Hans was smiling manically, his eyes were focused on his right hand, bone sticking out as he looked down at his broken leg, looking around a bead of sweat dripped down the side of his temple, ''you... you asked for this,'', he was currently on top of Larkin at the bottom of the car park crying as blood dripped down his leg... a memory replayed in his mind.
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He had got Larkin to follow him up to the top of the building, 'Larkin might have been strong, but he was a dumbass...' he thought, as he was waiting for Larkin to finally catch up, he breathed and approached the edge of the top floor of the building, he looked down, gulp...
''Hey! Stop running! I just wanna chat-fuck –huff-hughh'' Larkin heaved while he stared at Han with an agonizing face.
''Larkin, if only you had stopped talking shit about my family... I wouldn't have to do this...''
Larkin smiled and started walking forward while cracking his Knuckles,'' Hans you've had this coming for a long time, you should be grateful you're only getting a beating'' said Larkin as he slowly lifted his hand into the air, ''I might not be able to lift you, but I can still choke you!''as Larkin said this Hans began to feel a tickle on his neck, but it swiftly got tighter and tighter,
It was as if he was being choked by nothing, 'arrghh... how could I forget his ability, Psychokinesis, it allows him to control anything under ten kilograms with his mind, and also slightly rrggrhg -influence the thoughts of others... ' thought Hans, he could feel the pressure on his Cart-aroid, I might lose consciousness soon... he slowly started becoming drowsy watching Larkin step closer and closer...
BANG –he was brought back to reality as Larkin punched him in the face ''ARRGHR!'' ''arrghhg'',
''I'm NOT FAT IM BIG BONNED!'' shouted Larkin as he continuously punched Hans repeatedly, but when he looked at Hans face, for whatever reason the large Manic smile he displayed scarred him, 'shit' is the last thought Larkin ever had as Hans used all his strength to grab and pull him off the building with him... and black.
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He opened his eyes again blood and tears mixed dripping onto the ground, 'I'm lucky I survived that fall' he thought as he smiled, what did you say where the chances again system,
[SYSTEM]'about a 70 percent chance, although with great injury's' replied the system in a robotic tone,
Even though he was injured, injuries heal... but he, he now had Larkin's Psychokinesis, you might ask why wasnt Hans freaking out right now, he was using the Psychokinesis ability to alter his emotions, it wasn't so powerful that he didn't feel anything, but it certainly helped him keep a level head.
Hans stretched his arm out into a vertical position and squeezed his fingers,
First his finger started going back into the right place ''CRACK, ARRGHGH!'' as the skin closed shut with Hans eyes now plastered on his broken leg, he breathed ''I... I can do this –I, can do THIS!'' he said as his extended hand flexed inwards violently, ''crrrrrstuck! URURHGH ARRRGHHG!'', the bone sticking out from his leg started to move back to its original position ''NOOO! Please! Please' he whispered as the worst part was over, the skin on his leg was also starting to close, he grabbed a cloth from Larkin's uniform tore them up and wrapped them around the areas of his body that had been broken.
'' Psychokinesis is going to be useful'' he said with a Manic smirk, if you could see him right now You'd notice how he was slumped over smiling, not even registering he had just killed a man. ''he deserved it' thought Hans.
With his healing over and done with, he knew now that the system was real, and decided to check his stats.
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Name: Hans Nova
Age: 14
Core rank: C [F-C] -he got an upgrade from completing the mission.
Level 2
[ Gain enough money to afford the blood of a monster and reach a dark grey tier core.]
Daily mission
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You levelled up +3 to all stats.
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All for one:
when you kill someone, you can take their ability,
You can also give other people abilities and locked
[combine abilities to make new ones]-catch, the catch is your body can't handle any more than an ability for every ten levels you have in constitution, although this can be affected by constitution-based abilities that buff the stat.
[the ability to move objects with your mind up to ten kg, and to be able to a certain extent influence the memories of someone who is weaker than you.]
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''c tier, nice'' Hans smiled, it would take me about 25 days (about 3 and a half weeks) to cultivate to dark grey core, if i use the monster blood, and there are three months till the HAMA[human, Astromite, military, academy] entrance exam, so I need to make money to be able to buy the monster blood then cultivate to grey core before three months while getting stronger and improving my stats'' he had an unreadable look on his face as he was calculating ''doable'' he said as he smiled and stood up, now I just Gotta make sure I don't get done for murdering Larkin...