looting for a nest.

stiles need something for his nesting box but nothing in the prison seems to be to his liking so when his mate came back he walks over to his mate and kiss him the watch their son play in the rec room as Stiles sat on Daryl's lap the omega was happy that he had had his mate back Ian and lip were in the rec room talking with a few other. when Daryl arrives the female alpha that was gawk at him and it riled stiles up claiming his mate with a kiss and then their cub saw him and ran over scream daddy was home and that made the female upset the smell coming from her was unsweet and it sent most of the omegas whimper. but stiles picks up his son to them with a growl and kiss them both.

Stiles and Daryl had asked to go looting. taking Carl and a few others with them...

The Pack moves quickly, taking out the Walkers. Stiles, Daryl, Jacob, and Carl go through the front door and start clearing the first floor of the house. Carl checks the kitchen while Stiles checks the pantry. The Alpha shines the flashlight on a door inside the small closet and goes to open it, throwing the door open and finding an arrow in his face. Stiles stood on the other side with his Knife level with Daryl's eyes. He lowers it with a chuckle and pulls his Alpha into scent his neck before moving on. Daryl purrs and watches Stiles go into another room, his stomach swollen with their 2nd cubs.

This was the last house in the area, their last stop before they go back to the prison. 2 months pregnant, Jacob follows Stiles upstairs and they hear the others whistle.

Jacob comes down empty-handed but Stiles had an birde he was plucking and sticking the feathers in a pillowcase. No one says anything to him about his obvious nesting instincts, especially when he starts throwing away all the bloody ones.

Daryl pulled his mate to him and kiss his head, Daryl's hand land rest on stiles stomach wanting to feel the baby move. they pulled apart when stiles saw something he wanted. a soft-looking blanket sat in a cabinet stiles walk to it and pulls it from its spot and hands it to his brother who takes it to the car.

something paws at the door. carl open it to see two little puppies and they are instantly made Pookie and patch.

stiles had found his items for his nest and were curled up asleep against Daryl's chest when they pulled up to the cell block they made a home. they claim E for the Daryl and Grimes family...

stiles had walked into his and Daryl's cell and laid his nesting items about before making his way to the rec building, stiles shifting on spot at what he has seen. rick had taken in another stray alpha, and this male alpha had corner his son.

growling he places himself over his son growling and snapping his teeth at this.

"so the breeder showed up." the alpha sneer.

" what you call him" Daryl was piss he had walked in when Stiles place himself between their cub and the new alpha.

"A BREEDER, IT all a male omega is used for... no one can love it" the other alpha said causing a whimper from the omega mouth.

the alpha didn't see it coming, Daryl had the alpha flying outside and was in wolf form attacking the other wolf, Daryl's wolf was a lot bigger and pure black. as teeth and claws sunk to each other, it was Rick that had broken up the fight when Daryl had his teeth around the other alpha's throat and because the other alpha would not submit to Daryl was about to kill him.

" What going on here." Rick's voice boom off the walls.

stiles shift back as he picks up his crying child a bruise and a cut to his cheek... stiles snarl and walks outside. hand his child to his mate he steps into the other alphas face.

" PLACE YOUR HAND OR CLAWS ON MY MATE OR MY SON AND IT WON"T BE DARYL YOUR FIGHTING AND I WILL KILL YOU LIKE THE LAST GUY TO LAY HIS HAND ON ME" stiles growled he was not having it he walked over to his mate and cub.

Rick now sees the bruise on the child's face...


Daryl wraps his arms around hid mate as they walk back to E block and clean their son up and scent... the original member of the pack steps through the door and puppy pile on the Purch around the hurt cub...

when rick come back he had blood on his shirt it smelt of the alpha.. stiles father and got rid of a threat to his pack and family.