Chapter 2 The Goddess and Reincarnation

[(From the previous section)

Wait a second. This can't be a hospital. It feels too real. Who is this woman?]

"Who are you? Where am I? What are you going to do to me? What do you want from me?"

The woman appears in front of Kurumi.

"There are many issues, little one."

The woman strokes Kurumi's head.

"Stop treating me like a child! Who are you?"

"But aren't you a child?"

"Just answer my question, who are you?"

"My name is Amaterasu. I am a goddess, and you are very sweet."

The goddess seemed very excited from the outside.

"You've had a rough life, little one. I can send you to heaven. But I have an option for you. You can reincarnate into another world or go to heaven. The choice is yours."

Kurumi looks at her skeptically.

"A goddess? Reincarnation? Why should I believe you?"

A vision appears, showing Kurumi's image in a hospital.

"Look, you're dead. What do you say? Do you accept? If you agree to reincarnate, I will allow you to take one thing with you."

"Will my memories come with me?"

"Of course."

"What can I ask for? And why do you want me to reincarnate so much?"

"Well, the most powerful god got a bit too arrogant. That god is the Dark god. Stronger than us. So, we reincarnate people and they become stronger to help us in our battle."

"So, you'll use me?"

"But your life will be extended."

"I don't know much about the other world. That's why I need someone to help me. Will I be born as a baby?"

"Yes, you will be born as a baby. But you can't take a human or a goddess with you. I suggest you choose a power."

Kurumi thinks.

"If I'm going to have a family, it means there will be someone to guide me. Hmm, I have two requests. My family should be middle class with connections to nobility."

Amaterasu chuckles.

"That's acceptable. What's your other request?"

Kurumi squints her eyes.

"I want high intelligence."

"When you say high, how much?"

"I want at least 340 IQ. This way, my learning level will increase."

Amaterasu chuckles.

"Hmm, agreed. It's a nice deal."

"When will I reincarnate?"

Amaterasu smiles.


"Wait, hold on."

Amaterasu stops the reincarnation spell.

"What happened?"

Kurumi hesitates.

"My appearance."

Amaterasu tries to understand what Kurumi means.

"Keep my appearance the same."

Amaterasu nods.

"You will regain your emotions. Have a good time with your new family."