2 month later.

Rick and Daryl embark on a supply run, which turns into a road trip/buddies...

When Rick slides his CD into the car stereo as they drive away from the safe zone, the song choice seems ironic for Daryl...

Now that the greater Arcadia metro area has been cleared of most walkers, Rick's crew has a rare opportunity to leave the safe zone without the threat of imminent death, at least not of the undead variety. Eugene advises Rick and Daryl to look for sorghum, a "criminally underrated grain ... the envy of all corns." Sure enough, they find a depot filled with the stuff, along with a literal truckload of supplies.

Daryl give Rick a heads up that some dude named Negan might appear to ask who blew his henchmen to pieces? Rick chalking this dumb decision up to the comforts Rick hadn't had since before the world turned. They've got shelter, and the walker-alert level is lower than ever. In a sense, at least for a moment, Rick's as soft as the Alexandrians he despises.

Then this dude come out of nowhere when they arrived at a gase station... Tara and her mate had asked for pop if they ever found it... Jesus. He manages to outwit and outfight both Rick and Daryl, steals their truck, and basically tells Rick to talk to the leather-gloved hand when he tries to give him the Ricktatorship Test. Nevertheless, Daryl really does not like this dude; in fact, he's waffling like a presidential candidate on the bigger issue of trusting other people. Now Rick is the one with the rosy outlook, convinced that their humanity will ultimately save them... Daryl glares dagger at the other alpha...It's hard to blame Daryl for his change of heart, given the way his last two encounters with strangers - Negan's posse and now Jesus .... he had a pregnant mate and a cub and rick wants to bring this alpha into his family when rick ties the alpha up on the side of the road... they get in the truck...

A few miles down the see a ranch and decide to go and check out.. their a Bang from the roof when the the hit a pot whole.

" bitchs is on the roof." Daryl growled out.

Rick slams his foot down on the breaks and watches the alpha fly.

In the end, the supply truck ends up at the bottom of the lake.


When they return to the Arcadia Daryl slams the door closed he hated bring that alpha back to Arcadia where is love ones where... find his mate in the yard he run over to him as Rick dragged the unconscious male into E block where he puts the man in an empty cell.

Daryl pulls his mate to him and breathes him in as he trys and claim hisself down. When his claim he Swing his mate form up into his hand and tells Ajaxs to fine carol or beth... he carrys his mate to the cell they claim... laying down he growls as his mate climb into his lap...

" No. We can't your 5 month pregnant and I will not hurt you or our cubs " the alpha growles...

" how many times do I have to tell you I won't break. Daryl.. yes I'm and omega but I am also a theta."


As the two talk they had no ideal the other alpha was awake now and listening to them talk...

" daddy. .papa" a small voice called out

" in here Ajax " it was Daryl voice that he knew from when he talk to them at the gas station.

" dad how was the run " the pup asks

" it started off great.. then a motherfucker stole from us and we lost the truck to the bottom of a lake." Daryl growled.

" language Daryl, ajax is only 6" the omega said to Daryl.

" I love you both and you father put us at risk with bring that alpha back... like the last time he brought an alpha back Ajax was hit by the full grown male and he was going to. Rap you." Daryl growled.

" and you came in time babe, I'm fine and Ajax's bruise is gone and the cut didn't leave a scar at all..... and our babies I'm carry are okay."

A purr was released from the alpha as he hug him mate...

Juses didn't have a mate...as he sat there he wonder if he should tell this community about Hilltop. They had a doctor that could tell Daryl and his mate what they were having...

"Daryl... its Juses can we talk... not as alpha's but as men... " Juses ask

" not tonight fuckface" Daryl growled at him...

Juses under stood this alpha would not risk his family on a whim of what he said until rick was present.


Juses woken to a little girl no older then 5 at his cell gate.

" who are you." She ask as she study him.

" Paul but my friends call me Juses." He answer her.

" my daddy and uncle Daryl said you stole from them." She ask as she pointed her gun at the alpha.

" Judith..." a male omega step forward. He recognized the voice ask Daryl's mate. " dad didn't bring him here to be killed... and why do you have Carl's gun."

" dad and michonne left carl to watch me and when our brother feel asleep I took it..." the cubs said

" well I'm the oldest out of us three and I want the gun judy.." stiles said as he stuck his hand out.

Judith look at the gun then gave it to her older brother..." if lori was still here your mother would yell at dad if she seen you with a gun."

" but mom's dead... she can't do a damn thing she was no mother to you or carl... she want carl to die when he was shot...."

"How do you know that"

" people talk and beth told me."

Sighing the omega told his sister to go back to bed and push her in the direction of the cell that was hers.

He turn to the alpha.

" if you laid your paws on my brother or sister I cut it off.. if you touch my son and Daryl I'll kill you." The omega growled he turn to head back to his cell when he see Daryl.

Juses just see when the male omega turn the swell in the omegas stomach.

"Hey sorry judith had Carl's gun and was taking to him" the omega said as he point in Juses directions..

" come back to bed stiles... Ajax started to freak when he felt you where gone..." Daryl said eyeing the alpha behind his mate.

Stile walk over and kiss his mate before head to their cell the alpha glance back at Jesus before following.