Chapter 139: Borrowed Power

Leng Ji:??? 

Madhouse: ??? 

Batman's actions were so out of this world that everyone present, whether they were friends or foes, was completely stunned.

Just as a tentacle was about to land a finishing blow, Batman's whole body suddenly became blurry, almost like a digital glitch. The tentacle pierced right through him and slammed into the metal wall behind, as if it were going through a hologram.

But in the next moment, Batman threw a punch that crackled with lightning, hitting his opponent with a powerful blow.

Leng Ji was stunned, and the people at the madhouse were baffled. All they could think was that something was definitely off with Batman's abilities.

If you thought Batman had picked up some supernatural skills in a hidden cave, you'd be wrong. Most of his gear is based on science, with just a touch of the supernatural.

Chu Cheng really liked Batman's suit because of its special feature, called the "Alan System."

Everyone knows The Flash is one of the biggest powerhouses in the DC universe. Among all the Flashes, Barry Allen is particularly impressive. His main ability is extreme speed, which he uses to perform various feats, including making his atoms vibrate so fast that he can pass through walls and avoid physical damage.

While Batman's new armor doesn't give him The Flash's speed, it does let him pass through solid objects, similar to how The Flash does, without actually moving at high speeds. This is a big deal.

This kind of advanced technology is impressive anywhere, especially given how it's turning the tide in this fight. Leng Ji, who was already struggling against Batman, felt completely overwhelmed. He couldn't believe the kind of monster he was up against.

Last time, Leng Ji had complained about being ambushed by Batman, feeling like he had been unfairly attacked. He thought that if given the chance, he could beat Batman in a fair fight.

But now, facing Batman again, he found himself completely outmatched, and the idea of winning seemed impossible.

The situation at the asylum was even more confusing.

Is this some kind of technology?

After taking a few hits and retreating in embarrassment, Leng Ji managed to regain his footing. He looked down and saw two small circular devices stuck to his chest, marked with bat symbols.


Two deafening explosions went off, sending Leng Ji flying. He tumbled through the air and hit the ground hard.

His armor cracked and fell off in places, revealing his red, burned flesh. Despite his injuries, he struggled to stand up straight.

The battle seemed almost over, but Leng Ji wasn't done yet.

Leng Ji straightened his wobbly body and extended several tentacles from his back.

Chu Cheng prepared to counter any attack.

But unexpectedly, Leng Ji emitted a sound of flesh being pierced.

The tentacles joined together, forming a spear that pierced through his own heart in one blow.

Chu Cheng:?

What's going on here?

Is he really doing this to himself?

Everyone was shocked. Although Leng Ji's defeat was clear, his act of killing himself was unexpected. The tentacles had pierced his chest and come out of his back, which was bizarre.

Leng Ji fell to his knees, but his eyes remained fixed on Batman.

"This time... you won. Just enjoy your victory... for now."

He coughed, then looked at the other nine agents.

"And you... you don't know anything. You don't understand... everything."

His voice grew faint.

He tilted his head to one side, his eyes open but unmoving.

He was dead.


Batman, with his cloak covering most of his armor, turned and walked towards the door.

The weirdest part was that as he walked, all the agents on standby moved aside, making way for him. It was like he was walking through his own headquarters.

Halfway there, someone finally reacted. They thought, This isn't right. This is our facility, and he's walking out like he owns the place. It doesn't seem appropriate.

But everyone knew that without outside help, they would have struggled to handle the escaped prisoner alone.

So while it seemed awkward to let someone leave so easily, no one wanted to protest. 

When Batman was halfway out, one agent finally shouted, "Stop!"

The young agent pointed his gun at Batman's back.

Unexpectedly, Batman stopped, turned his head slightly, and his bat-shaped mask looked particularly intimidating.

The agent seemed to question what was happening.

The agent hesitated, then lowered his gun. "Uh... it's okay." He seemed relieved but also uncomfortable. "You've... worked hard."

Batman glanced at him and continued walking.

The agent sighed in relief, wiping the sweat off his forehead. 

His colleague looked at him with admiration, as if to say, "You're brave for doing that."

Meanwhile, Chen Meiyue, who had been dealing with her own troubles, was starting to realize her teammates might not be coming to help. She had to handle this on her own.

She felt confident in her abilities, even though her power was more about transformation than combat. She knew Luo Yajun's strength was likely at the top of his game, but she thought she could handle him.

"You think that as long as you settle things here, you're done, right?" Luo Yajun said with a smile.

"Then have you wondered why I've been stalling for so long?"

Chen Meiyue's expression changed as she realized something was wrong.

Suddenly, Phantom, her transformed self, charged at Luo Yajun. But an afterimage flashed, and a graceful white figure appeared, kicking Phantom back into the wall with a powerful kick.

The wall deformed under the impact.

The white figure landed in front of Chen Meiyue, who threw a punch instinctively. The figure dodged and knocked her down with a sweep of the legs, followed by a series of kicks to her abdomen. Chen Meiyue was thrown into the air and slammed into her Phantom.

Spider-Gwen landed in a classic Spider-Man pose and used her webbing to bind Chen Meiyue and Phantom together.

Spider-Gwen had been stealthily watching from nearby. Leng Ji, who had escaped the prison, switched his attention to this side and quickly resolved the battle with powerful force.

Chen Meiyue struggled against the webbing but couldn't break free. Luo Yajun walked up to her, lit a cigarette, and pointed a shotgun at her head.

Chen Meiyue stared at the gun's muzzle.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked softly. "You know how much I've helped you at the Ninth Office, and you don't have anyone else worth caring about in this world. Even for old times' sake."


The impact was like a heavy hammer smashing her head against the wall. Chen Meiyue, now lifeless, slumped down, unmoving.

Luo Yajun holstered his gun, glanced at her shattered head, and muttered.

"Not so pretty now, is it?"