tip top shape.

The next few days stiles had to clam down. whenever he looks at the mark that alpha left on his son, stiles was willing to rip his throat out but since he was already dead he settles of the walkers. once his fur was coated red was when he was willing to come back and others that feared him would scatter, trying to put some distance between then and the blood soaks wolf

When stiles got to their Den he sees Ajax in wolf form beside Judith's rusty brown wolf.

Stiles honestly couldn't believe how unlucky he was. His whole life had been a giant heaping pile of crap ever since his mom died, but the last three years had to be the best since the world went to shit.... their cub was laying in between them with his head on stiles stomach listening to the baby's heartbeats when the cub bolted up with a chirp... it was almost like the time ajax kick carl in the face... the omega set to explain that he was being kicked by his little brother or sister.... with a smile Ajax's laid his hand on his mom's stomach waiting to be kicked again... Stiles love that his son and mate was happy for the new arrival...


Stiles the next morning went to Maggie... she was going to do a physical checkup on him and the baby.

As he gets to the area the community uses as an infirmary he sees tara with her new mate... Debbie after she learns she could not get Daryl she went after the female alpha..... tara apparently wanted to have a baby so they two of them want vitamins to help produce a cub...

Stiles wait until the two girls walk away back to their cell... Maggie calls Stiles over to sit on the table...

She pulls out a stethoscope device to listen to Stiles lung and heart before.. listening to the cubs... she looks confused first before shifting the tool around and drawing back to look at the male omega...

" everything is okay... good knew is your puppies are health... I'm gonna give you prenatal vitamins take them we want this pups health."Maggie said, " We got lucky with Ajax being healthy."

Stiles said his gratitude to the alpha before walking outside he was having more then one is what Maggie's said but how many more would he be having... as he walks into the cafeteria he sees many of his packmates sitting there and the one that just wants to live sitting separately...

Stiles walk to the food and place his portion in a bowl before moving to his mate and son as the ate and talk to The others... Stiles sat down and look to his mate and father.

" Dad... Daryl... I'm having more than one pup.." stiles said as he opens the vitamins and takes one out and swallows it..." Maggie said she could hear more the two hearts and she said they sound healthy and I was in top condition"

With that Daryl place, the rest of his portion in stiles bowl and when ajax can't finish the rest of his Darly eats a few more bites for Ajaxs before he placing the rest in his pregnant mate bowl... wanting to make sure his omega and cubs were getting enough to eat...

People from Alexandria would come and go... and people from Arcadia was going back and forth between Alexandria...

Rick and a few others in and outside of the pack created the council... Rick, Daryl, Glenn, and an alpha name Lip and Alpha Female name hannah and an Omega name coral, made up this council... they had a week's long discussion about the prison needing a name... so the came up with Arcadia...

Stiles went to his normal job even though Daryl perfer him to take an easy he walk to the barn and started to feed and look after the horses...

A few months after Arcadia was up and running Rick and Glenn Maggie and a few others were on a run and they came across a farm untouched by walkers yet so the round a herd of horse that was walking in the pastor and they rod three of them back before herding the others to Alexandria... Alexandria had pick out 4 horses. 3 females and 1. Male.

The rest was put in the wall of the prison... Rick and Maggie and beth got to work building a fence attached to the barn they had started to put so when the time came they would have a corral to train them in or let them out of the barn in.. the herd they had consisted of 3 males and 8 females a total of 11 horses...

With the garden and apple and pear trees grown they would have food for them... Daryl would go on horse feed runs finding it in the farm that fell before the first month or in feed stores

... they would even feed them cow feed or chicken feed.. it was long before the group started feeding the chicken and cow they brought to the prison they had there owned little barn with horse and cow and chicken feed even had pigs, goats and sheeps feed sat in it... incase rick or glenn found some sheep or goat still alive... they had not seen any yet. So they slow feed it mixes with apples and gave it to the horses... it later in the year 2 that rick had found pigs and it took him a month to capture them...

Stiles would read a book or tell his cub about the old world went they went to sleep.. he would even take him or run when he was sure he wasn't going to be a pain... he took him to a park he had found one time keep watch as the pup went down the old slide. Once they had returned to Arcadia he had told his father he wants to build a small playground for the cubs...