Hilltop.part 2

stiles walk behind his pack as the group came to a stop... stiles watch as spears were pointed at them, Jesus tries to talk them down but the only way it seems that the two packs would not get in unless stiles' pack put down their weapons and even stiles didn't like that ideal he growls and shift and look to his father for the answer. Rick gives the command to their people that they would not be taking their weapon beyond the walls...

there was a collective gasp from the men on the fence about the wolf and it sizes but they said nothing as they open the door to allow the two groups to pass through, a woman leads a cow as chicken ran around, as somewhere working in a small stall, they stop to watch the newcomers pass and gawk at the massive wolf, Daryl's arm was over stiles back showing them not to try anything on his mate.

Stiles licks Daryl's cheek and sat at the end of the group table where the two packs were seated around talking when someone barges through the doors.

" the saviors are back the want to talk to you, Gregory." the man said as he looks to the new pack." and you guys hid in the cellular or they will kill you."

The Saviors demanded that half of their resources will be given to their leader, Negan, for the price of not attacking and destroying Hilltop. Gregory made the deal, but the Saviors killed a teenage boy to make their motives perfectly clear.

stiles would not take it anymore and bust through the cellular doors and try to attack.


Ethan returned from trade for Negan, which resulted in Ethan attempting an assassination on Gregory for Negan. Ethan was then killed by Rick and Jesus defended his actions to the community. Jesus then revealed to the group who Negan was, considering that Daryl had a run-in with the Saviors a few months back. Rick and his group promised they would defeat the Saviors once and for all, and agree to the merger. Maggie then struck a deal with Gregory that they receive half of Hilltop's supplies for the price of protection, Gregory reluctantly agreed. Jesus then returned to the Safe-Zone with Rick's group to help deliver the news to the Arcadians and Alexandrians. stiles are taken to Dr. where he reviews his pregnancy with them. it turns out he was going to have twins...


once they get to Arcadia stiles and Daryl heads straight to their son Ajax is sitting with Judith and are talking stiles set the test the dr. did on him and hug his cub.

smiling stiles kiss is cubs head, when Beth walk over to the paper he set down to inbrace his cub.

Patience name is stiles grimes

Blood type is - O+

rare genetic type is zmeningitis- an antibody that makes the host immune to the zombie bite or viruses

Tested positive for Pregnancy.

Zmeningitis is able to be pass from host to the baby or through blood or sexual activity.

Beth gasp is what caught the small group that has gathered in the cell block to reunite with their loves and cub.

" what is it beth" Maggie Ask

" stiles is immune to the virus, and so is anyone that he shared blood with or fuck." Beth said." even his own cubs are immune."

Daryl is the first to snatch the papers from beth hand and to read them, he looks at his mate and cub, Stiles was stiles confused by this but he got up to look at his test papers.

" How is that possible?" Stiles asks out loud." why did this just come up in the test papers now, back then when I got tested it said nothing about this shit"

" We don't know son but claim down its not safe for the baby if you start to freak out." Rick said, " beside shouldn't you be nesting."

Now that his father said that he knew he should be but he didn't feel like it he just wanted to know why he and his mate and kids were the only ones immune thanks to his blood...

" Fine I'll nest if you go and get tested by the dr." stiles told them as he and Daryl and their cub made it back to the cell they set up for their nesting area. shifting stiles wolf move thing around and coated thing in his scent before laying down.


stiles had not left his nest for a week but he could hear the talk around him, his father had been making plans to take out an outpost of saviors and it was the talk around the compound. Stiles would growl at anyone who was not his mate or son, he did not want anyone around him, Daryl or his Cub would bring him water and food, and sometime they would cuddle with stiles in wolf form.

"It's tonight, rick is taken some hilltop and Alexandrians and some of our people with him," a female voice said as she got closer stiles growls a warning to move away from the cells

he knew Daryl was going on this raid and he knew his mate would be careful because he would want to see his children so Stiles was confident that his mate would make it back.

yawning stiles nose his son who was curled up asleep beside him, smelling his rain and wood and puppy scent, stiles did not care what his cub's second gender was because it was something he and Daryl had made together. Stiles find himself falling asleep.


a few days later

it was dawn when stiles have woken and his wolf still yet to help him deliver the twins and stiles hurt so bad, his mate walks in to see stiles whining, he rushes to his mate and feels his forehead after seeing stiles shift to human form.

" what's wrong stiles " Daryl asks.

" it almost time, but maggies in trouble, she sick her wolf reach out to me, she needs to go to the hilltop."

" Okay... I'll tell rick and you just deliver those cubs" Daryl said

nodding stiles wolf takes over and noses their cub. Daryl takes the cub with him so Stiles can have privacy to give birth...