Chapter 162: After Event Draws

After everything was settled, Chu Cheng finally got a good night's sleep. When he woke up, he freshened up and had breakfast, while Friday briefed him on what had happened after he fell asleep.

In summary, the evidence was successfully recovered. After he left, the Secret Service and the pharmaceutical factory seemed to stop fighting for a while, likely due to the dangerous underground environment.

The pharmaceutical company then provided Agent Luo with a dynamic map of the underground to help them identify and retrieve other agents. After cleaning up the scene, both sides withdrew from the ruins.

However, no one knew for sure what was sealed beneath the ruins, and no one was brave enough to confirm it.

Doubt was in the air. Although there wasn't enough evidence to conclude whether the accusations from the pharmaceutical factory against the Sentinels were true, it definitely raised questions.

Chu Cheng was a bit surprised when he heard Friday's report.

If the pharmaceutical factory's accusations were valid, then Chu Cheng didn't have much to say about the Secret Service's actions. Ever since learning that they had even betrayed the designated gin supplier, the Secret Service seemed as sketchy as the shady winery next door.

But it didn't matter much to him. As someone on the outskirts of all this, even if the organization leaked secrets like a sieve, it didn't have much to do with him. In fact, the more these groups stirred things up, the more tasks Chu Cheng ended up with.

Just like this case with Leng Ji. If it weren't for him preparing such an elaborate setup for him underground, who knows how long Chu Cheng would've had to farm common crimials to get this many points.

Even though Leng started off with gin, he faced off against Batman and wrapped up the long stretch of torture with a mixed kick after eating a bug. In the end, it seems like he didn't hold back on his pursuit of power, but when looking at the bigger picture, it wasn't pointless. At least he and his massive army of clones played a crucial role in helping Chu Chenggou ascend to godhood, marking an important milestone in Chu Cheng's journey.

After eating, Chu Cheng took a quick nap to reflect, and during that time, he tried to recreate Friday's face from his memory. However, despite his efforts, he couldn't get the face or hands right. Eventually, he gave up, realizing that face sculpting just wasn't for him, so he let Friday handle it.

And of course, Friday didn't disappoint. She's a top-notch assistant, even managing to dig through her master's study materials and browsing history—right down to the "sage mode" her master slips into whenever he's online.

People might lie, but data doesn't. After running the numbers, Friday put together a flawless face that could only be described as perfectly tuned to his preferences. Paired with a lacy maid outfit, it nearly made her master's heart skip a beat.

Then Friday, with her sweet-talking, kept praising him since yesterday's mission wrapped up. It wasn't like how most people butter up their boss, secretly wishing they weren't in charge. No, Friday's compliments were genuinely heartfelt, and they hit the right notes.

The game launched and received an upgrade, as expected, after the experience boost yesterday.

Not only did Chu Cheng level up, but his experience bar for the next level also shot up halfway in one go. Normally, the experience required for leveling increases progressively, making it harder to level up. This gift package was incredible, making Chu Cheng wish this dungeon could be used repeatedly.

A new wave of features unlocked. Now, he can control three hero characters at once, upgrading from doubles to triples, bringing them closer to the dream of pulling the entire Avengers team or The Justice League into battle.

Next was the critical part: his draws on the hero skill pool.

He had five consecutive draws, one locked as a hero-focused draw, and four random skills. Chu Cheng rubbed his hands, feeling the thrill as he anticipated new skills.

The first lock was Spider-Man, of course. After all, Spider-Man's basic superpower attributes were higher than most other heroes in his collection. You can never go wrong with extra powers.

One round of five consecutive pulls hit the jackpot, with golden shipping effects, and five hot new skills were unlocked instantly.

The first guaranteed shot was wall climbing, one of Spider-Man's signature skills. The official explanation is that it's due to atomic interactions that allow his hands and feet to stick to surfaces by controlling molecular boundaries through his mind. Spider-Man can cling to almost any surface, even through clothes or armor.

This ability is super useful, especially for killer ninjas and spies.

Among the other four skills, one of the more curious ones was proficiency in Kryptonian. It lets the user read, write, and speak Kryptonian fluently, which is Superman's native language. Oddly enough, the skill comes from Batman, who learned Kryptonian in Superman's Fortress of Solitude.

Chu Cheng thought, "Well, maybe if I ever host a Kryptonian who doesn't speak human languages—like Superman's cousin, Supergirl—it might come in handy." But for now, it's just a cool way to show off like you're speaking a rare foreign language.

Or maybe I'll find some ruins and leave Kryptonian writing there to freak out the archaeologists at the Secret Service.

Then came the Super Soldier Physique, similar to the Winter Soldier. Not bad at all—four times the normal metabolic rate, the stamina to brush off most gunshot wounds, and incredible healing, kind of like Captain America.

Green Arrow's expertise in archery was no joke. Not the reckless type, but the precision and skill with a bow and arrow. As DC's top archer, Green Arrow wasn't far behind the neighbor's eagle-eyed hero when it came to hitting the mark. A hundred-yard shot was basic for him.

Then there was Daredevil's fighting style. Sure, his boxing skills were good, but after seeing Kassandra's near-perfect combat abilities, those moves felt unnecessary, so he moved on.

Chu Cheng worked on expanding his skillset, moving toward becoming a well-rounded warrior. After that, it was time to draw cards.

He pulled a bunch from the pool each pull full of expection and This time, luck was on his side.

It took him the entire morning just clicking the button for the card draws and watching the flashy animations.

The items and hero from the B-level pool kept coming, like Stark Industries' employee badge, Spider Man's first-date menu, and even a pair of Hulk pants – a different style from before. Chu Cheng couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He hadn't realized Hulk's shorts changed every time he appeared.

Of course, when the fanbase gets big, it's natural that a lot of merch comes with it. But on the bright side, new heroes are also coming in strong.

Deathstroke, a supervillain and super soldier from the DC Universe. He's a tactical genius and professional assassin with a 90% brain development rate, superhuman physical abilities, skills on par with Batman, and extraordinary healing powers, making him one of the most popular super soldiers in DC.

Jessica Jones, a powerhouse hero. She's got super strength and can leap almost like flying, but she's not the most refined fighter. Her top-tier strength makes her a solid frontline brawler, but with Spider-Man on the team, she doesn't feel as essential. He thought about sending her to other cities to help out.

Scarlet Spider, Spider-Man's clone, is basically a copy of the original... Yeah, looks like Chu Cheng really stumbled into Spider-Man's web. This is the third one. But hey, since Spider-Man's clone has top-tier powers, you can send him somewhere else, or roll with the Spider-Man trio to hit enemies three times harder with the expanded team formation.

In the end, what really caught Chu Cheng's eye was the classic hero who's not only popular but also powerful and unique—Wolverine. Labelled as a mutant, an X-Man, and even part of —he's as iconic as it gets.