Chapter 161: Defeated Clones

All the agents, who had been gearing up for a tough battle, found themselves in chaos at this moment.

Just a second ago, they were puzzled by the sudden change in attitude of the black-armored guy they suspected to be the final boss. But in the blink of an eye, it became clear why he looked so terrified, as if he'd seen a ghost.

No, it was even worse than seeing a ghost...

A man and a woman, two skinny chatterboxes, were kicking this poor guy around like a soccer ball. White silk threads crisscrossed the air as they moved, and there was so much energy in their attacks.

These two seemed like perpetual motion machines. They'd been bouncing around in mid-air for what felt like forever, and it seemed like they could keep this up indefinitely.

Spider-Man Duo: We Could Fight Like This All Day

But, of course, that wasn't necessary. Even though they'd proven they could keep this up with an endless combo that left everyone speechless, continuing to do so would only be torture for the player controlling them. Plus, the enemy's health bar clearly couldn't withstand much more.

With every hit, the black armor on Leng Ji's body cracked, spreading more and more fissures with each punch. The armor was slowly peeling away, bit by bit, like the shell of an egg being carefully removed. 

Nobody knew how many hits it took, but the spectators were left dumbfounded. Leng Ji was cracking, and his black shell was finally reaching its breaking point.

Leng Ji had been knocked into the air and slammed back down so many times, he'd lost count. It felt like a powerful gravitational force was pulling him down into an endless abyss, and there was no way he could break free.

Just when he thought this endless nightmare was finally coming to an end, two spider webs shot out and stuck to his body with two sharp snaps. A huge force yanked him into the air again, his battered body like a leaf about to be blown away in a strong wind.

Leng Ji, barely hanging on, forced his eyes open to see flashes of red, blue, and white to his left and right. Spider-Man and Gwen were speeding towards him, each holding a web line in one hand, diving in with identical flying kick stances.

They struck Leng Ji's chest at the exact same moment, their synchronized timing and strength creating a combined force that was almost unstoppable. The impact of their double flying kick shattered what little armor he had left, launching Leng Ji in a slant downwards, sending him crashing into the ground with an earth-shaking bang.

The entire cave shook violently.

Dust and debris rained down, and the tremors caused all the Secret Service agents to lose their footing and stumble to the ground. At the point where Leng Ji landed, a huge crater exploded into the ground. Cracks spread out in all directions like a massive spider web, leaving a silent but unmistakable mark.

Spider-Man and Gwen flipped gracefully through the air, landing in a stylish superhero pose, like the final flourish of a spectacular dance performance.

Feeling the ground tremble as if the cave was about to collapse and seeing the massive crater in front of them, many agents stood in stunned silence, their mouths open as if to speak, but no words came out.

Even if it was a dream, it was probably the most ridiculous dream they'd ever had.

That kind of endless air combo was beyond belief—even if they couldn't wrap their heads around it, let's just pretend Newton turned a blind eye and didn't notice.

But looking at the massive crater in front of them and the swirling dust all over the cave, it was hard to believe this was caused by two people kicking. Can you believe that!?

Yes, everyone saw it with their own eyes. No bombs, no heavy weapons, just pure physical force. Literally kicked.

What kind of logic is that!?

Even Detective Luo, who thought he'd seen it all, was left speechless, mouth hanging open.

He felt like this group of people was determined to speed down the road of unscientific craziness. In the past, no matter how wild things got, there was at least a hint of reason. But what they witnessed today made it seem like everyone had given up even pretending. 

Spider-Man jumped over to Detective Luo Yajun. The other detectives nearby shrank back when they saw him approach, as if they were looking at a monster.

"The one just now was Leng Ji. We think it was the real deal... Ah, but that doesn't matter now. Because everyone who was in there has been taken care of, so no need to worry."

Spider-Man gestured to the open door.

Someone nearby caught onto a small detail.

Wait, everyone in there?

Does that mean there were more enemies inside?

Anyway, all the enemies that needed to be dealt with were defeated, and all the experience points that could be earned were collected. A whole bunch of mass-produced Leng Ji made Chu Cheng a lot of money today, making him feel like this trip was totally worth it.

But after this point, there's no more experience to gain. Operating two Spider-Man doubles at the same time looks cool, but it's a bit costly for players. When he was playing earlier, it felt awesome, but now, after taking a moment to think, it feels kind of pointless.

After a brief explanation to Agent Luo, the two Spider-Men shot out webs and swung away under everyone's silent gaze.

Leng Ji, who had been knocked out of the black substance, was completely naked. The black material peeled off him, turning into fragments that disappeared. Surprisingly, even after taking such a heavy hit, Leng Ji was still alive, which was pretty shocking.

Luckily, after shedding that black substance, he seemed to turn back into a normal person. He was out cold, like a dead pig, no longer a threat.

Then, as everyone walked through the two open doors and entered the inner room, they were stunned once more, disbelief written all over their faces.

When the light illuminated the dark space, the entire room came into view. 

There were countless bodies. Some hung from the ceiling, some were stuck to the pillars, some were embedded in the walls and couldn't be removed, and more were lying on the ground, tangled in huge clusters of spider webs. It looked like garbage piled up, ready to be thrown away.

The agents quickly remembered their terrifying encounter outside the door when they were nearly wiped out by three Leng Ji clones.

Then they looked at Leng Ji, sprawled across the room like trash.

Everyone fell silent for a moment.