
Daryl rolled over too see his mate watching him, he smile and watch his mate, stiles walks over to his mate and place his lips on his and then pulls away...

" Rick wants both of us in the meeting room." Stiles says as he picks up their sleeping cub. He heads for coral she was the one he would leave Ajax with...

Walking to his cell daryl was gone so he pulled on Daryl's long sleeve black shirt and head for the meeting room...

Stiles open the door to see a growling Carl and a sneering michonne...

" what the hell I left an hour ago and two start to fight." Stiles tsk as he walk to his mate who just watch the new alpha jesus... " okay we have business to attend to."

With that rick started to remind them about the time alexandria visits about their problems... then he let Jesus talk.

" we have a community called hilltop, I could take you to the community, we have a doctor that can perform a ultrasound... we have blacksmiths... many other things, now i don't want to get on your bad side, but i think we could help each other out "

Stiles sat their listening to his father and mate and little brother and Glenn talk back and forth about their plans to head to this hilltop community... and when it was decide that a team of 6 would be going it was left to decide who else was going... there was Rick, daryl, stiles and Glenn then they would have to choose 2 more...

Rick aloud jesus to move about and told him to kept his paws to himself...

Stiles pulled Carl to the side and told him to watch his gun and their sister better and handed carl his gun back...

Daryl walk to his son and explain the mission him and stiles would be going on and told the cub he was to listen to Carl or Beth or Carol... Rick found his cub and basically told her to listen to Michonne...


Grunting stiles watch as his father and mate pack the RV with the things they would need... he had been told to sit down and look pretty by Daryl...

He was about 9 months pregnant and anyday he would have his Cubs... but Stiles said to Daryl that he would wait until the got back from hilltop to nest in their room... they had started to expand the walls of the prison with the help of Alexandrians building crew... evey one for the Arcadians work in shifting too, only stiles was forced to sit and wait until he pops...

After they expanded the walls they would build houses, for those who wanted private spaces...

Yawning stiles sat at the table with glenn and Maggie... the two found out they were expecting a cub soon...

One the main road a fresh car wreck...

" stop the Rv that our people..." Jesus said...

Rick looks around and pulls to a stop.

" if this is a trick I'll RIP your throat out with my teeth.."

Nodding the alpha told him it wasn't and stiles and Maggie stay near the Rv with instructions to shoot Jesus if no one comes back in the next 60 minutes or less... Stiles waited for his mates return...


Rick look to his group and pointed in the direction the heavy breathing was coming from and they walk deeper into the building, it was dark and the air was moist and the stench of blood scent the air...

pushing himself into a room Daryl came face to face with and beta struggling to fight off a walker, grabbing the walker Daryls pushes his knife into the skull with a sicking slush sound leaving the beta to puke, gafnnsfaroaning Daryl pulled the beta to the group as they advance deeper and the next room had three people and a hurt male beta...

rick pulled the male beta up and help him to the Rv...


growling stiles watch every movement the alpha made...

" if your guys kill my mate, ill kill you slowly so it hurts," Stiles growls...

" Claim yourself, your baby baddy would be right out." Maggie laughs

pacing behind the two others stiles grunts when the cub kick, placing his hand over his stomach.

" Stiles are you okay?" Maggie ask.

" yeah the cub decided it was a great day to play kick the blader." stiles gunts causing maggie to laugh.

" what are you laughing at, soon it would be yours and Glenns cub play kick the blader" stiles smirk as Maggie's face turns red.

the door opening to the building had them turning to the door to see whose group was coming out. when rick leads the small group from it, Some other that stiles did not know follow or in the hurt males case leaned on rick...

loading the group back up the newcomers talk about what happen and also look to Stiles's pack like they would jump at the chance to RIP out their throats...

Stiles grunt as his hand flew to his side was one of the kick hit... Daryl look at stiles before walking to him...

" hey are you, okay babe," Daryl ask as he touches his mates swelled up stomach.

" yeah just the kicking hurts." Stiles smiles and kisses Daryl to make the male stop worrying..." well be okay we'll make it home to our cub and then I will nest and have our second litter"

stiles sigh and laid back to relax, his wolf wanted free of its confinement and he sighs and shifts, his wolf form is massive and he takes up a lot of the room in the RV...


As soon as the Rv pulls up to the hilltop community stiles is the second out and stretches out and look around he tilts his head up at sniff the air, four men on guard, the smell emitting of off of them all said they never have seen a wolf like stiles that they where guy the plain human being with the alpha, beta, and omega dynamics that they had not been given a second form like stiles family...

Daryl steps up beside his mate and runs his fingers through his mates hair, kissing his mate's wolf cheek he walks over to rick, stiles follow behind his mate...