: "..."

As Luo Yajun spoke, he glanced at Gwen, who was hanging upside down from the ceiling.

"I thought the backup would be the bat."

"Uh, he's not in the area right now, so I'll cover the shift."

Gwen shook her head, blinking her large white eyes.

"Well, it's best if you're okay. I should be going, but if you need someone to talk to later,

"Go, go, or someone will come in a while." Luo Yajun waved his hand. "Although I know that even if someone comes, you can still leave, but that would be a bad scene."

Seeing the white shadow grab two spider threads and disappear at the end of the passage, Luo Yajun was speechless for a moment.

Another hero he had never seen before; this time even looked like an underage girl.

But that being said, Luo Yajun had already seen her abilities at the moment when the rabbit was up and down just now.

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about her unsparing entry; from the flight to the landing, the series of kicks that killed Chen Meiyue and her Phantom in seconds, the movements were neat and amazing.

Although it is a sneak attack, even a sneak attack is not something ordinary people can do.

So is it this level of combat power to randomly shake someone out of the organization?

Sure enough, they are all monsters.

In short, Batman, who finished his fight, boarded the fighter and flew away. When the Bat fighter left, it drew a gorgeous line of fire in the night.

So this means that Dr. Ji, who is in charge of security, can't run away this time, and at the same time, he also gave everyone a message that Batman might come back to patronize him next time, but at least he is leaving for now.

Even though this wave of trouble seemed to be over, it wasn't completely gone.

With the new system upgrades, Chu Cheng now had the ability to assign heroes to a set area. So he left Spider-Gwen in the floating airship after their last battle. 

This way, Gwen became an agent stationed at the floating airship for their Super League branch, always on call. Next time something happened at the airship, Chu Cheng wouldn't need to fly all the way there with Batman. He could just switch over to control how Gwen handled things.

Gwen, while superpowered, wasn't the best at stealth and hiding. So, if she was left in a corner of the airship, there was a risk she could be found. But it wasn't a huge concern. She could go offline when not needed. Even if Superman had supervision, he wouldn't spot her.

Chu Cheng felt a bit lonely. If there was anything better than a boss with more experience points, it was having a boss who could give double experience points. 

Chu Cheng was happy with the new gear and upgrades for Batman, but the power consumption increased along with the strength. Operating Batman had become a strain on his energy, making the game process more of a challenge for him.

After finishing his task and following Friday's advice, Chu Cheng decided to shut down and go offline for the night.

"Alarm mode, Friday. Something woke me up," he said as he prepared for bed.

"No problem, sir," replied Friday with a smile.

Even though Chu Cheng needed rest, Friday didn't. She could monitor the aircraft and keep video footage of anything important. She'd alert Chu Cheng if anything major happened.

Chu Cheng logged off, but the real trouble at the asylum was just beginning.

Dr. Kouji was facing security issues with random entries and exits. The old guy was probably figuring out how to make himself more comfortable in his current predicament.

Also, a key criminal had escaped—though the criminal was a shapeshifter capable of looking like multiple people, it was still a serious issue.

Records later revealed that Chen Meiyue's shapeshifter released her real body from her cell and also freed Leng Ji. During this time, the shapeshifter attacked and killed several agents, even taking on the appearance of Professor Miyazaki, who had high authority in the airship.

The shapeshifter had previously shot Professor Miyazaki in the head and taken his DNA. Batman had been ahead of them and was caught by the prisoner, making things complicated.

The first agent who led the team that night was called in for questioning. Meanwhile, everyone reviewed the footage of Batman's battle with Leng Ji.

As they watched, they were amazed by Batman's superhuman martial arts and advanced exoskeleton armor.

∑( ̄□ ̄*|||

When they saw the high-tech laser cutting and melting of tentacles, their expressions were even more shocked.

( ̄口 ̄)!!

By the end, when Batman used his system to become physically invincible, everyone was stunned.


"What kind of technology is this?" 

The focus turned to Minister Shi of the Equipment Department, who was staring blankly at the ceiling.

It didn't matter, really. Whatever works.