the Interview and the daily quest

A man walked into Hans's hospital room, he was extremely tall, around six foot six he had a long face with an extremely relaxed and calm expression, his eyes were purple. 

''My name is Victor, and I'm a private investigator employed by the Larkin family, if you feel up to it, I'd like to ask a few questions please'' 

Sylphara looked at the man, furrowing her brows as her face redden ''can't you see my brother isn't in any state to be taking questions now'' 

'I guess if he's just here to ask some questions it should be fine, I have nothing to hide' thought Hans. 

''sister calm down, I'd rather answer the questions now and get this over with, it's only fair to the Larkin's'' said Hans 

''it really will just be a few questions; the family just want to know clearly what happened so they can have a better case in court'' said the detective 

Sylphara looked at the man and then Hans as her eyebrows relaxed and said ''okay but... -just a few questions, I mean it'' she said, ''ill wait outside'', 

''oh, sister, where were mom and dad'', Sylphara had a downcast look on her face ''they... they couldn't make it, they had a business meeting'' she hugged Hans tightly and walked out of the room, 

'of course they couldn't make it...'thought Hans, 'why would they, they just adopted me for the child benefit, I don't have any abilities so why they would care if I died'', 


[Sylpharas pov] 

Fifteen minutes later,  

The investigator walked out into the hallway and looked at her, he had a questioning look on his face, 

'He looks a bit off', ''so did you figure out what you wanted to know?'' she asked 

He stared at her blankly and then shook his head ''yes -yes, your brother has a mild concussion so he really had very little memory of what happened; however, he could place the homeless man at the scene as the perpetrator'' said the man, 

''well, hopefully they lock that filth away for a long time'' said Sylphara, 

The man nodded and wished her a good day and left, as she watched him walk through the crowded hospital walls, 

'Well thankfully that's done and over with' she thought, 

'I can't believe mom and dad couldn't even bother to come and see their son when he nearly died!' 

'He might be talentless, but he's still family!', 

Memories of the past years of her and Hans played in her mind, and the tears started to flow again, 'he's just a kid, not even fifteen yet and has people trying to murder him' she chuckled dejectedly, 

'Only I...'she cut off that thought and walked back to Hans' hospital room and went to open the door. 


[Hans pov] 

The investigator walked out of the room, if he had turned around to look at Hans' face, he would see a crazed look on it, he was smiling, laughing under his breath, with his eyes focused to the right of his vision. 

 [SYSTEM] 'memories of you murdering the Larkin boy returned', 

 'Wow my plan worked', he thought 'I really thought it was that homeless guy, hmmm, psychokinesis is completely broken, not in a I'm a fucking killing machine sense though' 

He really couldn't keep the grin off his face, but soon calmed himself down. 

Suddenly, a prompt from the system appeared and stated, 

 [SYSTEM]daily quest, run 5k do 200 pushups and 100 sit-ups and 100 squats [reward 12 free stat points and 100 exp], 

 'Oh, wow, a daily quest', he thought, 'this system just keeps getting better and better'. 

  About five hours passed and Hans eventually convinced Sylphara to head home and get some rest, it's important to note that, due to certain people with the ability to heal wounds, and speed up bone growth and recovery, Hans's leg was already healed, he was going to be kept in the hospital for a few more days, so he decided to make the most of them, he got up out of bed and put on some cloths his sister had left for him and left the hospital, he was going to start the daily quest, you know, 


 –'stat points could potentially give me an edge over others with a higher core levels' he thought, and he would take what he could get 

He started running, he was quite frail and short, so he had a lot of trouble completing the 5k, but thankfully  

'Thank god I don't have to run this in a set amount of time', 

 it didn't specify how fast he had to run it, so he just took breaks in between running and after about an hour he finally completed it  

'I don't know how Larkin was so unfit,' heave, heave, 'like I'm unfit, but he was just a whale... plain and simple'. 

Hans checked his mission and sure enough to complete a 5k run had a green check beside it, at this point he was covered in sweat and felt like passing out, but he still had many things to do, 

He done intervals of 25 pushups, 25 sit-ups and 25 squats, it took him about 2 hours to complete and his bones joints and muscles were ake-ing afterwards, 

''arrrghgh' he lay on his bed finally, I'm finished, his chest was vibrating and spasming from being worked so hard, 'I don't really want to do that again' he thought, 'but it has to be done... I can't forget why I'm doing this; I need to get stronger...' 


[mission complete] rewards being given. Plus 12 stat points. 


Hans decided to distribute all the stats equally  


-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- 



Name: Hans Nova 

Age: 14 

Core rank: C [F-C] -he got an upgrade from completing the mission. 

Level 2 





[ Gain enough money to afford the blood of a monster and reach a dark grey tier core.] 


Daily mission 



-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- 

[Daily mission complete] Plus two to all stats  









-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- 





[main abilities would be like telekinesis or Lazer beam eyes.] 

All for one:  

when you kill someone, you can take their ability, 

You can also give other people abilities and locked  

[combine abilities to make new ones]-catch, the catch is your body can't handle any more than 1 ability for every ten levels you have in constitution, although this can be affected by constitution-based abilities that buff the stat. 



[the ability to move objects with your mind up to ten kg, and to be able to a certain extent influence the memories of someone who is weaker than you.] 










-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- 


After distributing the stats, he instantly felt energy coursing through his body, and then pain ''arrgghhg!'' he could feel his muscles reforming and his bones hardening and getting longer, the process finished after about five minutes, ''what the hell, system you have to tell me when you are going to hurt me!'' he was laughing, but he was being dead serious, 

He wasn't mad for long though, he felt completely refreshed now, and he felt stronger, as he stood up, he felt faster and even a bit taller, he walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, he was about a 2cm (about 0.79 in) taller, ''what the hell'', he said 'I guess the charisma stat does this' he pondered, he was still mentally drained and decided to go to sleep, although in farness a lot happier than before...