the homeless man.   

Because Hans levelled up along with his use of psychokinesis to partially heal his wounds and his broken leg, he was doing a lot better. His leg was still broken, though, but the bone was in the right place and the skin had healed.  

'I have to figure out a way to cover up killing Larkin' he said while standing up, -he brushed the dirt's off his uniform. He was still mentally blocking out the fact that he had killed a man, that was how useful psychokinesis was, some say similar mind-altering powers change the user when they're unlocked, 'that's not going to happen to me... I'm not a filthy Astromite, I have a moral compass'... but some things must be done. 


He stretched his fingers, a normal person wouldn't be able to walk after that, but Hans used the psychokinesis to assist his broken leg and to dampen his pain receptors, it still hurt like hell, but he still had one thing to do before he went to hospital that would make sure that he wasn't a suspect for the murder, 


It was pitch black out now since he had been knocked out after the fall for a good few hour 'Sylphara must be worried' [his sister] -He walked for a while until he came across an alleyway near where everything had happened, and he saw a man he was scruffy with black hair and a long hard face, it looked as if he had been through a lot of hardships in his life, 'at least he will have a bed to sleep on and free meals in prison', Hans placed his hand on the homeless man and implanted the memories of him pushing Hans and Larkin off a six-story car park. Hans placed his right hand In front of his face and smiled... he kicked the man, his face deforming into a terrified form ''WHY! WHY DID YOU KILL MY FRIEND!'' shouted Hans, the homeless man looked up at him confused ''wha -what do y'' the man came across the memory of him pushing the boys from the building, he thought Maby he was having a drug induced episode and broke down, he looked at Hans 

''Please! I didn't mean to... I, I don't know how I even did'' the man started bawling his eyes out as Hans walked away. 


He walked and walked until he found a police station, a large building that was in the middle of a roundabout, it was four stories tall made from concrete and had a large neon signpost saying, police station, 'hey system' 

[SYSTEM] 'yes' replied the system, 

'Can I erase my own memories with psychokinesis' 


'This psychokinesis ability is a lot more powerful than I thought, but of course it had to be wasted by the incompetency of Larkin, thankfully it's at full use now 'thought Hans, 

'System I'm going to erase my memories of killing Larkin to make myself more believable to the police, I want you to give my memories back after I'm out of suspect by the police', 

[SYSTEM]'of course'. 

He raised his hand to the sky and tapped his head with his index finger, ''ARRGHGH'' he shouted as he ran into the police station. The inside was quiet, the walls were painted light grey and the floors were white tiles, there was a desk in the middle with two elevators either side and two policemen sitting at the desk, ''HELP ME!–HELP ME!'' he ran up to the desk franticly,  

''some homeless guy pushed me and my friend off a building! PLEAS help! The only reason I'm not dead is that I fell on top of Larkin!'' ''he's dead!... he-hes, dead...'', he was completely drained, and his injuries were finally getting to him,  


''okay calm down, what did the man look like '' 


''can you... call an ambulance'' he said, his vision becoming blurred ''pleas''... 

He blacked out. 

Five days passed by 


The police have apprehended the suspect thought to have murdered and attempted to murder the two students from Umverion private school, it seems that during a drug induced rage he had pushed the two boys from a car park, his name has yet to be released but he is set to appear in trial in the coming months. 


Hans opened his eyes... he was in a hospital room on a blue bed with a tv in the top right corner. 

The TV still playing in the background, he felt some weight on his arm and looked to the left, his sister Sylphara was lying holding his arm, she had dark Burnett hair tied up into a messy bun, with a slim oval face and light sunken purple eyes, complimented by her sleek curved nose, and her snow-white skin... she had a distressed look on her face, almost as if she was sad or having a nightmare, 


Hans thought she was beautiful, the only person that had ever risked their lives for him, and he would never forget it, ''sister''nudge''sister-wake up'', said Hans, 

Sylphara slowly opened her scarlet eyes; they had a lot of will behind them, ''brother!'', she jumped up and rapped her arms around his neck, crying and sniffling... they stayed like that for about five minutes until Sylphara realized and broke away, she now had a slightly annoyed look on her face, as she lightly punched Hans in the arm, 

''I'm... I, I'm -the only one that's allowed to kill you!'' she said while sniffling and looking at Hans, she then smiled and hugged Hans again,  

'of course,' he thought, smiling inwardly 

''it wasn't my fault; I didn't know there was going to be a crazy homeless guy'' said Hans sniffling with a smile on his face, 

''don't get smart with me'' said Sylphara, laughing a little, 

''Honestly Hans, You'd think having no abilities you would have a little more survival instinct'', 

'True he didn't actually have any clear memory of how it went down, Maby, I'm blocking it out' he thought 

''well, I'm not dead am I'' he said sniffling, he let out a chuckle, 

''do I sense your felling up to walking'' said Sylphara with a hopeful look on her face, 


Just then, there was a knock on the door...